Mission # 18


Mission Date 27 August 1943
VIII Bomber Command Operations Show Operations
384th Bomb Group Mission
384th BG Mission Number 18, VIII BC Mission Number 87
No Attack: Mechanical Failure
The 384th Bombardment Group (H) flew as the high group of the 103rd Combat Wing on today's mission. During the bomb run, the linkage between the bombsight and the Automatic Flight Control Equipment (AFCE) failed. It was too late to either transition to manual control or to transfer the lead to the group deputy (whose bombardier was never able to see the target). A second run was considered, but not undertaken due to the risk inherent in making the run without support of other groups in the wing. Consequently, as required by bombing SOP over occupied territory, the bombs were held, except for the Aufmuth Crew, who accidentally dropped two bombs.
Primary Target Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Watten, France
Target Attacked (Mode) No Target Attacked
Sortie/Aircraft Summary Completed Mission, not including spares - 17
Aborted - 1
Mission Personnel Mission Personnel Roster or Mission Loading Lists
Mission Documents Combat Mission Records and Plans obtained from the National Archives

Table is sorted by Pilot, and may be sorted by any column: click the column head.
Aircraft Pilot Results Mission/Sortie Information
41‑24507Jacobs, Randolph George EdwardCompleted MissionLow Squadron deputy.
42‑3218Armstrong, Lloyd RowlandCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑3440Sprague, Alfred LeeCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑3441Estes, Thomas JeffersonCompleted MissionLow Squadron lead.
42‑3455Faulkiner, Russel RubenCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑5051McMahon, James JosephCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑5404Thompson, Siguard (NMI)Completed Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑5444Lecates, Robert LeslieCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑5838Frink, Horace EverettCompleted MissionHigh Squadron deputy.
42‑5843Pulcipher, Ralph RobertCompleted MissionHigh Squadron lead.
42‑5852Willing, Mark SkinnerCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑29554Ingles, John ThomasAborted Mission After Taking Off.Had to leave formation when one bomb broke loose and lodged on bomb bay doors. Jettisoned it over the English Channel and returned to base.
42‑29699Goulder, Edmund SamuelCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑29703Aufmuth, Lester HerbertCompleted MissionAccidentally dropped two bombs in target area.
42‑29914Higdon, Philip EarlCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑30026Armstrong, James EdwinCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑30033Ogilvie, Donald PotterCompleted MissionGroup lead.
42‑30043Price, William MerrimanCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT