Mission Date | 29 January 1944 |
Eighth Air Force Operations | Operations description not yet available. |
Mission |
384th BG Mission Number 55, Eighth AF Force Mission Number 198
Technology Trumps Overcast Targets The 384th Bombardment Group (H) supplied two group formations for today's mission, which flew as lead and low groups of the 41st Combat Wing B wing. Bombs were released using PFF aiming.
Primary Target |
Target: Aircraft Parts Plants Type: Aircraft Industry Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
Target Attacked (Mode) | Primary (PFF) |
Sortie/Aircraft Summary |
Completed Mission, not including spares - 35 Flying Spare, Completed Mission - 2 Returned Early - 1 Flying Spare, Returned As Briefed - 2 Aborted - 3 |
Mission Personnel | Mission Personnel Roster⇗ or Mission Loading Lists⇗ |
Mission Documents | Combat Mission Records and Plans obtained from the National Archives⇗ |
Other Mission Documents | 1943-01-29, Wing Lead, W. Buck, L. Armstrong⇗ |
Aircraft | Pilot | Results | Mission/Sortie Information |
41‑24578⇗ | Outen, Charles Levi⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑3087⇗ | Kew, William Joseph⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑3440⇗ | Boger, Eugene Arthur⇗ | Completed Mission | Lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑3441⇗ | Price, William Merriman⇗ | Completed Mission | Group deputy, low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑5404⇗ | Lovell, James MacNaughton⇗ | Aborted Mission After Taking Off. | Lead group. Turned back at 0825 hrs because exhaust stack broke on #3 engine, which then had to be feathered. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑5444⇗ | Ross, Burton Raymond⇗ | Completed Mission | Lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29554⇗ | Yelvington, Melton Albert⇗ | Completed Mission | Lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29632⇗ | Writz, Horace Fred⇗ | Completed Mission | Lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29688⇗ | McDonald, Raymond Leroy⇗ | Spare, Completed Mission | Low group flying spare; joined formation. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29703⇗ | West, George Berry⇗ | Completed Mission | Lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29717⇗ | Larsen, Jack Kirby⇗ | Completed Mission | Lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29723⇗ | Reed, Merlin Howard⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29809⇗ | Fioretti, Edward Anthony⇗ | Spare, Completed Mission | Lead group flying spare; joined formation. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31045⇗ | Rich, John (NMI)⇗ | Flying Spare, Returned As Briefed | Low group SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31058⇗ | Rinne, Austin Dean⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31211⇗ | MacPhail, Philip Ray⇗ | Completed Mission | Low Squadron lead, low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31222⇗ | Taylor, Sidney Paul⇗ | Completed Mission | High Squadron lead, low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31235⇗ | Hurley, Joseph Anthony⇗ | Completed Mission | Lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31346⇗ | Knapp, Paul Bernard⇗ | Completed Mission | Lead group. Dropped fifty parcels of nickles (propaganda pamphlets) plus 6x500 GP on target. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31364⇗ | Jacobs, Randolph George Edward⇗ | Completed Mission | Low Squadron lead, lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31375⇗ | Courtemanche, Ralph Eudor⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31433⇗ | Willing, Mark Skinner⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group lead. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31484⇗ | Edwards, Floyd Clinton⇗ | Completed Mission | Wing deputy. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31495⇗ | Carpenter, Walter Richard⇗ | Completed Mission | High Squadron lead, lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31606⇗ | Lovvorn, Hollie Ray⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37727⇗ | Penney, Comus Robert⇗ | Completed Mission | Lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37776⇗ | Wolf, Richard Vance⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37788⇗ | Booska, Maurice Arthur⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37792⇗ | Cosentino, George (NMI)⇗ | Completed Mission | Lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37793⇗ | DeFrees, Norman Francis⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37801⇗ | LaSeur, William Veryle⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37816⇗ | Armstrong, Lloyd Rowland⇗ | Completed Mission | Wing lead. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37848⇗ | Wilson, William Monroe⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37885⇗ | Lotz, William Henry⇗ | Aborted Mission After Taking Off. | Lead group. Turned back over Lutterworth at 0922 hrs due to drop in pressure in oxygen system from 375 lbs to 225 lbs. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37974⇗ | Pryor, Raymond Thomas⇗ | Completed Mission | Lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37982⇗ | Clayton, John Earl⇗ | Completed Mission | Lead group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑38013⇗ | Bennett, Phillip Nathan⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑38014⇗ | Markow, Henry Victor⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑39784⇗ | Covington, Royston Truitt⇗ | Aborted Mission After Taking Off. | Lead group. Turned back at 1007 hrs because #3 engine was throwing oil and caught fire. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑39809⇗ | Smith, Roger Clement⇗ | Returned Early | Low group. Turned back at 1019 hrs due to pilot's illness. Bombs jettisoned in Channel. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑39888⇗ | Jorgenson, Henry (NMI)⇗ | Flying Spare, Returned As Briefed | Lead group SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑39991⇗ | Corcoran, John Joseph⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑40005⇗ | Stier, George Withers⇗ | Completed Mission | Low group. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |