Frink, Horace Everett

Individual Personnel Data
Name Frink, Horace Everett, "Ev"
Rank Second Lieutenant / Major
Serial Number O-736503
Unit Assignments
  • Assigned to the 547th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), per Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho, Special Orders #32 dated 1 February 1943, effective 1 February 1943.
  • Assigned to the 546th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #158, effective 6 August 1944.
  • Assigned to the 547th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #193, effective 30 September 1944.
  • Transferred to a non-384th unit, per 547th Bomb Squadron Morning Report dated 28 November 1944 - 41st Combat Bomb Wing, effective 27 November 1944.
Duty Co-pilot / Commanding Officer
MOS1091 - Pilot, B-17
Last Duty Date 27 November 1944
Results Transferred
Additional Information
  • Date of Birth: 4 October 1918
  • Ordered to travel to London on or about 30 October 1943 for one day of Official Business per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #131 dated 30 October 1943.
  • Promoted to Captain effective 9 November 1943 per 547th Morning Report dated 25 November 1943.
  • Ordered to travel to London for one day for Official Business on 19 December 1943 on SO #170 dated 18 December 1943.
  • Granted an eight day leave of absence effective on or about 17 January 1944 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #9 dated 14 January 1944.
  • Appointed as a member of a Flying Evaluation Board, to meet at the call of the President to act on such cases as might be referred to it by these headquarters (384th Bombardment Group) per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #25 dated 6 February 1944.
  • Promoted to Major effective 28 February 1944 per 547th Bomb Squadron Morning Report dated 4 March 1944.
  • Served as 547th Bomb Squadron Commanding Officer for the periods 1 December 1943-15 May 1944 and 1 October-27 November 1944.
  • After completing 33 combat missions (more than the required 25), Frink returned to the ZI on leave, after which he returned to the 384th and flew 7 more. This happened in the May-June 1944 time period per 547th Bomb Squadron Morning Report dated 17 May 1944. (Ordered on Temporary Duty to 12th RCD, AAF Station Chorley, purpose: '30 days Combat Personnel Rest Policy')
  • Placed on seven days Temporary Duty (TD) to 8th Air Force Rest Home, Stanbridge Earls, AAF Station 503 (a Flak house) om 3 November 1944 to carry out the instructions of the Commanding General per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #214 dated 30 October 1944.
  • Frink was 'appointed to a more responsible position with General Doolittle's Headquarters' at the end of November 1944.
Related Documents Wartime Press Releases (0.763 MB)
Photo Album:Crew Photo Album

Crew Composition When Assigned to the 384th BG
Original 384th Combat Crew
2nd Lt. Pulcipher, Ralph RobertPilotEV
2nd Lt. Frink, Horace Everett, "Ev"Co-pilotTR
2nd Lt. Eudey, William (NMI)NavigatorPOW
Flt. Ofcr. Givens, Paul SteurerBombardierPOW
SGT. Lascu, James, JrRadio Operator / GunnerTR
S/SGT. Dacus, Judson LeroyEngineer / Top Turret GunnerPOW
SGT. McLain, Willard DouglasBall Turret GunnerEV
SGT. Gase, Albert FrancisTail GunnerPOW
S/SGT. Furrey, Thomas Edwin, JrFlexible GunnerPOW
SGT. Hawkins, Joe M, JrFlexible GunnerPOW

Crew History

The Pulcipher Crew joined the 547th BS at Wendover on 1 February 1943. Some time after 11 March, and prior to 17 May 1943, copilot Horace E 'Ev' Frink was given command of the LeFevre Crew, for unknown reasons, and Frink was replaced by Merle Johnson. The resulting crew flew most of its missions together in B-17F 42-5843 SO*S 'BLACK GHOST'.

Missions, Aircraft, Crews
This individual was credited with 40 Combat Missions.
Number Date Target Position Aircraft Mission/Sortie Information
2 25 June 1943 Target: Industrial Area & Submarine Pens
Type: Military
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Pilot 42‑30058 Aborted Mission After Taking Off
Turned back with gyrocompass out and altimeter erratic. Landed away at Bottisham, AAF Station 374.
Sortie Report
4 28 June 1943 Target: Fighter Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Beaumont-le-Roger, France
Pilot 42‑5838 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
5 29 June 1943 Target: duNord Aircraft Works, Villacoublay Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Paris, France
Pilot 42‑5838 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
6 4 July 1943 Target: Gnome et Rhone Aircraft Engine Plant
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Le Mans, France
Pilot 42‑5849 Combat Mission Credit
Ground Spare Aircraft; replaced 42‑5838. Frink had taken off in 838, detected a short circuit that made the aircraft unusable for combat, and landed. It took him 20 minutes from landing to taking off again!
Sortie Report
-- 9 July 1943 None
Non-combat sortie
Pilot 42‑5838 Sortie Report
7 10 July 1943 Target: Drucat Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Abbeville, France
Pilot 42‑5838 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
8 14 July 1943 Target: Villacoublay Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Paris, France
Pilot 42‑5838 Combat Mission Credit
Ground Spare Aircraft; replaced 42‑5848.
Sortie Report
9 24 July 1943 Target: Aluminum & Magnesium Plants
Type: Industry
Location: Herøya, Norway
Pilot 42‑30043 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
11 28 July 1943 Target: Aircraft Engine Plant
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Kassel, Germany
Pilot 42‑29699 Combat Mission Credit
Aborted Mission After Taking Off
High Squadron deputy. Turned back with #2 & #3 engines unable to produce enough power to stay with the formation.
Sortie Report
12 29 July 1943 Target: Naval Base
Type: Military
Location: Kiel, Germany
Pilot 42‑29699 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
13 30 July 1943 Target: Aircraft Assembly Plant
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Kassel, Germany
Pilot 42‑29699 Combat Mission Credit
Landed away at Martlesham Heath, AAF Station 369, on return, reason unknown.
Sortie Report
14 12 August 1943 Target: Synthetic Fuel Hydrogenation Plant
Type: Industry
Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Pilot 42‑29699 Combat Mission Credit
Aborted Mission After Taking Off
Turned back because #1, #3 and #4 oil pressure dropped off between nothing and ten; feathered #1 and #3.
Sortie Report
15 15 August 1943 Target: Poix-en-Picardie and Amiens-Glisy Airfields
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Poix-de-Picardie & Amiens, France
Pilot 42‑5849 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
16 16 August 1943 Target: Le Bourget Airport & Air Depot
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Paris, France
Pilot 42‑30043 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
17 17 August 1943 Target: Ball-Bearing Plant
Type: Bearings Industry
Location: Schweinfurt, Germany
Pilot 42‑29699 Combat Mission Credit
Returned Early
Turned back before target because of trouble with three engines; dropped his bombs on a target of opportunity (TOO), an unidentified fighter airfield.
Sortie Report
18 27 August 1943 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Watten, France
Pilot 42‑5838 Combat Mission Credit
High Squadron deputy.
Sortie Report
19 31 August 1943 Target: Fighter Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Romilly-sur-Seine, France
Pilot 42‑5838 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
20 3 September 1943 Target: Air Park and Aerodrome
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Romilly-sur-Seine, France
Pilot 42‑5838 Combat Mission Credit
Low Squadron lead
Sortie Report
21 6 September 1943 Type: Industry
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Pilot 42‑5838 Combat Mission Credit
Landed away at Hornchurch, Essex, due to low fuel.
Sortie Report
22 7 September 1943 Target: Bruxelles-Evere Airfield/Repair Depot
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Brussels / Bruxelles, Belgium
Pilot 42‑3218 Combat Mission Credit
Group lead.
