Mission #86 Personnel Roster



Number of Aircraft Assigned To This Mission: 40
Number of Combat Personnel Assigned To This Mission: 361

Table is sortable by all columns.
Name Position Aircraft Status
Ackerson, Donald Richard Bombardier42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Alfter, Glen Edward Tail Gunner42-37816Completed, Uninjured
Allen, George William Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37816Completed, Uninjured
Allen, John Rutland Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Allio, Orion Randolph Co-pilot42-31495Completed, Uninjured
Allison, Earl Thomas Co-pilot42-31364Completed, Uninjured
Alloway, Ralph Hugh Co-pilot42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Altendorf, Elroy Andrew Engineer/Top Turret42-97150Completed, Uninjured
Anderson, Charles LeRoy Radio Operator42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Anthes, Calvin Leroy Bombardier42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Aplin, William Carlton Ball Turret42-107083Aborted
Arnold, Walter Howard Ball Turret42-31495Completed, Uninjured
Aronson, Isadore Irving Ball Turret42-31375Completed, Uninjured
Artessa, Carmen Alex Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97142Aborted
Ashman, Harold Eugene Navigator42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Avilez, George (NMI) Ball Turret42-107058Aborted
Bagosy, Paul Martin Tail Gunner42-107083Aborted
Bailey, Henry Godard Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37758Aborted
Bailey, William Eugene Navigator42-31222Aborted
Baker, Earl Shelton Togglier42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Barad, Robert Leo Pilot42-37758Aborted
Barber, Ruffin Frank Navigator42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Barnes, Francis Eugene Radio Operator42-31211Aborted
Barrett, Richard Jennings Togglier42-97124Aborted
Barto, Louis Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-38158Aborted
Barton, John Isaac Bombardier42-38208Completed, Uninjured
Bazhaw, Elbert Lee Engineer/Top Turret42-38158Aborted
Beaugh, George (NMI) Engineer/Top Turret42-31211Aborted
Bechtel, Robert William Ball Turret42-37816Completed, Uninjured
Bendon, Louis Anger Co-pilot42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Benker, Patrick Dennis Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31740POW
Bennett, Dewayne (NMI) Co-pilot42-97124Aborted
Bennett, Phillip Nathan Pilot42-38208Completed, Uninjured
Berbrich, John Martin Pilot42-31222Aborted
Betolatti, John (NMI) Bombardier42-37816Completed, Uninjured
Biederman, Harold Leroy Engineer/Top Turret42-31495Completed, Uninjured
Bier, Irvin Louis Radio Operator42-31235Completed, Uninjured
Birch, Frank Austin Engineer/Top Turret42-39888Completed, Uninjured
Birnbaum, Lester (NMI) Engineer/Top Turret42-31222Aborted
Blackburn, Rexford Maynard Bombardier42-97142Aborted
Blocksidge, Charles Russell Radio Operator42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Bonanza, John Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31495Completed, Uninjured
Booska, Maurice Arthur Pilot42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Bouvier, James Andrew Co-pilot42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Bowles, Charles Percy Radio Operator42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Boydston, Elmer Dean Tail Gunner42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Brady, Lloyd George Ball Turret42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Bratko, John (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Breen, John Francis Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31346Completed, Uninjured
Brennan, William Martin Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97228Completed, Uninjured
Briley, Scott Andrew Pilot42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Brown, James Jefferson Navigator42-31346Completed, Uninjured
Broyhill, Virgil Ray Co-pilot42-37789Completed, Uninjured
Buchner, Frank James Tail Gunner42-31346Completed, Uninjured
Budassi, Remo Guido Tail Gunner42-97201Aborted
Burch, Hugh Ralph Pilot42-97124Aborted
Burcham, Eugene Emmons Bombardier42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Burton, Stanley Charles Radio Operator42-107058Aborted
Bush, Sidney Lewis Co-pilot42-38112Aborted
Butler, Robert Andrew Co-pilot42-97228Completed, Uninjured
Cahill, William Lawrence Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37758Aborted
Cameron, Francis Raymond Ball Turret42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Capps, Milburn Perry Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97124Aborted
Carini, Louis Peter Navigator42-37816Completed, Uninjured
Carvell, John Patrick Ball Turret42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Casey, Robert Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97251Aborted
Castleman, Milton Eugene Co-pilot42-97231Completed, Uninjured
Cates, Clay Franklin Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97136Completed, Uninjured
Chapin, Robert Charles Navigator42-38014Completed, Uninjured
Chernack, Abe (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31346Completed, Uninjured
Chouinard, Garnet (NMI) Ball Turret42-97201Aborted
Cicci, Joseph Leonard Radio Operator42-107083Aborted
Cittadini, Joseph Lloyd George Navigator42-31364Completed, Uninjured
Clark, Alfred Albert Tail Gunner42-31495Completed, Uninjured
Clayton, John Earl Pilot42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Cleland, Deston Kenneth Tail Gunner42-97136Completed, Uninjured
Clements, William Arlie Engineer/Top Turret42-31364Completed, Uninjured
Cochran, Thomas Tidwell Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-39888Completed, Uninjured
Colarusso, Alfred James Navigator42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Cole, Howard Woodrow Pilot42-97142Aborted
Collins, Bernard John Navigator42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Connelly, Gordon Raker Ball Turret42-38158Aborted
Connolly, William Edward Ball Turret42-97251Aborted
Connors, Albert William Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-38014Completed, Uninjured
Consoli, Vincent Sam Tail Gunner42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Copeland, Carter Glenn Navigator42-97124Aborted
Corbett, Thomas Walter Radio Operator42-39888Completed, Uninjured
Corcoran, John Joseph Pilot42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Corfield, Robert Milton Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-39888Completed, Uninjured
Corpening, Robert Clark Togglier42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Courtemanche, Ralph Eudor Pilot42-31375Completed, Uninjured
Couture, Clement Adrian Ball Turret42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Cox, John Stewart Ball Turret42-97150Completed, Uninjured
Credidio, Anthony Joseph Bombardier42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Crippen, Creig B Engineer/Top Turret42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Crown, Richard Keith Bombardier42-38014Completed, Uninjured
Cruise, James Henry Engineer/Top Turret42-97201Aborted
Dahms, Rex John Radio Operator42-97124Aborted
Dailey, Donald William Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97231Completed, Uninjured
Davis, Hubert Miles Tail Gunner42-107058Aborted
Decker, Charles Edgar Pilot42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Dennison, James Edward Ball Turret42-38014Completed, Uninjured
Dent, James Edgar Co-pilot42-97477Completed, Uninjured
Deutsch, Samuel (NMI) Engineer/Top Turret42-37816Completed, Uninjured
DeWitt, Robert Courtney Navigator42-97136Completed, Uninjured
Dolson, Henry James Navigator42-97251Aborted
Doran, Francis Patrick Radio Operator42-37758Aborted
Dotherow, Ed (NMI) Bombardier42-97201Aborted
Douglas, James Clifton Ball Turret42-97124Aborted
Drogue, Arthur Joseph Navigator42-31364Completed, Uninjured
Duddy, Martin Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Duffy, John H Co-pilot42-39888Completed, Uninjured
Duncan, Sam Park Engineer/Top Turret42-37789Completed, Uninjured
Eakins, Robert Nathanial Co-pilot42-31346Completed, Uninjured
Earle, Guy Harmon Navigator42-37789Completed, Uninjured
Edwards, William Leroy Tail Gunner42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Ellis, Edwin Robert Radio Operator42-97142Aborted
Emmons, James Vincent Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97124Aborted
Eyre, Charles Harris Ball Turret42-38112Aborted
Farrow, Thomas Chapell Engineer/Top Turret42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Farthing, Frank (NMI) Pilot42-37789Completed, Uninjured
Faux, Roy Sherman Engineer/Top Turret42-31346Completed, Uninjured
Fazio, Vincent Joseph Navigator42-31211Aborted
Felicetti, Frank Dominick Tail Gunner42-97150Completed, Uninjured
Ferazzi, Gabriel Ernest Bombardier42-39888Completed, Uninjured
Figley, Wilbert Guy Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Fioretti, Edward Anthony Pilot42-38112Aborted
Fisk, Lloyd Glen Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-107083Aborted
Fitzsimmons, Willis Ray Navigator42-97142Aborted
Fless, Gustave (NMI) Radio Operator42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Foster, James Everett Pilot42-39888Completed, Uninjured
Frazier, Ernest Leo Radio Operator42-31346Completed, Uninjured
Fulkerson, Edwin Pierce Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97477Completed, Uninjured
Gadd, Elliott Leroy Co-pilot42-31740POW
Gardner, Sam (NMI) Navigator42-31235Completed, Uninjured
Garrett, James Patrick Bombardier42-31222Aborted
Gatzman, Ralph Lee Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37816Completed, Uninjured
Gekakis, Anthony Pilot42-97251Aborted
Geronemo, James Anthony Engineer/Top Turret42-31375Completed, Uninjured
Getty, Darrell Clark Bombardier42-97477Completed, Uninjured
Golka, Larry John Tail Gunner42-38208Completed, Uninjured
Goller, Theodore (NMI) Pilot42-31235Completed, Uninjured
Gowder, Charles Fred Pilot42-31211Aborted
Graeb, William Louis Tail Gunner42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Grauer, James Edward Togglier42-31495Completed, Uninjured
Gray, Kenneth D (IO) Radio Operator42-97150Completed, Uninjured
Greene, Frank Palmer Tail Gunner42-31222Aborted
Griffith, Leonard Raymond Bombardier42-38112Aborted
Grilli, Eugene Philip Bombardier42-37789Completed, Uninjured
Grimmett, James Harold Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31364Completed, Uninjured
Gustafson, Claus Norman Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97150Completed, Uninjured
Hachmann, Vincent Carl Ball Turret42-31346Completed, Uninjured
Hailey, Harold Charles Engineer/Top Turret42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Hall, Barney Marcus Co-pilot42-31235Completed, Uninjured
Hall, Lawrence Marion Tail Gunner42-31235Completed, Uninjured
Hamm, Morton Washington Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31740POW
Haning, John Milton Co-pilot42-107058Aborted
Hansen, Svend Edward Engineer/Top Turret42-107083Aborted
Harris, George Warren Commander42-38014Completed, Uninjured
Hart, George Thurman Ball Turret42-97142Aborted
Hartline, Cleo Julius Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97228Completed, Uninjured
Hartness, Joseph George Co-pilot42-31375Completed, Uninjured
Hartranft, Landis Grant Tail Gunner42-97142Aborted
Hawkins, Charles Joseph Radio Operator42-31740POW
Heffley, Farris Ormond Pilot42-37816Completed, Uninjured
Heim, Gerard Anthony Co-pilot42-37758Aborted
Helmley, Loyd Elmer Pilot42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Hertel, Wallace Howard Bombardier42-31346Completed, Uninjured
Higgins, Robert Stephen Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31211Aborted
Hill, Edward Theodore Radio Operator42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Hitchcock, Carl Edwin Radio Operator42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Hock, Robert Edward Navigator42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Holland, Edward James Tail Gunner42-97228Completed, Uninjured
Hollar, Troy (NMI) Engineer/Top Turret42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Horton, Lloyd (NMI) Pilot42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Hoskins, Herman (NMI) Ball Turret42-97228Completed, Uninjured
Hosmer, Richard Clyde Tail Gunner42-31375Completed, Uninjured
Hougard, Kenneth Nels Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31364Completed, Uninjured
House, Harland Francis Radio Operator42-38208Completed, Uninjured
Houston, Samuel Vance Ball Turret42-31235Completed, Uninjured
Howell, Roy Foster Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31235Completed, Uninjured
Hubbard, Warren Emmett Tail Gunner42-97231Completed, Uninjured
Hughes, Richard Bland Ball Turret42-38208Completed, Uninjured
Hunt, Leo Albert Engineer/Top Turret42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Iverson, Bennie Franklin Togglier42-31211Aborted
Jackson, William McClean Navigator42-107083Aborted
Jackson, Winthrop Alsop Co-pilot42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Jakway, James Allen Engineer/Top Turret42-97136Completed, Uninjured
Jarvis, Francis Harrison Engineer/Top Turret42-97124Aborted
Johnson, Charles William Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Johnson, William T Pilot42-31346Completed, Uninjured
Jorgenson, Henry (NMI) Pilot42-31495Completed, Uninjured
June, Glenn Joseph Pilot42-107083Aborted
Kanclewski, Edwin Joseph Theodore Tail Gunner42-37758Aborted
Kantor, Morris (NMI) Navigator42-97228Completed, Uninjured
Karcher, Norbert Raymond Tail Gunner42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Kasmerski, Stephen James Bombardier42-37758Aborted
Kaufman, Vernon Herman Ball Turret42-31364Completed, Uninjured
Kelly, John Thomas Pilot42-97201Aborted
Kelsay, Omar Frank Co-pilot42-38158Aborted
Kemak, Andrew Steven Ball Turret42-37758Aborted
Kerr, Robert Eugene Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-38112Aborted
Knapp, Paul Bernard Pilot42-97136Completed, Uninjured
Kobes, Eugene Paul Navigator42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Kolassa, Edward Leonard Engineer/Top Turret42-38014Completed, Uninjured
Koscheski, Clyde Anderson Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Kranick, Martin Everett Navigator42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Krizner, Albert Patrick Tail Gunner42-97477Completed, Uninjured
LaBelle, Joseph Adrian Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37792Completed, Uninjured
LaSalle, Angelo Aloysius Togglier42-97136Completed, Uninjured
Laubenstein, William Frederick Radio Operator42-31364Completed, Uninjured
Lavin, James Robert Pilot42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Leber, Richard Edward Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31211Aborted
LeConey, Howard Rudolph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97477Completed, Uninjured
Leigh, James Carl Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97231Completed, Uninjured
Leonard, Frank Valentine Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Lewandowski, Thomas Michael Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Long, Thomas Nelson Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97142Aborted
Loomis, Dorman George Ball Turret42-97231Completed, Uninjured
Lynch, John Daniel Bombardier42-97150Completed, Uninjured
Maahs, Robert Edward Co-pilot42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Mabe, Walter Breeden Co-pilot42-37816Completed, Uninjured
MacKichan, William Graham Co-pilot42-97150Completed, Uninjured
Madera, Alfred (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97201Aborted
Malone, James Woodie Tail Gunner42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Marshall, William (NMI) Radio Operator42-97228Completed, Uninjured
Marz, Raymond Richard Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Mason, Covert Nathan Ball Turret42-97136Completed, Uninjured
Massengale, Arnold Lee Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37789Completed, Uninjured
Matican, Sigmund Sidney Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97136Completed, Uninjured
Matthijetz, Carl Walter Tail Gunner42-39888Completed, Uninjured
Mazzaccaro, Augustine Frank Engineer/Top Turret42-97228Completed, Uninjured
McCafferty, John Andrew Navigator42-97231Completed, Uninjured
McDonald, Edward William Tail Gunner42-97251Aborted
McGinnis, Roy (NMI) Bombardier42-107083Aborted
McIntosh, Gordon William Ball Turret42-31222Aborted
McKeon, Francis Peter Engineer/Top Turret42-97142Aborted
McLain, James Wallace Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Melsen, Howard Carl Co-pilot42-107083Aborted
Merlo, Samuel Joseph Navigator42-38112Aborted
Messer, Joseph Louis Navigator42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Miller, Max Jean Pilot42-97477Completed, Uninjured
Mitchell, Charles Floyd Tail Gunner42-31740POW/Wounded
Mittendorf, Ehrhard (NMI) Navigator42-31740POW
Mock, Melvin Bert Tail Gunner42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Monfort, Robert Hugh Navigator42-38208Completed, Uninjured
Montz, Nemours Albert Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-38014Completed, Uninjured
Moore, Howard Milton Radio Operator42-31222Aborted
Morris, Edward John Engineer/Top Turret42-37758Aborted
Morris, Richard William Bombardier42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Morton, Cecil Gordon Radio Operator42-38112Aborted
Murphy, David Williams Bombardier42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Nagel, Jack Cameron Bombardier42-31364Completed, Uninjured
Nichols, Melvin Allen Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97150Completed, Uninjured
Niday, Raymond (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-107058Aborted
Nutt, Oliver Wayne Tail Gunner42-38112Aborted
O'Cain, Billy Eklund Engineer/Top Turret42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Olstad, Kermit Iver Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Ordaz, Armando Noriega Ball Turret42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Orth, Jay Shaffer Engineer/Top Turret42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Outen, Charles Levi Pilot42-38158Aborted
Overcash, Jimmy Lee Ball Turret42-39888Completed, Uninjured
Owens, John Ralph Radio Operator42-31495Completed, Uninjured
Oyler, Ernest Renwick Navigator42-31495Completed, Uninjured
Parisette, Donald Frederick Navigator42-31375Completed, Uninjured
Parsons, Lawrence Lincoln Tail Gunner42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Pavlisko, John Arthur Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31222Aborted
Pederson, Floyd Roy Bombardier42-97231Completed, Uninjured
Pelkey, Arthur Symonds Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Peloke, Dale Dean Tail Gunner42-38014Completed, Uninjured
Perrone, Michael J Radio Operator42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Philippi, Norbert Francis Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Piemonte, Guiseppe Mario Ball Turret42-37789Completed, Uninjured
Pizzi, Frank Benjamin Radio Operator42-37789Completed, Uninjured
Pond, Jesse Elmore Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Poole, George Irvin Pilot42-97228Completed, Uninjured
Price, Edward Lyle Radio Operator42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Pulliam, Lyle James Co-pilot42-97136Completed, Uninjured
Purdy, Alan Bradford Radio Operator42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Rabby, Carlos James Co-pilot42-31222Aborted
Ranallo, Sam David Radio Operator42-38014Completed, Uninjured
Ray, William Charles Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Reed, Clarence Eugene Engineer/Top Turret42-31235Completed, Uninjured
Reedy, Delbert Rudolph Ball Turret42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Reinlie, Robert Laingor Navigator42-37758Aborted
Robertson, James Roman Tail Gunner42-37789Completed, Uninjured
Rodden, Elvie Lawrence Engineer/Top Turret42-97477Completed, Uninjured
Roth, Verle Leroy Co-pilot42-97201Aborted
Rowe, Kenmore Edward Engineer/Top Turret42-107058Aborted
Rubinson, Harold David Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Sacco, Salvatore R Ball Turret42-31211Aborted
Schelberg, Saul Jacob Ball Turret42-97477Completed, Uninjured
Schock, George William Pilot42-31740POW
Shade, William James Radio Operator42-37816Completed, Uninjured
Shannon, Lucian Glenroie Engineer/Top Turret42-31740KIA
Shipley, Charles Marion Radio Operator42-38158Aborted
Shukaitis, George Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-107083Aborted
Simmons, Wilbur (NMI) Navigator42-107058Aborted
Skerko, John (NMI) Ball Turret42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Slife, Harry Frances Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Small, Herbert William Tail Gunner42-31364Completed, Uninjured
Smigelsky, Horace Joseph Co-pilot42-97142Aborted
Smith, Charles Grover Pilot42-107058Aborted
Smith, Dale Orville Commander42-31364Completed, Uninjured
Smith, Donald Oril Co-pilot42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Smith, Harry Bailey Pilot42-97150Completed, Uninjured
Smith, Otto (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-38208Completed, Uninjured
Smith, William Henry Tail Gunner42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Soto, Roman Serrano Radio Operator42-97231Completed, Uninjured
Spiers, Paul Robert Co-pilot42-31211Aborted
Stahl, Bruce Warren Radio Operator42-97136Completed, Uninjured
Stauffer, Karl Fred Ball Turret42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Stevens, John Jay Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31495Completed, Uninjured
Stewart, Gilman Carter Co-pilot42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Stuhl, Walter Edward Engineer/Top Turret42-38112Aborted
Swanson, Herbert Ture Co-pilot42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Tenborg, George Laurence Ball Turret42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Thaxter, Floyd Wilson Bombardier42-31375Completed, Uninjured
Thoma, Edward Paul Co-pilot42-97251Aborted
Ticknor, Edward Charles Engineer/Top Turret42-97251Aborted
Treat, Royal DeWitt Engineer/Top Turret42-97231Completed, Uninjured
Trypuc, John Vincent Radio Operator42-97201Aborted
Tucker, Clifton Roland Togglier42-97251Aborted
Turner, Claude Murphy Radio Operator42-31375Completed, Uninjured
Ulrey, Edgar Ellsworth Pilot42-38014Completed, Uninjured
Uniszkiewicz, Joseph Kenneth Navigator42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Urton, Raymond Lee Pilot42-97231Completed, Uninjured
Van Gorkom, Lester Wilson Ball Turret42-31740POW
Vernon, Sheldon Ira Navigator42-39888Completed, Uninjured
Voorhees, Ralph Warner Togglier42-97228Completed, Uninjured
Vorisek, Donald Thomas Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-38112Aborted
Walling, Neil Emerson Navigator42-97150Completed, Uninjured
Walton, Horace Murphy Togglier42-31235Completed, Uninjured
Ward, Jack Paxton Engineer/Top Turret42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Warren, Dexter Holt Navigator42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Warshawsky, Morris (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31222Aborted
Watenpool, Jerome Francis Engineer/Top Turret42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Watson, Henry Overholt Radio Operator42-97477Completed, Uninjured
Way, Arthur Harold Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31235Completed, Uninjured
Welch, Gordon Michael Bombardier42-38158Aborted
Welsbacher, Robert Henry Navigator42-97201Aborted
West, George Berry Pilot42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Wheeler, Glenn Preston Tail Gunner42-38158Aborted
White, Charles Oteen Navigator42-97477Completed, Uninjured
Whitley, William Martin Engineer/Top Turret42-38208Completed, Uninjured
Wilkins, John Robert Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37789Completed, Uninjured
Williams, Garven Foster Bombardier42-107058Aborted
Williamson, James Edward Tail Gunner42-31211Aborted
Wilson, John Franklin Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97251Aborted
Wise, Robert Francis Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-107058Aborted
Wood, Charles Stoddart Navigator42-38158Aborted
Woodard, Everett Durwood Tail Gunner42-97124Aborted
Wray, Forrest Donald Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97201Aborted
Wright, James Wiley Co-pilot42-38208Completed, Uninjured
Wyman, Donald George Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-38158Aborted
Yeater, James Thomas Togglier42-31740POW
Yount, Donald Laverne Co-pilot42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Zanetti, James John Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-38208Completed, Uninjured
Zee, Julius (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31375Completed, Uninjured
Zieba, Edmund (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31375Completed, Uninjured
Zinninger, William Maynard Radio Operator42-97251Aborted