Simmons, Martin Leonard

Individual Personnel Data
Name Simmons, Martin Leonard
Rank Flight Officer
Serial Number T-138227
Unit Assignments Assigned to the 545th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #73 dated 4 April 1945, effective 4 April 1945.
Duty Navigator
MOS1034 - Navigator
Last Duty Date TBD
Results TBD
Additional Information
  • Date of Birth: 27 May 1925
  • Granted a seven (7) day leave of absence on or about 21 November 1945 to visit The Martinez Hotel, Cannes, France on AAF Station 195 Special Orders #89 dated 20 November 1945.
  • Granted a seven (7) day leave of absence plus two (2) days travel time on or about 30 December 1945 to visit The French Alps Recreational Center on AAF Station 106 Special Orders #113 dated 27 December 1945.

Crew Composition When Assigned to the 384th BG
Replacement Combat Crew
Flt. Ofcr. Jones, Charles KPilotTBD
Flt. Ofcr. MacNicol, Kenneth ECo-pilotTBD
Flt. Ofcr. Simmons, Martin LeonardNavigatorTBD
SGT. Bandler, Wilbur William, "WW"Radio Operator / GunnerCT
SGT. Amburn, Ray HarrisonEngineer / Top Turret GunnerTBD
SGT. Fitzpatrick, William A, JrFlexible GunnerTR
CPL. Daugherity, William DFlexible GunnerTR
CPL. Lederman, Morton (NMI)Flexible GunnerTR
CPL. Fitzgerald, Audine Emmitt, JrFlexible GunnerTR

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