Mission Date | 21 February 1944 |
Eighth Air Force Operations | Operations description not yet available. |
Mission |
384th BG Mission Number 64, Eighth AF Force Mission Number 228
Big Week: Day Two The 384th Bombardment Group (H) provided two group formations for todays missions. They flew as the lead and low groups of the 41st B Combat Wing. Finding the primary target covered with clouds, they reversed course and sought targets-of-opportunity through breaks in the clouds. Eventually, a visual attack was made on the city of Lingen, Germany, focused on the marshalling yards and surrounding industrial area.
Primary Target |
Target: Fighter Field & Aircraft Storage Depot Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Location: Werl, Germany |
Target Attacked (Mode) |
TOO (Visual) Target: Railroad Marshalling Yard Type: Transportation Location: Lingen, Germany |
Sortie/Aircraft Summary |
Completed Mission, not including spares - 35 Flying Spare, Completed Mission - 1 Returned Early - 1 Aborted - 3 |
Mission Personnel | Mission Personnel Roster⇗ or Mission Loading Lists⇗ |
Mission Documents | Combat Mission Records and Plans obtained from the National Archives⇗ |
Other Mission Documents | 1944-02-21, Wing Lead, W. Buck, C. Stearns⇗ |
Aircraft | Pilot | Results | Mission/Sortie Information |
41‑24560⇗ | Jorgenson, Henry (NMI)⇗ | Completed Mission | FLIGHT TIME 7:30 SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
41‑24578⇗ | Outen, Charles Levi⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑3087⇗ | Kew, William Joseph⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑3259⇗ | Laboda, Joseph Stanley⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29632⇗ | Hines, James Wesley⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29651⇗ | Clayton, John Earl⇗ | Returned Early | B Group, Low Squadron. Turned back due to multiple technical failures. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29688⇗ | McDonald, Raymond Leroy⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29703⇗ | West, George Berry⇗ | Completed Mission | High Squadron deputy, low group. Landed away at Rattlesden due to technical failures. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29717⇗ | Larsen, Jack Kirby⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29723⇗ | Rinne, Austin Dean⇗ | Aborted Mission After Taking Off. | Turned back when #4 engine threw oil excessively and oil pressure dropped very rapidly. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29809⇗ | Briley, Scott Andrew⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29828⇗ | Heffley, Farris Ormond⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29927⇗ | Bennett, Phillip Nathan⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑30026⇗ | Wilson, William Monroe⇗ | Completed Mission | Low Squadron lead, lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31166⇗ | Yelvington, Melton Albert⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31222⇗ | Miller, James Gilmore⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31235⇗ | Herbert, Joseph Robert⇗ | Completed Mission | Landed away at Attlebridge on return due to technical failure. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31364⇗ | Robinson, Robert Lawrence⇗ | Completed Mission | High Squadron lead, low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31375⇗ | Courtemanche, Ralph Eudor⇗ | Completed Mission | Released 25 parcels of G-27 'nickles' (propaganda leaflets) and six 500-pound general-purpose bombs on the target. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31433⇗ | Stearns, Clarence Grover⇗ | Completed Mission | Wing lead, 41st B Combat Wing. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31484⇗ | Armstrong, Lloyd Rowland⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group lead, 41st B Combat Wing. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31495⇗ | Carpenter, Walter Richard⇗ | Completed Mission | Low Squadron lead, low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31516⇗ | Jeter, Sydney Ryland⇗ | Aborted Mission After Taking Off. | High Squadron deputy, lead group. Aborted because #3 prop began throwing oil excessively, was feathered for examination, and could not be unfeathered. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31926⇗ | Lovell, James MacNaughton⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37776⇗ | Rich, John (NMI)⇗ | Completed Mission | Low Squadron deputy, lead group. Landed away at Horham on return with wounded tail gunner. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37788⇗ | Booska, Maurice Arthur⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37789⇗ | Knapp, Paul Bernard⇗ | Aborted Mission After Taking Off. | Turned back at 1345 hrs due to runaway #2 supercharger. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37792⇗ | Cosentino, George (NMI)⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37801⇗ | Urton, Raymond Lee⇗ | Completed Mission | Wing deputy, 41st B Combat Wing. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37848⇗ | MacPhail, Philip Ray⇗ | Completed Mission | High Squadron lead, lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37974⇗ | Allison, Earl Thomas⇗ | Completed Mission | Low Squadron deputy, low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑38014⇗ | Markow, Henry Victor⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑38112⇗ | Poole, George Irvin⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑39809⇗ | Goller, Theodore (NMI)⇗ | Spare, Completed Mission | Flying spare; joined formation. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑39888⇗ | Foster, James Everett⇗ | Completed Mission | Released 25 parcels of G-27 'nickles' (propaganda leaflets) and six 500-pound general-purpose bombs on the target. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑39991⇗ | Corcoran, John Joseph⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑97449⇗ | Daskey, Kendall (NMI)⇗ | Completed Mission | Assumed position of high Squadron deputy, lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑97477⇗ | Jones, William Arch⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group deputy, 41st B Combat Wing. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑97488⇗ | DeFrees, Norman Francis⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑97510⇗ | Stier, George Withers⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |