Mission # Personnel Roster



Number of Aircraft Assigned To This Mission: 24
Number of Combat Personnel Assigned To This Mission: 193

Table is sortable by all columns.
Name Position Aircraft Status
Abramowitz, Abraham Bernhard Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3440Returned To Base
Adair, Norman Ray Radar Navigator42-29632Returned To Base
Albertson, Harry Edward Togglier42-31073Returned To Base
Alles, William George Bombardier42-29723Returned To Base
Altman, Murray David Bombardier42-29717Returned To Base
Anderson, Clarence Denton Radar Navigator42-3440Returned To Base
Anstead, William Warren Ball Turret42-3429Returned To Base
Arquette, Leroy Arthur Bombardier42-29987Returned To Base
Ashcraft, Archie Bertis Pilot42-29632Returned To Base
Aune, Rudolph (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3440Returned To Base
Baldwin, Pendleton Gaines Navigator42-3440Returned To Base
Bartholomew, Everett Laverne Engineer/Top Turret42-3218Returned To Base
Barto, Louis Joseph Tail Gunner42-3441Returned To Base
Baylor, Robert Bledsoe Co-pilot42-37828Returned To Base
Beaty, Earl Richard Engineer/Top Turret42-29987Returned To Base
Bedsole, Joseph Linyer Pilot42-37758Returned To Base
Belk, Robert Kirk Navigator42-31058Returned To Base
Benson, Thomas Joseph Radio Operator42-30026Returned To Base
Berbrich, John Martin Co-pilot42-29723Returned To Base
Birnbaum, Lester (NMI) Engineer/Top Turret42-31058Returned To Base
Bishop, J T (IO) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3218Returned To Base
Boger, Eugene Arthur Co-pilot42-29651Returned To Base
Boyce, Ernest Marshall Co-pilot42-3441Returned To Base
Brown, Robert Harold Co-pilot42-3440Returned To Base
Brown, William (NMI) Ball Turret42-3259Returned To Base
Brown, William C Bombardier42-30026Returned To Base
Bucher, James Frank Tail Gunner42-3429Returned To Base
Buller, Elwood Ellis Radio Operator41-24575Returned To Base
Burger, Joseph Earnest Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3429Returned To Base
Canziani, Arthur Leonard Navigator42-3218Returned To Base
Cappelletti, Mike Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner41-24557Returned To Base
Capps, Milburn Perry Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31073Returned To Base
Carpenter, Walter Richard Pilot42-29717Returned To Base
Carter, Glen Albert Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5404Returned To Base
Carter, T L (IO) Pilot42-29927Aborted
Cecil, Boyd Allen Bombardier42-31073Returned To Base
Cloud, Doy Jennings Radio Operator42-29651Returned To Base
Compton, Robert Lewis Radio Operator42-29651Returned To Base
Connors, Albert William Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29723Returned To Base
Cosentino, George (NMI) Co-pilot42-37758Returned To Base
Coughlin, James Phillip Navigator42-3259Returned To Base
Crown, Richard Keith Bombardier42-31058Returned To Base
Curtin, John Quinn Navigator42-29651Returned To Base
Curtis, William Stanley Ball Turret41-24557Returned To Base
Dailey, Donald William Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29987Returned To Base
Davis, David Harold Bombardier42-29651Returned To Base
Davis, Edward Douglas Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31073Returned To Base
Dennison, James Edward Ball Turret42-29723Returned To Base
Dillingham, Maurice Stanley Air Commander42-30026Returned To Base
Dowsley, Felix Raymond Engineer/Top Turret42-3259Returned To Base
Drennan, Robert Gerard Tail Gunner42-29636Returned To Base
Drogue, Arthur Joseph Navigator42-3429Returned To Base
Duro, Victor Henry Radio Operator42-3429Returned To Base
Duzynski, Stanley (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29987Returned To Base
Dziura, Edward (NMI) Tail Gunner42-5404Returned To Base
Fallesen, Wayne Peter Radio Operator42-29717Returned To Base
Fields, Leon (NMI) Pilot42-5747Aborted
Finkelstein, Raymond Louis Ball Turret41-24575Returned To Base
Gager, Homer Dwight Radar Navigator42-3259Returned To Base
Garrett, James Patrick Bombardier42-29636Returned To Base
Gerow, Francis (NMI) Radio Operator42-29723Returned To Base
Gilmore, William Featherston Pilot42-3429Returned To Base
Girard, Donald Robert Tail Gunner42-29717Returned To Base
Goetz, Jack Keith Engineer/Top Turret42-29651Returned To Base
Gorham, Donald Frederick Ball Turret42-29651Returned To Base
Goulder, Edmund Samuel Pilot42-3441Returned To Base
Grant, George Vaughn Engineer/Top Turret41-24575Returned To Base
Greene, Frank Palmer Tail Gunner42-31058Returned To Base
Gregori, Aldo Joseph Tail Gunner42-29651Returned To Base
Griffin, Daniel (NMI) Ball Turret42-29987Returned To Base
Grimaldi, Anthony Joseph Navigator42-29636Returned To Base
Grimes, Robert Albert Tail Gunner42-3218Returned To Base
Groh, Harold Chester Navigator42-37758Returned To Base
Haley, Bruce Thomas Navigator42-30026Returned To Base
Hall, Lawrence Marion Waist (Flexible) Gunner41-24575Returned To Base
Hamm, Morton Washington Engineer/Top Turret42-29636Returned To Base
Harris, Arthur Claude Navigator42-3441Returned To Base
Harvey, Harry Blakely Navigator42-29987Returned To Base
Hawkins, Charles Joseph Radio Operator42-29636Returned To Base
Hayes, George Clayborne Waist (Flexible) Gunner41-24557Returned To Base
Hedin, Carl Anton Navigator42-29717Returned To Base
Heintzelman, David Leroy Ball Turret42-31058Returned To Base
Henry, Maurice Victor Engineer/Top Turret42-3429Returned To Base
Hern, Wallace Currie Bombardier42-29632Returned To Base
Holloway, Durwood Harmon Engineer/Top Turret42-30026Returned To Base
Holzbaur, Frederick Morris Navigator42-37828Returned To Base
Hotis, Leo Constantine Ball Turret42-37758Returned To Base
Hutchison, William Wilds Engineer/Top Turret42-37828Returned To Base
Jacobs, Randolph George Edward Pilot42-29651Returned To Base
Johnston, Thomas Theadora Tail Gunner42-37828Returned To Base
Jones, William Arch Pilot42-3259Returned To Base
Jordan, Edward Allan Tail Gunner41-24575Returned To Base
Jorgenson, Henry (NMI) Pilot41-24575Returned To Base
Jylkka, Reino Oswal Navigator41-24557Returned To Base
Kennedy, John Benton Co-pilot42-29717Returned To Base
Kolassa, Edward Leonard Engineer/Top Turret42-29723Returned To Base
Kramer, Herman Drummond Bombardier42-37828Returned To Base
Lacroix, James Joseph Bombardier42-3441Returned To Base
Leibring, Clarence Paul Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29717Returned To Base
Lekas, Frank (NMI) Tail Gunner41-24557Returned To Base
Lindsey, William Howard Tail Gunner42-29632Returned To Base
Loughlin, Edmund Henry Waist (Flexible) Gunner41-24575Returned To Base
Lucas, Hoyt Coltman Co-pilot41-24575Returned To Base
Mabe, Walter Breeden Co-pilot42-5404Returned To Base
MacPhail, Philip Ray Pilot42-29636Returned To Base
Manning, Raymond Walter Co-pilot42-31073Returned To Base
Mariani, Waldo Francis Ball Turret42-3441Returned To Base
Marshall, Milford (NMI) Togglier42-3218Returned To Base
Marshall, William (NMI) Engineer/Top Turret42-3440Returned To Base
Maruszak, Karol Leonard Engineer/Top Turret42-37758Returned To Base
Mason, Earl Carter Bombardier42-3429Returned To Base
Mason, Jack Leslie (#2) Radio Operator42-3218Returned To Base
Mazewski, Michael Henry Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37758Returned To Base
Maziarka, Stanley Walter Ball Turret42-37828Returned To Base
McCracken, Dwight Howard Engineer/Top Turret42-29717Returned To Base
McGovern, Vincent James Bombardier41-24557Returned To Base
McKittrick, Vernon Russell Navigator42-31073Returned To Base
McMichael, Marion Louis Tail Gunner42-37758Returned To Base
Milstead, Willard Cleo Ball Turret42-29632Returned To Base
Mitchell, Charles Floyd Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29636Returned To Base
Montz, Nemours Albert Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29723Returned To Base
Morgan, James Edward Co-pilot42-3259Returned To Base
Morrison, Donald Sylvester Co-pilot42-3429Returned To Base
Nelson, Darwin George Co-pilot42-29987Returned To Base
Nelson, Francis Page Co-pilot42-3218Returned To Base
O'Leary, Edward Joseph Ball Turret42-29717Returned To Base
Oien, Clarence Holger Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29632Returned To Base
Olson, Harry Howard Ball Turret42-5404Returned To Base
Oppenheimer, Kenneth Harold Navigator42-29632Returned To Base
Ott, Robert Edward Ball Turret42-30026Returned To Base
Paige, Robert Eugene Ball Turret42-31073Returned To Base
Parmer, Warren Edward Bombardier42-5404Returned To Base
Paula, Placido John Ball Turret42-29636Returned To Base
Pavlisko, John Arthur Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31058Returned To Base
Peloke, Dale Dean Tail Gunner42-29723Returned To Base
Pierce, Kermit Aubrey Bombardier42-3440Returned To Base
Pierce, Ralph Emerson Tail Gunner42-3259Returned To Base
Pitelka, Francis Jerome Bombardier41-24575Returned To Base
Porter, Edward Eugene Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37828Returned To Base
Price, William Merriman Pilot42-29987Returned To Base
Purdy, Joseph Francis Radio Operator42-5404Returned To Base
Rabby, Carlos James Co-pilot42-31058Returned To Base
Rachunas, Joseph George Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29632Returned To Base
Ralph, Robert Edward Ball Turret42-3218Returned To Base
Ramsey, William Marion Engineer/Top Turret41-24557Returned To Base
Ranallo, Sam David Radio Operator42-31058Returned To Base
Redding, George Thomas Tail Gunner42-3440Returned To Base
Reed, Merlin Howard Co-pilot42-29636Returned To Base
Retherford, Archie (NMI) Tail Gunner42-29987Returned To Base
Riggins, George Clifton Co-pilot42-29632Returned To Base
Ripley, Carlyle David Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37828Returned To Base
Ripley, Seth Thomas Tail Gunner42-30026Returned To Base
Robinson, Robert Lawrence Pilot42-37828Returned To Base
Ross, Burton Raymond Pilot42-3218Returned To Base
Rotondi, George William Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3259Returned To Base
Schamber, Albert Martin Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3429Returned To Base
Schwartz, Julius Sol Navigator42-29723Returned To Base
Seager, Francis Marvin Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3441Returned To Base
Sears, William Francis Radar Navigator42-3441Returned To Base
Seibel, James Edward Navigator42-5404Returned To Base
Shannon, Lucian Glenroie Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29636Returned To Base
Sigler, Edwin Robert Radio Operator42-31073Returned To Base
Smith, Bob (NMI) Engineer/Top Turret42-31073Returned To Base
Smith, Robert Eugene Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30026Returned To Base
Smith, Robert Eugene Radar Navigator42-29987Returned To Base
Snyder, Charles Leslie Radio Operator41-24557Returned To Base
Sopher, Francis Walton Engineer/Top Turret42-29632Returned To Base
Sparrow, Harry Ira Navigator41-24575Returned To Base
Sprague, Alfred Lee Pilot42-3440Returned To Base
Stamm, Murray Raymond Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-31058Returned To Base
Stammel, Edward Raymond Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-5404Returned To Base
Stearman, Charles Lee Verne Ball Turret42-3440Returned To Base
Stumpf, Howard Martin Radio Operator42-37828Returned To Base
Sundlun, Bruce George Pilot41-24557Returned To Base
Swineford, Homer Howard Engineer/Top Turret42-5404Returned To Base
Thomasson, Edward Arthmur Engineer/Top Turret42-3441Returned To Base
Thompson, Siguard (NMI) Pilot42-3218Returned To Base
Thompson, Siguard (NMI) Pilot42-5404Returned To Base
Ulrey, Edgar Ellsworth Pilot42-29723Returned To Base
Vezina, Thomas Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3218Returned To Base
Vodilko, Michael Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3441Returned To Base
Wager, Lawrence Holmes Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29651Returned To Base
Ward, Clarence Howard Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37758Returned To Base
White, Frederick Louis Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-3259Returned To Base
Willing, Mark Skinner Co-pilot42-30026Returned To Base
Wilson, James Marvin Bombardier42-3259Returned To Base
Wilson, William Monroe Pilot42-31058Returned To Base
Wismann, William Charles Bombardier42-37758Returned To Base
Witt, Francis John Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-30026Returned To Base
Woodall, Arthur James Radio Operator42-37758Returned To Base
Yelvington, Melton Albert Pilot42-31073Returned To Base
Zitnik, Charles Allen Co-pilot41-24557Returned To Base
Zyglowicz, Bernard Frank Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-29717Returned To Base