Mission #98 Personnel Roster



Number of Aircraft Assigned To This Mission: 27
Number of Combat Personnel Assigned To This Mission: 230

Table is sortable by all columns.
Name Position Aircraft Status
Andrews, Ralph Cash Radio Operator42-102448POW
Artessa, Carmen Alex Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-107057Completed, Uninjured
Asher, John Calvin Tail Gunner42-97201Aborted
Austin, Raymond Lee Bombardier42-38208Aborted
Bailey, Henry Godard Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-102442Aborted
Balvin, William August Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97309Completed, Uninjured
Barad, Robert Leo Pilot42-102442Aborted
Barber, Ruffin Frank Bombardier42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Barth, Boyd Austin Engineer/Top Turret42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Barton, John Isaac Bombardier42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Belczyk, Walter Adam Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Bennett, Fred Huram Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97263Completed, Uninjured
Bennett, Phillip Nathan Pilot42-38208Aborted
Benson, Thomas Joseph Radio Operator42-38208Aborted
Birckhead, Robert Bruce Pilot42-97188Completed, Uninjured
Blackburn, Keith Monroe Co-pilot42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Bliss, John Franklin Engineer/Top Turret42-97309Completed, Uninjured
Blocksidge, Charles Russell Radio Operator42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Booth, George Totten Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97188Completed, Uninjured
Boreiko, John Vincent Navigator42-107074Completed, Uninjured
Bouvier, James Andrew Pilot42-102448POW
Bowles, Charles Percy Radio Operator42-97251Aborted
Bretz, Edward Richard Ball Turret42-97263Completed, Uninjured
Bridgeman, John Joseph Radio Operator42-97188Completed, Uninjured
Brown, Donald Harold Pilot42-97263Completed, Uninjured
Brown, Sherwood Gilbert Bombardier42-97273Completed, Uninjured
Brugman, Duane Francis Ball Turret42-97188Completed, Uninjured
Budassi, Remo Guido Engineer/Top Turret42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Builta, William B Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Burlingame, James Wyatt Engineer/Top Turret42-97201Aborted
Cahill, William Lawrence Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-102442Aborted
Cain, John Bruce Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97273Completed, Uninjured
Campbell, Edgar Lafell Radio Operator42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Carboni, James (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97188Completed, Uninjured
Carter, Jack Nifong Co-pilot42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Chouinard, Garnet (NMI) Ball Turret42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Clements, Huel Richard Ball Turret42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Coke, Crawford Calvin Ball Turret42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Cole, Howard Woodrow Pilot42-107057Completed, Uninjured
Coleman, Lee Browning Pilot42-97201Aborted
Coleman, Lester Kenneth Ball Turret42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Coleman, Robert Loftin Engineer/Top Turret42-97263Completed, Uninjured
Connelly, Gordon Raker Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Cook, Francis DeWitt Tail Gunner42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Corcoran, John Joseph Pilot42-97251Aborted
Cruise, James Henry Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Cummings, Julian Cowden Tail Gunner42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Cunningham, Wilbert Philmore Navigator42-97521Completed, Uninjured
D'Amelio, Vincent Anthony Ball Turret42-97273Completed, Uninjured
D'Emilio, Nick Victor Engineer/Top Turret42-97273Completed, Uninjured
Dehabey, Philip Elias Ball Turret42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Dolson, Henry James Navigator42-97251Aborted
Donohue, William Roberts Co-pilot42-107074Completed, Uninjured
Doran, Francis Patrick Radio Operator42-102442Aborted
Drennan, Robert Gerard Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Dunn, Lawrence Warren Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Ellis, Edwin Robert Radio Operator42-107057Completed, Uninjured
Emmons, James Vincent Tail Gunner42-102442Aborted
Endelicato, Marion (NMI) Co-pilot42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Evans, Homer Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Fauser, Frank George Tail Gunner42-97188Completed, Uninjured
Fisher, Arthur Alvin Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Flinn, Edward James Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Flynn, James Edward Radio Operator42-102518Completed, Uninjured
Fornear, Thomas Southern Bombardier42-102518Completed, Uninjured
Foster, Rayford Leo Ball Turret42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Fox, John Short Engineer/Top Turret42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Frederick, Roger Royce Tail Gunner42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Froebel, Ronald Holcomb Co-pilot42-97273Completed, Uninjured
Gantert, Harold Francis Navigator42-102448POW
Gent, Daniel Barry Tail Gunner42-97273Completed, Uninjured
Gist, Cecil Burt Engineer/Top Turret42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Glotfelty, Emroy Martin Ball Turret42-97309Completed, Uninjured
Golka, Larry John Tail Gunner42-38208Aborted
Grant, Walter Edward Co-pilot42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Green, Robert John Co-pilot42-102448POW
Greene, Henry Tyler Ball Turret42-97201Aborted
