Mission #13 Personnel Roster



Number of Aircraft Assigned To This Mission: 18
Number of Combat Personnel Assigned To This Mission: 130

Table is sortable by all columns.
Name Position Aircraft Status
Abramowitz, Abraham Bernhard Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29703Completed, Uninjured
Acker, Joel Milton Co-pilot42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Algar, Philip Morris Pilot42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Anderson, Clarence Denton Radio Operator42-29703Completed, Uninjured
Aune, Rudolph (NMI) Tail Gunner42-29703Completed, Uninjured
Baldwin, Pendleton Gaines Navigator42-29703Completed, Uninjured
Bartels, William Gilbert Radio Operator42-29686Completed, Uninjured
Beaupre, Jerome Bernard Radio Operator42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Bigelow, William Horace Pilot42-29686Completed, Uninjured
Bishop, Charles W Pilot42-30196Aborted
Black, David Hall Navigator42-5848Completed, Uninjured
Blauer, John Christian Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29956Completed, Uninjured
Bloesch, Fred Ernest Navigator42-29927Completed, Uninjured
Blossman, Allan Milton Bombardier42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Blount, Wilbourne Earl Navigator42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Boehm, Richard John Radio Operator42-30196Aborted
Bolin, Harold Andrew Navigator42-29985Aborted
Brindley, Louis Delbert Tail Gunner42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Brown, Dewey Carlyle Co-pilot42-29927Completed, Uninjured
Brown, Robert E Bombardier42-29768Completed, Uninjured
Bryant, Arthur Russell Bombardier42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Bucheri, Sebastian (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29956Completed, Uninjured
Carlson, Clyde Pemberton Bombardier42-29699Completed, Uninjured
Celentano, Frank A Navigator42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Cronin, Willard John Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5848Wounded
Des Rochers, John Mowbray Radio Operator42-29927Completed, Uninjured
DeVille, Milton Joseph Engineer/Top Turret42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Doman, Albert Hugh Co-pilot42-29703Completed, Uninjured
Edman, Bruno Edwin Engineer/Top Turret42-30196Aborted
Everson, Charles W Navigator42-29956Completed, Uninjured
Faulkiner, Russel Ruben Co-pilot42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Fields, Leon (NMI) Co-pilot42-29699Completed, Uninjured
Frink, Horace Everett Pilot42-29699Completed, Uninjured
Fulton, George Morton Ball Turret42-29686Completed, Uninjured
Gaither, Raymond A Co-pilot42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Gerow, Francis (NMI) Radio Operator42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Gregori, Raymond Patrick Tail Gunner42-29956Completed, Uninjured
Griffith, Roy Wesley Radio Operator42-29699Completed, Uninjured
Grimaldi, Anthony Joseph Navigator42-30196Aborted
Haley, Bruce Thomas Navigator42-29768Completed, Uninjured
Hamilton, William Lyle Engineer/Top Turret42-29686Completed, Uninjured
Hansen, Melvin Everett Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Harris, George Warren Commander42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Harry, William Russell Pilot42-5848Wounded
Hausenfluck, Jesse Dee Pilot42-29956Completed, Uninjured
Hegstad, Lester Olaf Navigator42-29699Completed, Uninjured
Hill, Richard Corliss Navigator42-29686Completed, Uninjured
Hoffmeyer, William Alfred Co-pilot42-29985Aborted
Hollingsworth, Frank Hoyle Radio Operator42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Holloway, Durwood Harmon Engineer/Top Turret42-29768Completed, Uninjured
Hook, Jack Franklin Tail Gunner42-29927Completed, Uninjured
Hughes, Walden Allan Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Humphrey, Edward James Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30196Aborted
Humphreys, Walter (NMI) Bombardier42-29686Completed, Uninjured
Hunt, George Alfred Ball Turret42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Igou, William Fredrick Tail Gunner42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Jackson, Billy J (IO) Ball Turret42-30065Seriously Wounded
Johnson, Carl Benjamin Ball Turret42-29985Aborted
Johnson, Melvin Henry Engineer/Top Turret42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Jones, Van Green Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Juart, William Woodrow Navigator42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Kalas, Joseph Markus Ball Turret42-30196Aborted
Keck, George B Pilot42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Kelley, John R Radio Operator42-29956Completed, Uninjured
Kelly, James Henry Pilot42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Kendall, George Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29927Completed, Uninjured
Kennedy, Robert J Bombardier42-29956Completed, Uninjured
Ketterman, Harry Kennith Radio Operator42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Kilcourse, John Thomas Engineer/Top Turret42-29956Completed, Uninjured
Killin, Roland Leroy Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Klein, Ellis Hall Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29927Completed, Uninjured
Kosse, Russel Jerome Engineer/Top Turret42-29985Aborted
Lane, Dennis Joseph Ball Turret42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Laviolette, Roland Bernard Engineer/Top Turret42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Lome, Michael (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29686Completed, Uninjured
Long, Vern Porter Engineer/Top Turret42-29927Completed, Uninjured
MacKenzie, Donald B Co-pilot42-29956Completed, Uninjured
Mannka, Charles Pershing Bombardier42-5848Completed, Uninjured
Marshall, Dean William Engineer/Top Turret42-29703Completed, Uninjured
Martin, J D (IO) Tail Gunner42-29985Aborted
Martin, Rudolph Alfred Co-pilot42-29768Completed, Uninjured
Mattoon, William Earl Radio Operator42-29985Aborted
McClanahan, James Clifton Bombardier42-30026Completed, Uninjured
McKay, Kenneth Mitchel Ball Turret42-30026Completed, Uninjured
McKenna, John Conat Ball Turret42-5848Completed, Uninjured
McNutt, Julius Frederick Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29699Completed, Uninjured
Miller, Floyd Oliver Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30196Aborted
Miller, Loring Corwin Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Mizgorski, Aloysius William Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Nealis, Leonard Martin Eugene Engineer/Top Turret42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Nowotny, Walter (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29686Completed, Uninjured
Ott, Robert Edward Ball Turret42-29768Completed, Uninjured
Paduch, Theodore (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Parent, Leroy (NMI) Tail Gunner42-5848Wounded
Parisot, Martin Louis Tail Gunner42-29686Completed, Uninjured
Parks, Howard David Tail Gunner42-30196Aborted
Penick, Eugene Walker Ball Turret42-29927Completed, Uninjured
Perkins, Newell Edward Bombardier42-29985Aborted
Pharr, Keating Sams Tail Gunner42-29768Completed, Uninjured
Pierce, Kermit Aubrey Bombardier42-29703Completed, Uninjured
Pisarski, Joseph Frank Radio Operator42-29768Completed, Uninjured
Price, Earl H (IO) Co-pilot42-29686Completed, Uninjured
Ralston, William Clark Engineer/Top Turret42-29699Completed, Uninjured
Redding, George Thomas Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29703Completed, Uninjured
Reed, Curry Allen Engineer/Top Turret42-5848Wounded
Retherford, Archie (NMI) Tail Gunner42-29699Completed, Uninjured
Rice, Ivan Luther Co-pilot42-5848Wounded
Richey, Charles Virgil Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29985Aborted
Ripley, Seth Thomas Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29768Completed, Uninjured
Ryberg, John Edward Bombardier42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Savage, Clyde Henry Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29699Completed, Uninjured
Schimenek, John Francis Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Scoursi, Spiridon John Navigator42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Shelton, William Abner Ball Turret42-29699Completed, Uninjured
Sierens, Ernest Joseph Pilot42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Simpson, Edward Francis Radio Operator42-5848Completed, Uninjured
Smith, Walter Blaine Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29768Completed, Uninjured
Smith, William James Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29985Aborted
Sprague, Alfred Lee Pilot42-29703Completed, Uninjured
Stearman, Charles Lee Verne Ball Turret42-29703Completed, Uninjured
Stevens, Herman Daniel Bombardier42-29927Completed, Uninjured
Swank, Robert Dale Pilot42-29985Aborted
Taylor, Sidney Paul Tail Gunner42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Traylor, James Audin Ball Turret42-29956Completed, Uninjured
Ulrey, Edgar Ellsworth Co-pilot42-30196Aborted
Wheeler, Tom Brooks Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5848Wounded
Willing, Mark Skinner Pilot42-29768Completed, Uninjured
Wilson, Clayton Russell Pilot42-29927Completed, Uninjured
Yaskow, Peter Thomas Tail Gunner42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Yee, Wilbert Y K Bombardier42-30196Aborted