Mission #103 Personnel Roster



Number of Aircraft Assigned To This Mission: 23
Number of Combat Personnel Assigned To This Mission: 193

Table is sortable by all columns.
Name Position Aircraft Status
Adair, Norman Ray Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-38013Completed, Uninjured
Adams, George Alvan Ball Turret42-37785Completed, Uninjured
Allen, John Samuel Ball Turret42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Allison, Earl Thomas Pilot42-31211KIA
Anderson, Charles LeRoy Radio Operator42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Arenas, Jess Presciliano Tail Gunner42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Asher, John Calvin Tail Gunner42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Baker, Charles Washington Co-pilot42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Barton, John Isaac Bombardier42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Bennett, Fred Huram Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-107057Scrubbed
Berger, Robert Jeane Tail Gunner42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Blackburn, Keith Monroe Co-pilot42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Bolger, Tommy Phillip Navigator42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Boone, James Douglas Engineer/Top Turret42-31495KIA
Breen, John Francis Tail Gunner42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Brock, Henry Reuben Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Brown, Donald Harold Pilot42-107057Scrubbed
Brown, James Jefferson Navigator42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Brown, James Wesley Pilot42-97081MIA
Bryan, Morris Irving Togglier42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Budassi, Remo Guido Engineer/Top Turret42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Burlingame, James Wyatt Engineer/Top Turret42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Cameron, Francis Raymond Ball Turret42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Carlin, Philip Lester Navigator42-37785Completed, Uninjured
Castleman, Milton Eugene Pilot42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Cheslow, Morris (NMI) Engineer/Top Turret42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Chouinard, Garnet (NMI) Ball Turret42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Chubb, Donald Vernon Co-pilot42-97081MIA
Clements, William Arlie Engineer/Top Turret42-31211KIA
Cochran, Thomas Tidwell Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31495KIA
Cohen, Joseph Meyer Bombardier42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Colarusso, Alfred James Navigator42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Cole, Alfred Holton Co-pilot42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Coleman, Robert Loftin Engineer/Top Turret42-107057Scrubbed
Connelly, Gordon Raker Ball Turret42-38013Completed, Uninjured
Cook, Herbert Arno Tail Gunner42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Corbett, Thomas Walter Radio Operator42-31495KIA
Corman, Victor (NMI) Engineer/Top Turret42-37788Completed, Uninjured
Corpening, Robert Clark Togglier42-31495KIA
Credidio, Anthony Joseph Bombardier42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Crippen, Creig B Engineer/Top Turret42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Crofford, Milton (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Cruise, James Henry Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Curtin, John Quinn Navigator42-31211POW
Daniel, William Abbott Navigator42-37788Completed, Uninjured
Davies, Hanlon Edward Observer42-107057Scrubbed
Dotherow, Ed (NMI) Bombardier42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Druckenmiller, Leon Charles Pilot42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Duffy, John H Co-pilot42-37785Completed, Uninjured
Dunn, Lawrence Warren Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Eakins, Robert Nathanial Co-pilot42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Faux, Roy Sherman Engineer/Top Turret42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Felicetti, Frank Dominick Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Figley, Wilbert Guy Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Fisher, James Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Fitch, John Gilmore Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Fitzgerald, James Edward Bombardier42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Floyd, Lewis Wardlaw Togglier42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Floyd, Thomas Samuel Engineer/Top Turret42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Foster, James Everett Pilot42-31495KIA
Foster, Rayford Leo Ball Turret42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Francis, Thomas Rex Co-pilot42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Frazier, Ernest Leo Radio Operator42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Gallagher, Hugh Joseph Radio Operator42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Gore, Oscar Nathan Radio Operator42-37785Completed, Uninjured
Gottfried, Raymond Nathan Co-pilot42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Graeb, William Louis Tail Gunner42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Grant, Walter Edward Co-pilot42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Greene, Henry Tyler Ball Turret42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Grieves, Bobby Vernon Radio Operator42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Griggs, Frederick Monroe Co-pilot42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Grimmett, James Harold Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31211POW
Grindell, Robert Dennis Engineer/Top Turret42-37785Completed, Uninjured
Gutierrez, Harry Louie Engineer/Top Turret42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Hachmann, Vincent Carl Ball Turret42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Hagan, Eugene Thomas Engineer/Top Turret42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Hale, Charles Eugene Pilot42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Hall, Lester Winfield Tail Gunner42-31211POW/Wounded
Hamilton, Harry Tobais Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Handley, Warren Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Hannaford, Vernon Lloyal Co-pilot42-37788Completed, Uninjured
Hardman, John Bethany Radio Operator42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Harrington, Joseph Francis Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Hatton, James Augustine Ball Turret42-97081MIA
Hendricks, William Chalmers Ball Turret42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Hepp, Eugene Francis Navigator42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Hertel, Wallace Howard Bombardier42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Hickey, Jack Franklin Co-pilot42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Hougard, Kenneth Nels Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31211Evaded
Huggins, Kenneth B Tail Gunner42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Humbles, Alfred Thomas Pilot42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Ingmire, Merle Ernest Engineer/Top Turret42-97081MIA
Inman, Loren Alexander Pilot42-38013Completed, Uninjured
Irwin, Robert Tait Ball Turret42-97449Completed, Uninjured
Jablonski, Raymond Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Jackson, Winthrop Alsop Pilot42-97510Wounded
Jacobs, Randolph George Edward Commander42-31211KIA
Johnson, Clifford Lee Co-pilot42-31495KIA
Johnson, William T Pilot42-32106Completed, Uninjured
Jones, Kenneth Myron Navigator42-97081MIA
Jones, Raymond Brown Radio Operator42-107057Scrubbed
Kalinowski, Carl Martin Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Kaufman, Vernon Herman Ball Turret42-31211KIA
Keith, William Bernie Engineer/Top Turret42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Kell, Joseph Wilfred Co-pilot42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Kelly, John Thomas Pilot42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Kelsay, Omar Frank Pilot42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Kennedy, John Charles Tail Gunner42-107057Scrubbed
Kozar, Joseph John Radio Operator42-97081MIA
Krieger, Louis (NMI) Radio Operator42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Kuba, Carl Willliam Bombardier42-97081Ditched, Rescued
Laubenstein, William Frederick Radio Operator42-31211POW
Lenich, Francis Augustus Engineer/Top Turret42-38013Completed, Uninjured
Leverette, James Harold Navigator42-97449Completed, Uninjured
Lionte, Rosario Rocco Tail Gunner42-37788Completed, Uninjured
Malone, George Martin Tail Gunner42-97449Completed, Uninjured
Markiewicz, John Henry Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Martin, Eldon LeRoy Ball Turret42-37788Completed, Uninjured
Matican, Sigmund Sidney Tail Gunner42-31495KIA
McBride, Charles Eugene Tail Gunner42-107083Completed, Uninjured
McClintick, Julius Eugene Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97081MIA
McCullough, Jerry Lynnell Tail Gunner42-97510Completed, Uninjured
McDonald, Clark Davis Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37788Completed, Uninjured
Menchaca, Jose Ricardo Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Merkley, Ronald Charles Bombardier42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Miller, Thomas Richard. Bombardier42-37785Completed, Uninjured
Milne, Dale Thomas Navigator42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Moore, Lindsay Dow Ball Turret42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Moyer, Paul Bernard Bombardier42-37788Completed, Uninjured
Mulvehill, Edmund Whelan Co-pilot42-97449Completed, Uninjured
Murchan, Lawrence Aloysius Pilot42-37785Completed, Uninjured
Myers, Lewis Porter Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Nagel, Jack Cameron Bombardier42-31211KIA
Nielsen, Erling (NMI) Tail Gunner42-37785Completed, Uninjured
Overcash, Jimmy Lee Ball Turret42-31495KIA
Pagan, Justo Antonio Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Palladino, Joseph Anthony Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Plunkett, Patrick Francis Observer42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Podos, Bernard (NMI) Radio Operator42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Potts, Russell Malcom Navigator42-107057Scrubbed
Pring, Robert Bradford Co-pilot42-107057Scrubbed
Radde, Gerhardt Carl Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97449Completed, Uninjured
Radtke, Hilbert Robert Engineer/Top Turret42-97449Completed, Uninjured
Ray, William Charles Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Reams, Russell Don Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Reis, Donald Edward Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97081KIA
Richardson, William Earl Radio Operator42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Rimbold, Arthur Arimese Pilot42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Rooker, Billy Roy Co-pilot42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Roth, Verle Leroy Pilot42-37788Completed, Uninjured
Rubenstein, Joseph (NMI) Navigator42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Sabo, George (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37785Completed, Uninjured
Sanders, Russell Aubrey Observer42-31495KIA
Schleuse, Robert Edward Tail Gunner42-38013Completed, Uninjured
Schmidtke, George Emory Navigator42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Sell, Herman Rewellien Navigator42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Shaner, William Martin Bombardier42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Sharff, Sampson (NMI) Pilot42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Shipley, Charles Marion Radio Operator42-38013Completed, Uninjured
Shoolbred, Charles Ewen Bombardier42-97449Completed, Uninjured
Simeone, Frank Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97449Completed, Uninjured
Simons, Harry (NMI) Bombardier42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Skerko, John (NMI) Ball Turret42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Smith, Jack Alexander Ball Turret42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Snead, William Austin Radio Operator42-37982Completed, Uninjured
Snyder, Henry Franklin Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37785Completed, Uninjured
Stevens, Howard Orville Engineer/Top Turret42-97072Completed, Uninjured
Stevens, John Jay Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31495KIA
Sweeney, Ned Hardy Co-pilot42-38013Completed, Uninjured
Swisher, Glenn Everett Navigator42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Teetman, Leo Frank Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Tharp, Lee Paul Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37788Completed, Uninjured
Thevenet, Charles James Bombardier42-38013Completed, Uninjured
Trypuc, John Vincent Radio Operator42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Turner, Ralph Franklin Navigator42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Uniszkiewicz, Joseph Kenneth Navigator42-31495KIA
Van Natter, William Burton Radio Operator42-97449Completed, Uninjured
Wardell, Raymond Arthur Radio Operator42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Weaver, Jack Beverly Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Welch, Gordon Michael Bombardier42-107057Scrubbed
Wells, Clifford Euarle Radio Operator42-37788Completed, Uninjured
Welsbacher, Robert Henry Navigator42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Wennik, Henry Nicolas Ball Turret42-37982Completed, Uninjured
West, George Berry Pilot42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Westfall , Alfred Rensselaer Observer42-31435Completed, Uninjured
Wills, Charles Howard Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-107057Scrubbed
Wood, Charles Stoddart Navigator42-38013Completed, Uninjured
Wortman, Marshall (NMI) Pilot42-97449Completed, Uninjured
Wray, Forrest Donald Tail Gunner42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Yeager, George Hallow Tail Gunner42-97081Ditched, Rescued
Youry, Burson Harris Engineer/Top Turret42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Zipfel, Herbert Walter Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-38013Completed, Uninjured
Zordel, Wilbur Godfrey Tail Gunner42-37982Completed, Uninjured