Grosbier, Gordon Joseph Radio Operator42-97273Completed, Uninjured
Haggai, Melvin Edward Engineer/Top Turret42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Hailey, Harold Charles Engineer/Top Turret42-97251Aborted
Hailey, Millie Zo Co-pilot42-97188Completed, Uninjured
Hale, Charles Eugene Co-pilot42-97201Aborted
Hansen, Svend Edward Engineer/Top Turret42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Hardtmann, Arnold John Engineer/Top Turret42-102518Completed, Uninjured
Hart, George Thurman Ball Turret42-107057Completed, Uninjured
Hartranft, Landis Grant Tail Gunner42-107057Completed, Uninjured
Hedrick, Hilary Hann Navigator42-97188Completed, Uninjured
Hendrix, Alfred Franklin Bombardier42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Horton, Lloyd (NMI) Pilot42-97510Wounded
Hughes, Richard Bland Ball Turret42-38208Aborted
Humbles, Alfred Thomas Pilot42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Inman, Loren Alexander Pilot42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Jablonski, Raymond Joseph Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Jacobs, Randolph George Edward Commander42-38208Aborted
Johnson, Eugene Allen Radio Operator42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Jones, John Evan Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-102448POW
Jones, Raymond Brown Radio Operator42-97263Completed, Uninjured
Kalinowski, Carl Martin Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Kalinsky, Morris (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-102518Completed, Uninjured
Kane, William Francis Navigator42-97309Completed, Uninjured
Kavalkovich, William Michael Navigator42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Keate, Richard Clifford Co-pilot42-102518Completed, Uninjured
Keith, William Bernie Engineer/Top Turret42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Kelly, John Thomas Pilot42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Kemak, Andrew Steven Ball Turret42-102442Aborted
Kennedy, John Charles Tail Gunner42-97263Completed, Uninjured
Kerr, Robert Eugene Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-102518Completed, Uninjured
King, Jack H Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-102448POW/Wounded
Kirkpatrick, William Hugh Pilot42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Knowles, Ralph Sheridan Ball Turret42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Kobes, Eugene Paul Navigator42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Laboda, Joseph Stanley Pilot42-102518Completed, Uninjured
LaSalle, Angelo Aloysius Togglier42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Lemoine, Fritz Paul Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97309Completed, Uninjured
Lenich, Francis Augustus Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-38208Aborted
Leonard, Frank Valentine Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97251Aborted
Leverette, James Harold Navigator42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Long, Thomas Nelson Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-107057Completed, Uninjured
Loomis, Dorman George Ball Turret42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Lusk, Clarence Leon Engineer/Top Turret42-97188Completed, Uninjured
Mack, Robert John Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Maddox, Richard Neil Tail Gunner42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Malone, John James Pilot42-107074Completed, Uninjured
Malthouse, William Albert Co-pilot42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Markiewicz, John Henry Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97201Aborted
Marks, Sanford (NMI) Bombardier42-97188Completed, Uninjured
Marttila, Walter Konstantin Navigator42-97081Completed, Uninjured
McBride, Charles Eugene Tail Gunner42-97237Completed, Uninjured
McDonald, Thomas Harry Bombardier42-37792Completed, Uninjured
McGuire, James Francis Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-107074Completed, Uninjured
McKeon, Francis Peter Engineer/Top Turret42-107057Completed, Uninjured
McKittrick, Vernon Russell Navigator42-102518Completed, Uninjured
Mechling, Robert Paul Bombardier42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Meland, Ralph Wendell Pilot42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Melsen, Howard Carl Co-pilot42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Menchaca, Jose Ricardo Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97201Aborted
Messer, Joseph Louis Navigator42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Mignano, Anthony (NMI) Radio Operator42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Miller, Frederick Christian Co-pilot42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Miller, James Gilmore Pilot42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Millhouse, Clarence Laverne Tail Gunner42-107074Completed, Uninjured
Milne, Dale Thomas Navigator42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Mock, Melvin Bert Tail Gunner42-97251Aborted
Molitor, Thomas George Ball Turret42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Monfort, Robert Hugh Navigator42-38208Aborted
Moody, James Clifton Bombardier42-107074Completed, Uninjured
Moore, Howard Milton Radio Operator42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Morgan, Robert William Tail Gunner42-102448POW/Wounded
Morris, Arthur Joseph Bombardier42-97201Aborted
Morris, Edward John Engineer/Top Turret42-102442Aborted
Morton, Howard Raymond Co-pilot42-97309Completed, Uninjured
Neal, William (NMI) Ball Turret42-102448POW
Neeson, Richard Stanley Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97273Completed, Uninjured
Norton, Howard Glen Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Nutt, Oliver Wayne Tail Gunner42-102518Completed, Uninjured
O'Cain, Billy Eklund Engineer/Top Turret42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Olson, Norman (NMI) Co-pilot42-102442Aborted
Pavlisko, John Arthur Togglier42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Pederson, Floyd Roy Bombardier42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Peloke, Dale Dean Togglier42-97251Aborted
Peterson, George (NMI) Radio Operator42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Peterson, Harold William Pilot42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Peterson, Walter Thomas Pilot42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Philippi, Norbert Francis Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Pitts, William Lawrence Bombardier42-97521Completed, Uninjured
Pompe, Bernard Joseph Pilot42-97309Completed, Uninjured
Potts, Russell Malcom Navigator42-97263Completed, Uninjured
Price, Harold Omas Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Pring, Robert Bradford Co-pilot42-97263Completed, Uninjured
Radakovitz, Herman Andrew Bombardier42-97309Completed, Uninjured
Rarick, Harold Linwood Bombardier42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Reedy, Delbert Rudolph Ball Turret42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Reinlie, Robert Laingor Navigator42-102442Aborted
Richardson, William Earl Radio Operator42-97201Aborted
Rogers, Stanley Postley Tail Gunner42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Roth, Verle Leroy Co-pilot42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Rubinson, Harold David Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Ruschival, Adam Charles Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Scheer, Irving Navigator42-37792Completed, Uninjured
Schekel, Lorin Edwin Tail Gunner42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Schleuse, Robert Edward Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Schmitz, Michael Adam Radio Operator42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Seitz, Harold Meade Co-pilot42-97573Completed, Uninjured
Sell, Herman Rewellien Navigator42-107057Completed, Uninjured
Shipley, Charles Marion Radio Operator42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Silk, Louis Allan Bombardier42-102448POW
Sinski, Ignatius J Tail Gunner42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Slife, Harry Frances Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97251Aborted
Smart, Samuel Hayes Ball Turret42-102518Completed, Uninjured
Smigelsky, Horace Joseph Co-pilot42-107057Completed, Uninjured
Smith, Kenneth Elwood Engineer/Top Turret42-107074Completed, Uninjured
Smith, Otto (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-38208Aborted
Stakes, Albert Garrison Navigator42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Stanley, Rex Elmo Radio Operator42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Stewart, Gilman Carter Co-pilot42-97251Aborted
Stills, James Vernon Co-pilot42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Stimac, John (NMI) Bombardier42-102442Aborted
Stitzel, Charles Edward Ball Turret42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Strand, Robert Earl Pilot42-97273Completed, Uninjured
Sullivan, James Dominic Pilot42-107083Completed, Uninjured
Swift, Kenneth Gilbert Togglier42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Swisher, Glenn Everett Navigator42-97201Aborted
Tenborg, George Laurence Ball Turret42-97251Aborted
Thevenet, Charles James Bombardier42-97263Completed, Uninjured
Thoma, Edward Paul Co-pilot42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Thompson, Luther Edwin Tail Gunner42-97309Completed, Uninjured
Toboz, Benny (NMI) Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-107074Completed, Uninjured
Tow, Douglas Uane Ball Turret42-107074Completed, Uninjured
Treat, Royal DeWitt Engineer/Top Turret42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Trypuc, John Vincent Radio Operator42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Tucker, Clifton Roland Togglier42-107057Completed, Uninjured
Turner, William Eugene Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97081Completed, Uninjured
Ukrain, Sidney Charles Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Umstattd, James McNutt Navigator42-97273Completed, Uninjured
Wagner, Casimer John Engineer/Top Turret42-102448KIA
Wallace, Virgil Leonard Engineer/Top Turret42-97139Completed, Uninjured
Waller, Guy Ford Engineer/Top Turret42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Wardell, Raymond Arthur Radio Operator42-97237Completed, Uninjured
Warshawsky, Morris (NMI) Tail Gunner42-97510Completed, Uninjured
Weissenbach, Kenneth August Radio Operator42-107074Completed, Uninjured
Welsbacher, Robert Henry Navigator42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Wheeler, Glenn Preston Tail Gunner42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Whitley, William Martin Engineer/Top Turret42-38208Aborted
Williamson, Albert (NMI) Radio Operator42-97309Completed, Uninjured
Wills, Charles Howard Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97263Completed, Uninjured
Wood, Charles Stoddart Navigator42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Wray, Forrest Donald Tail Gunner42-97367Completed, Uninjured
Wright, James Wiley Pilot42-97204Completed, Uninjured
Wyman, Donald George Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-102402Completed, Uninjured
Zipfel, Herbert Walter Waist (Flexible) Gunner42-97204Completed, Uninjured