Dougherty, John (NMI)

Individual Personnel Data
Name Dougherty, John (NMI)   
Rank Second Lieutenant
Serial Number O-673506   
Unit Assignments Assigned to the 546th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #56 dated 25 July 1943, effective 25 July 1943.
Duty Navigator
MOS1034 - Navigator
Last Duty Date 16 August 1943
Results Evaded Capture
Related Documents Missing Air Crew Report # 295 (3.015 MB)
Escape & Evasion Report # 358 (Filesize N/A)
Photo Album:Crew Photo Album

Crew Composition When Assigned to the 384th BG
Replacement Combat Crew
1st Lt. Magowan, David, JrPilotPOW
2nd Lt. Bughman, Leonard WoodsCo-pilotPOW
2nd Lt. Dougherty, John (NMI)NavigatorEV
2nd Lt. Gudyka, Peter (NMI)BombardierMIA
T/SGT. Koves, Ladislaw GeorgeRadio Operator / GunnerPOW
SGT. Schroeder, Albert GEngineer / Top Turret GunnerTR
S/SGT. Coody, Matthew EarlBall Turret GunnerPOW
PVT. Murray, James BTail GunnerKIA
S/SGT. Sheets, Robert MFlexible GunnerEV
S/SGT. Ohe, Edward BurtonFlexible GunnerPOW

Missions, Aircraft, Crews
This individual was credited with 3 Combat Missions.
Number Date Target Position Aircraft Mission/Sortie Information
14 12 August 1943 Target: Synthetic Fuel Hydrogenation Plant
Type: Industry
Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Navigator 42‑3259 Combat Mission Credit
On return, landed away at Framlingham, AAF Station 153, with one wounded. Engines #1 & #3 damaged by 20mm shell, many flak holes in ship.
Sortie Report
15 15 August 1943 Target: Poix-en-Picardie and Amiens-Glisy Airfields
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Poix-de-Picardie & Amiens, France
Navigator 42‑5797 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
16 16 August 1943 Target: Le Bourget Airport & Air Depot
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Paris, France
Navigator 42‑5797 Combat Mission Credit
Failed To Return
Shot down by enemy aircraft after target; crew bailed out, then aircraft exploded and crashed near Villiers-en-Désœuvre, west of Paris, France. MACR 295
Sortie Report

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