Mission #1 Personnel Roster



Number of Aircraft Assigned To This Mission: 22
Number of Combat Personnel Assigned To This Mission: 206

Table is sortable by all columns.
Name Position Aircraft Status
Adams, Howard Johnson Engineer/Top Turret42-30032Completed, Uninjured
Algar, Philip Morris Pilot42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Amory, Edward (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30032Completed, Uninjured
Anderson, Bernard Herman Engineer/Top Turret42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Armstrong, Lloyd Rowland Pilot42-3218Completed, Uninjured
Avey, Howard Francis Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30139Completed, Uninjured
Baggs, Joseph William Bombardier42-5852Completed, Uninjured
Baker, Howard Temple Radio Operator42-30005Completed, Uninjured
Barkley, John William Navigator42-5848Completed, Uninjured
Beaupre, Jerome Bernard Radio Operator42-30033Completed, Uninjured
Belk, Claudius Earle Navigator42-30005Completed, Uninjured
Billingsley, James Rudolph Ball Turret42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Bloesch, Fred Ernest Navigator42-30046Completed, Uninjured
Blount, Wilbourne Earl Navigator42-30033Completed, Uninjured
Bollinger, Ardell Henry Radio Operator42-30032Completed, Uninjured
Bonnett, Charles Daniel Bombardier42-30043Completed, Uninjured
Boomhower, William (NMI) Bombardier42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Bredacs, Alexander Joseph Navigator42-5853KIA
Brown, Dewey Carlyle Co-pilot42-30046Completed, Uninjured
Brown, Lester (NMI) Radio Operator42-30040Completed, Uninjured
Bryant, Arthur Russell Bombardier42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Buckley, Robert H Engineer/Top Turret42-5850Completed, Uninjured
Butler, Johnny Addison Pilot42-5852Completed, Uninjured
Carrington, Richard Thompson Pilot42-3231Completed, Uninjured
Carroll, George Henry Radio Operator42-3218Completed, Uninjured
Casden, Sidney (NMI) Bombardier42-30040Completed, Uninjured
Celentano, Frank A Navigator42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Cocklin, Homer J Engineer/Top Turret42-30143Completed, Uninjured
Conway, Andrew Carr Bombardier42-30005Completed, Uninjured
Cooke, Harold Joseph Tail Gunner42-30076KIA
Counihan, William Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30076POW/Wounded
Cucinotta, Anthony Frank Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30040Completed, Uninjured
Davis, Clyde William Bombardier42-30032Completed, Uninjured
Davis, Preston Allen Radio Operator42-5852Completed, Uninjured
Davis, Smith James Radio Operator42-30143Completed, Uninjured
Des Rochers, John Mowbray Radio Operator42-30046Completed, Uninjured
DeVille, Milton Joseph Engineer/Top Turret42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Dietel, William (NMI) Pilot42-30032Completed, Uninjured
Dillingham, Maurice Stanley Pilot42-5850Completed, Uninjured
Dillon, Warren Blodgett Bombardier42-30139Completed, Uninjured
Disney, Frederick Guilsome Pilot42-5853POW
DiThomas, Daniel Raymond Co-pilot42-5853KIA
Dudek, Sylvester Frederick Tail Gunner42-3218Completed, Uninjured
Dudla, John Richard Tail Gunner42-5848Slightly Wounded
Dudley, John Charles Engineer/Top Turret42-3222Completed, Uninjured
Dunmyer, Lawrence Edwin Ball Turret42-30032Completed, Uninjured
Dutton, Kenneth Cyrus Co-pilot42-30032Completed, Uninjured
Edwards, Floyd Clinton Pilot42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Estes, Lloyd Stack Engineer/Top Turret42-3218Completed, Uninjured
Evans, George Waldo Co-pilot42-30040Completed, Uninjured
Everson, Charles W Navigator42-29956Scrubbed
Farwell, Francis Raymond Bombardier42-30143Completed, Uninjured
Faulkiner, Russel Ruben Co-pilot42-30033Completed, Uninjured
Fink, Leonard Jay Navigator42-30040Completed, Uninjured
Fletter, Homer Thomas Radio Operator42-3222Completed, Uninjured
Foister, James Homer Navigator42-30043Completed, Uninjured
Freeman, Willard Edward Ball Turret42-30139Completed, Uninjured
Funk, Herbert Wilbur Navigator42-30032Completed, Uninjured
Gaither, Raymond A Co-pilot42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Galloway, Maryville Ray Radio Operator42-5853KIA
Garcia, Edward Jiminez Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3222Completed, Uninjured
Gerow, Francis (NMI) Radio Operator42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Goldman, Robert Phillip Radio Operator42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Gordy, Paul Pate Co-pilot42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Goulder, Edmund Samuel Co-pilot42-5848Completed, Uninjured
Grandpre, Richard Elias Navigator42-30076POW
Griffith, Roy Wesley Radio Operator42-30043Completed, Uninjured
Hall, Ralph Jackson Pilot42-30143Completed, Uninjured
Hammond, Harold Franklin Engineer/Top Turret42-5853KIA
Hankinson, Gordon Joshua Co-pilot42-30043Completed, Uninjured
Hausenfluck, Jesse Dee Pilot42-29956Scrubbed
Hawkins, Joe M Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5848Completed, Uninjured
Hay, Thomas (NMI) Tail Gunner42-3222Completed, Uninjured
Hegstad, Lester Olaf Navigator42-5850Completed, Uninjured
Hemmick, Ralph Eugene Ball Turret42-30005Completed, Uninjured
Henderson, Lykes Shelton Pilot42-30005Completed, Uninjured
Henley, R O (IO) Navigator42-30139Completed, Uninjured
Hollingsworth, Frank Hoyle Radio Operator42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Hood, Emmett Alexander Engineer/Top Turret42-5848Completed, Uninjured
Hook, Jack Franklin Tail Gunner42-30046Completed, Uninjured
Houghton, John Henry Ball Turret42-30040Completed, Uninjured
House, Rodney Walter Co-pilot42-30143Completed, Uninjured
Hughes, Walden Allan Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Igou, William Fredrick Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5850Completed, Uninjured
Irwin, Donald Jesse Navigator42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Jackson, Billy J (IO) Ball Turret42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Janson, Robert Matthew Navigator42-30143Completed, Uninjured
Jones, Lynn Tilton Ball Turret42-5850Completed, Uninjured
Juart, William Woodrow Navigator42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Jumper, George William Radio Operator42-30139Completed, Uninjured
Kain, Bernard Meyer Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5848Completed, Uninjured
Keck, George B Pilot42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Kelly, James Henry Pilot42-30033Completed, Uninjured
Kelly, Victor Thomas Bombardier42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Kendall, George Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30046Completed, Uninjured
Kennedy, Robert J Bombardier42-29956Scrubbed
Ketelsen, Raymond Paul Co-pilot42-3231Completed, Uninjured
Kilb, Joseph James Tail Gunner42-5853POW
Killin, Roland Leroy Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30033Completed, Uninjured
Kinney, William Brownie Bombardier42-3218Completed, Uninjured
Klein, Ellis Hall Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30046Completed, Uninjured
Knowling, Edward Johnson Navigator42-5852Completed, Uninjured
Knutson, James Leonard Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5853POW
Koenig, Robert Martin Navigator42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Konefal, Adam (NMI) Bombardier42-3222Completed, Uninjured
Kuberski, John Harry Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30040Completed, Uninjured
Lally, Joseph Aloyious Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30005Completed, Uninjured
Lane, Dennis Joseph Ball Turret42-30033Completed, Uninjured
Laviolette, Roland Bernard Engineer/Top Turret42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Lavoie, Ralph Edmund Tail Gunner42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Lewis, Lee (NMI) Tail Gunner42-30040Completed, Uninjured
Linehan, Robert Earl Ball Turret42-5853KIA
Long, Vern Porter Engineer/Top Turret42-30046Completed, Uninjured
MacArthur, Stanley William Tail Gunner42-5850Completed, Uninjured
MacKenzie, Donald B Co-pilot42-29956Scrubbed
Majewski, Casmer Robert Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Manning, Raymond Walter Co-pilot42-30139Completed, Uninjured
Martin, Burnia ((NMI) Tail Gunner42-5852Completed, Uninjured
Martin, Stanley Schoffield Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Martin, Wyman D Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30032Completed, Uninjured
Martin-Vegue, James Raymond Navigator42-3231Completed, Uninjured
Mason, Jack Leonard (#1) Tail Gunner42-30032Completed, Uninjured
Mason, Jack Leslie (#2) Ball Turret42-3218Completed, Uninjured
Masterson, Otho Edward Engineer/Top Turret42-30040Completed, Uninjured
Mattes, Frank George Pilot42-3222Completed, Uninjured
May, Herbert Ethred Ball Turret42-30046Completed, Uninjured
McClanahan, James Clifton Bombardier42-30026Completed, Uninjured
McCray, Richard Joseph Co-pilot42-5849Completed, Uninjured
McKay, Kenneth Mitchel Ball Turret42-30026Completed, Uninjured
McKeon, James William Ball Turret42-5848Slightly Wounded
McMillin, Selden Longley Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30043Completed, Uninjured
McNeal, Paul Ernest Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30143Completed, Uninjured
McNutt, Julius Frederick Tail Gunner42-30043Completed, Uninjured
Meyer, Alfred (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Meyers, Francis Joseph Bombardier42-5850Completed, Uninjured
Miller, Loring Corwin Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Miller, Walter Amos Engineer/Top Turret42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Mizgorski, Aloysius William Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30033Completed, Uninjured
Murray, James Raymond Radio Operator42-5848Completed, Uninjured
Nealis, Leonard Martin Eugene Engineer/Top Turret42-30033Completed, Uninjured
Nelson, Bernarr Houghton Bombardier42-5853MIA
Ogilvie, Donald Potter Pilot42-5848Completed, Uninjured
Olbinski, Robert James Pilot42-30076POW
Ordaz, Armando Noriega Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5852Completed, Uninjured
Overbaugh, Paul Leon Engineer/Top Turret42-30139Completed, Uninjured
Paduch, Theodore (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Parkins, Walter Carl Tail Gunner42-3231Completed, Uninjured
Parrish, James Stanley Tail Gunner42-30143Completed, Uninjured
Peaslee, Budd John Commander42-30043Completed, Uninjured
Penney, Freeman Seth Radio Operator42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Perrotti, Salvatore John Radio Operator42-3231Completed, Uninjured
Pratt, David Allan Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5850Completed, Uninjured
Price, John Maxon Tail Gunner42-30005Seriously Wounded
Quaranta, Robert John Tail Gunner42-30139Completed, Uninjured
Ralston, William Clark Engineer/Top Turret42-30043Completed, Uninjured
Ratkiewicz, Louis Lawrence Tail Gunner42-3216Frostbite
Reed, Oliver Eugene Radio Operator42-30076POW
Reichwein, John Joseph Radio Operator42-5850Completed, Uninjured
Reiss, Alfred (NMI) Tail Gunner42-30065Completed, Uninjured
Renfro, Alvin Everette Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3218Completed, Uninjured
Rhodes, James C Ball Turret42-3222Completed, Uninjured
Riches, George William Pilot42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Roberts, James Richard Pilot42-30139Completed, Uninjured
Rogers, Marion Coleman Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5852Completed, Uninjured
Rosio, Joseph (NMI) Pilot42-30040Completed, Uninjured
Ryberg, John Edward Bombardier42-30033Completed, Uninjured
Savage, Clyde Henry Ball Turret42-30043Completed, Uninjured
Schimenek, John Francis Tail Gunner42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Schmidlapp, Phillip Elbert Engineer/Top Turret42-3231Completed, Uninjured
Scholand, Joseph Anton Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3231Completed, Uninjured
Schultz, Ivon J Engineer/Top Turret42-30005Completed, Uninjured
Shelton, William Abner Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30043Completed, Uninjured
Shinsky, Paul Francis Co-pilot42-30005Completed, Uninjured
Smalley, Win Richard Ball Turret42-3231Completed, Uninjured
Smiley, Reamond Cook Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30143Completed, Uninjured
Smith, George H (IO) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30005Completed, Uninjured
Smith, Guy Edwin Ball Turret42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Smith, James William Co-pilot42-5850Completed, Uninjured
Smithwick, Michael Hayes Bombardier42-3231Completed, Uninjured
Stevens, Herman Daniel Bombardier42-30046Completed, Uninjured
Stewart, Clarence Melvin Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5853KIA
Swift, Harry R Co-pilot42-30076POW
Tate, Charles Forest Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3216Completed, Uninjured
Thompson, Arthur John Co-pilot42-3222Completed, Uninjured
Thompson, John Paul Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3222Completed, Uninjured
Thurman, Fillman Clifton Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3218Completed, Uninjured
Trickett, Ernest Milton Engineer/Top Turret42-30076KIA
Turlington, Howard Joe Engineer/Top Turret42-5852Completed, Uninjured
Turner, Douglas Haig Bombardier42-30076KIA
Valcour, Albert Roland Ball Turret42-30143Completed, Uninjured
Van der Haeghen, Joseph Albert Co-pilot42-3218Completed, Uninjured
Waller, William Theodore Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5849Completed, Uninjured
Warrilow, David Paul Navigator42-3218Completed, Uninjured
Waterman, George W Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30076KIA
Wentworth, Wayne L Navigator42-3222Completed, Uninjured
Werbanec, George Frank Ball Turret42-30076POW
Williams, Joseph P (IO) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30139Completed, Uninjured
Wilmot, David Barr Navigator42-30043Completed, Uninjured
Wilson, Clayton Russell Pilot42-30046Completed, Uninjured
Wilson, William Hollis Bombardier42-5848Completed, Uninjured
Wingate, Floyd Montell Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3231Completed, Uninjured
Witt, Francis John Pilot42-3317Scrubbed
Wolf, Richard Vance Co-pilot42-30026Completed, Uninjured
Wollenweber, Herman Co-pilot42-5852Completed, Uninjured
Wolven, William David Ball Turret42-5852Completed, Uninjured
Yaskow, Peter Thomas Tail Gunner42-30033Completed, Uninjured