Mission Date | 22 March 1945 |
Eighth Air Force Operations | Operations description not yet available. |
Mission |
384th BG Mission Number 294, Eighth AF Force Mission Number 906
Military Camp Attacked The 384th Bombardment Group (H) flew as the 41st Combat Wing B Group on today's mission. The primary target, located on the North Sea coast near the Dutch border, was attacked visually with good results.
Primary Target |
Target: German Hutted Camps (Barracks) at 51°36'N,7°06'E Type: Military Location: Westerholt, Germany |
Target Attacked (Mode) | Primary (Visual) |
Sortie/Aircraft Summary |
Completed Mission, not including spares - 36 Flying Spare, Completed Mission - 3 Landed In Allied Territory - 1 Scrubbed - 2 Aborted - 1 |
Mission Personnel | Mission Personnel Roster⇗ or Mission Loading Lists⇗ |
Mission Documents | Combat Mission Records and Plans obtained from the National Archives⇗ |
Aircraft | Pilot | Results | Mission/Sortie Information |
42‑32106⇗ | Henry, Robert Tyson⇗ | Completed Mission | Ground Spare Aircraft; replaced 42‑97510. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37788⇗ | Bowman, Harold Horace⇗ | Completed Mission | Released bombs late. Dropped out of formation about 15 minutes after leaving German coast on the return, apparently due to #2 engine problem, but made it back to base. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑97510⇗ | [N/A] | Scrubbed: Did Not Take Off | Replaced by Ground Spare Aircraft 42‑32106. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑97592⇗ | McLean, William S⇗ | Completed Mission | Low Squadron lead. PFF & Gee-H ship. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑97824⇗ | Moorhead, Harris Leroy⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑98027⇗ | [Non-384th Pilot] | Completed Mission | PFF & Gee-H ship; loaned to the 92nd BG. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑102459⇗ | Kowats, Daniel Frank⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑102518⇗ | Bradford, James W⇗ | Completed Mission | Ground Spare Aircraft; replaced 43‑38800. Returned to base in 43‑38800 with #1 engine feathered, transferred to this aircraft, took off and caught formation; completed mission. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑102620⇗ | Turner, Willard Jerome⇗ | Completed Mission | Lead Squadron hot camera ship. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑37843⇗ | Zakas, Joseph (NMI)⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑38016⇗ | [Non-384th Pilot] | Completed Mission | Replaced by Ground Spare Aircraft 44‑8679. Gee-H ship; loaned to the 306th BG without crew. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑38501⇗ | Hatch, William Alva⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑38548⇗ | Leavitt, Philip Neldon⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑38588⇗ | Seavey, Homer Carl⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑38630⇗ | Shuff, Charles Bernard⇗ | Landed In Allied Territory | Flak damage forced the pilot to crash-land on the continent SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑38647⇗ | Ferrell, Oran Luther ⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑38678⇗ | Lewis, Charles Allyn⇗ | Spare, Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑38752⇗ | Whitesides, John Boyce⇗ | Completed Mission | Released bombs late. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑38766⇗ | Connor, John Michael⇗ | Completed Mission | Low Squadron hot camera ship. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑38800⇗ | [Pilot TBD] | Aborted Mission After Taking Off. | Bradford returned to base with one engine feathered, transferred to 42‑102518, and took off again. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑38801⇗ | Wilson, Robert L⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑38974⇗ | Van Pelt, Charles A⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑38994⇗ | Smith, Eliot Henry⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑39019⇗ | Festersen, John Carl⇗ | Spare, Completed Mission | Low Squadron flying spare; joined formation. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑39131⇗ | Rush, Joseph Henry⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑39138⇗ | Wright, Edward S⇗ | Completed Mission | Group deputy. Hot camera ship. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑39164⇗ | [N/A] | Scrubbed: Did Not Take Off | Replaced by Ground Spare Aircraft 44‑6109. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑39197⇗ | Ostnes, Leif Robert⇗ | Completed Mission | Low Squadron deputy. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑39203⇗ | Magleby, Calvin Charles⇗ | Spare, Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
43‑39236⇗ | Scherokman, Edward (NMI)⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
44‑6109⇗ | Grove, Alfred W⇗ | Completed Mission | Ground Spare Aircraft; replaced 43‑39164. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
44‑6476⇗ | Miller, John C⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
44‑6514⇗ | Goble, Charles D⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
44‑6882⇗ | Spangler, George Knox⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
44‑6892⇗ | Nicolai, Edwin George⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
44‑6898⇗ | Smisek, William Joseph⇗ | Completed Mission | High Squadron deputy; hot camera ship. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
44‑6909⇗ | Richardson, George P⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
44‑6923⇗ | Jordan, Theodore Gustav⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
44‑8211⇗ | Patterson, Nelton Dreward⇗ | Completed Mission | High Squadron lead. PFF & Gee-H ship. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
44‑8430⇗ | Drew, James Lawrence⇗ | Completed Mission | High Squadron hot camera ship. Returned with #1 engine feathered. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
44‑8541⇗ | Smith, Jack M⇗ | Completed Mission | Group lead. PFF & Gee-H ship. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
44‑8608⇗ | Pierce, Oscar William⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
44‑8679⇗ | Knaur, John Sherman⇗ | Completed Mission | Ground Spare Aircraft; replaced 43‑38016. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |