Membership Form

Membership Application

Membership is for the calendar year.
Annual dues of $25 are to be paid by 1 January.

Select the type of Membership submission to display the form.

Annual Membership dues are $25, payable by January 1st
You may select dues payment method and complete
payment here, or on the following confirmation page.
Please mention that you have submitted your membership information
online, and for which calendar year you are paying dues.

Pay Dues Online Now:
Log in to your PayPal account and submit your dues
payment to Payments@384thBombGroup.com
Be sure to include your name and the dues year.
-   OR   -
Pay Dues By Personal Check:
Make check payable to 384th Bomb Group, Inc.
and send by US Mail to the Group Secretary:
Paul Furiga, Secretary
384th Bomb Group
222 Courtney Place
Wexford, PA 15090-9654
Please mention that you have submitted your
membership information online.