Sortie Report
23 9 September 1943 Target: Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Lille-Vendeville, France
Pilot 42‑5838 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
24 16 September 1943 Target: Blockade Runner Ship (in Loire River)
Type: Transportation
Location: Nantes, France
Pilot 42‑5838 Combat Mission Credit
Low Squadron lead.
Sortie Report
25 23 September 1943 Target: Submarine Repair Ship
Type: Submarine Facility
Location: Nantes, France
Pilot 42‑5838 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
26 27 September 1943 Target: Port Area
Type: Transportation
Location: Emden, Germany
Pilot 42‑5852 Combat Mission Credit
Group lead.
Sortie Report
28 4 October 1943 Type: Industry
Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Co-pilot 42‑5838 Combat Mission Credit
Group lead.
Sortie Report
31 10 October 1943 Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Münster, Germany
Co-pilot 42‑3441 Combat Mission Credit
Group lead.
Sortie Report
36 16 November 1943 Target: Knaben II Molybdenum Mine
Type: Industry
Location: Knaben, Norway
Pilot 42‑5838 Combat Mission Credit
Division lead. Salvoed bombs near target (faulty bomb release mechanism).
Sortie Report
44 20 December 1943 Target: Port Area/Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Bremen, Germany
Commander 42‑5838 Combat Mission Credit
Capt. Frink lead Squadron leader.
Sortie Report
48 31 December 1943 Target: Blockade Runner 'Orsone' (name of ship)
Type: Transportation
Location: [Mouth of River Garonne], France
Commander 42‑5444 Combat Mission Credit
Group lead, because lead ship had to be replaced; Capt Frink transferred to this ship. Landed away at Kimbolton; bombs returned.
Sortie Report
62 11 February 1944 Target: Propeller Factory (Foundry)
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Commander 42‑31433 Combat Mission Credit
Group lead.
Sortie Report
75 16 March 1944 Target: Aircraft Assembly & Repair Works
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Commander 42‑38208 Combat Mission Credit
Group lead.
Sortie Report
82 26 March 1944 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Le Grismont, Rebecques, France
Commander 42‑31433 Combat Mission Credit
High Squadron lead.
Sortie Report
83 27 March 1944 Target: Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Tours & Chartres, France
Commander 42‑31433 Combat Mission Credit
94 Group Lead.
Sortie Report
87 10 April 1944 Target: Evere Airfield (50°54'3"N 4°20'9"E)
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Brussels / Bruxelles, Belgium
Commander 42‑31433 Combat Mission Credit
Group lead.
Sortie Report
92 20 April 1944 Target: V-Weapon Service Bunker (under construction)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Sottevast, France
Commander 42‑38208 Combat Mission Credit
A Wing, High Group Lead.
Sortie Report
193 12 September 1944 Target: Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Brüx, Czechoslovakia
Commander 42‑102449 Combat Mission Credit
High group lead, 41st CBW A wing
Sortie Report
198 25 September 1944 Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Commander 44‑8047 Combat Mission Credit
B Wing lead. PFF & Gee-H ship, both of which failed prior to target, necessitating having the deputy lead the bomb run.
Sortie Report
201 28 September 1944 Target: Steelworks
Type: Industry
Location: Magdeburg, Germany
Commander 44‑8007 Combat Mission Credit
Wing lead. PFF ship. Landed away in Brussels due to flak damage.
Sortie Report
205 5 October 1944 Type: Industry
Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany
Commander 43‑38016 Combat Mission Credit
Group lead.
Sortie Report
209 11 October 1944 Target: Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Wesseling, Germany
Commander 42‑98027 Combat Mission Credit
Lead PFF Ground Spare Aircraft; replaced 42‑97592. First Squadron lead.
Sortie Report
213 18 October 1944 Target: Ford Motor Works
Type: Industry
Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany
Commander 43‑38262 Combat Mission Credit
Group lead. Gee-H ship. Relinquished lead to deputy on bomb run after Gee-H equipment failed. Force-landed on continent with battle damage and low fuel; abandoned aircraft.
Sortie Report
227 20 November 1944 Target: Buer Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Commander 44‑8008 Combat Mission Credit
PFF ship; C group lead.
Sortie Report

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