Cheresnik, Edward John

Individual Personnel Data
Name Cheresnik, Edward John   
Rank Second Lieutenant / First Lieutenant
Serial Number O-757870   
Unit Assignments Assigned to the 546th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #85 dated 6 May 1944, effective 6 May 1944.
Duty Bombardier / Navigator
MOS1035 - Bombardier
Last Duty Date 25 September 1944
Results Killed In Action
Final Resting Place or Memorial: Long Island National Cemetery, Farmingdale, New York: Section J Site 14000
Additional Information
  • Date of Birth: 3 September 1917
  • Graduated from Bombardier School at Roswell AAF, Roswell, New Mexico, Class #43-15, 23 October 1943.
  • Granted a seven day sick leave of absence effective 15 July 1944 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #137 dated 14 July 1944.
Related Documents Missing Air Crew Report # 9414 (19.951 MB)
Missing Air Crew Report # 7454 (4.972 MB)

Crew Composition When Assigned to the 384th BG
Replacement Combat Crew
2nd Lt. Ungerman, Kenneth ArmisteadPilotCT
2nd Lt. Widner, Charles WilliamCo-pilotCT
2nd Lt. Williams, Evan LetcherNavigatorCT
2nd Lt. Cheresnik, Edward JohnBombardierKIA
S/SGT. Bailey, Robert RexRadio Operator / GunnerCT
S/SGT. Schlising, Roger EvanEngineer / Top Turret GunnerCT
SGT. Vallone, Frank PhilipBall Turret GunnerCT
SGT. Price, William RobertTail GunnerCT
SGT. Jacobs, Dallas AthelFlexible GunnerCT
SGT. Stephens, Herbert ArthurFlexible GunnerCT

Missions, Aircraft, Crews
This individual was credited with 32 Combat Missions.
Number Date Target Position Aircraft Mission/Sortie Information
112 22 May 1944 Target: Warehouse District in the Dock Area
Type: Transportation
Location: Kiel, Germany
Bombardier 42‑107121 Combat Mission Credit
High Squadron Deputy.
Sortie Report
113 23 May 1944 Target: Nancy/Essey Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Nancy, France
Bombardier 42‑107057 Combat Mission Credit
41B Group
Sortie Report
133 12 June 1944 Target: Railroad Bridge 48°29'N,2°0'W
Type: Transportation
Location: La Vicomté-sur-Rance, France
Navigator 42‑107057 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
134 13 June 1944 Target: Dreux Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Dreux, France
Navigator 42‑97139 Combat Mission Credit
Landed away at RAF Stansted, Essex, on return, due to bad weather.
Sortie Report
135 14 June 1944 Target: Coulommiers Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Coulommiers, France
Navigator 42‑102601 Combat Mission Credit
41B Wing, Lead Group.
Sortie Report
136 15 June 1944 Target: Railroad Viaduct
Type: Transportation
Location: La Possonnièrre, France
Navigator 42‑97251 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
137 16 June 1944 Target: Athies Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Laon, France
Navigator 42‑97510 Combat Mission Credit
Lead Group, High Squadron Deputy.
Sortie Report
138 18 June 1944 Target: Ölwerke Julius Humbles
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Navigator 42‑107057 Combat Mission Credit
41B Group.
Sortie Report
139 19 June 1944 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Fleury & Crépy, France
Navigator 42‑107057 Combat Mission Credit
41A Group.
Sortie Report
140 19 June 1944 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Fleury & Crépy, France
Navigator 42‑107057 Combat Mission Credit
41B Group.
Sortie Report
141 20 June 1944 Target: Oil Refineries
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Harburg (Hamburg area), Germany
Navigator 42‑102501 Combat Mission Credit
Low Group.
Sortie Report
142 21 June 1944 Target: Friedrichstrasse Industrial Area
Type: Industry
Location: Berlin, Germany
Navigator 42‑107057 Combat Mission Credit
Lead Group, Low Squadron Lead.
Sortie Report
145 24 June 1944 Target: German Vacuum Oil Company
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Oslebshausen (Bremen area), Germany
Navigator 42‑102601 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
146 25 June 1944 Target: Railroad Bridge & Embankment
Type: Transportation
Location: Sens, France
Navigator 42‑102601 Combat Mission Credit
Flying spare; joined formation.
Sortie Report
149 30 June 1944 Target: Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Montdidier, France
Navigator 42‑102601 Combat Mission Credit
Low Squadron deputy, lead group.
Sortie Report
153 7 July 1944 Target: Me-109 Aircraft Factory
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Leipzig, Germany
Navigator 42‑97273 Combat Mission Credit
High group, 41st A wing. Tailgunner bailed out during violent prop wash, apparently believing the aircraft was in trouble.
Sortie Report
154 8 July 1944 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Renescure, France
Navigator 42‑102500 Combat Mission Credit
High group.
Sortie Report
155 11 July 1944 Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Munich / München, Germany
Navigator 42‑102620 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
156 12 July 1944 Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Munich / München, Germany
Navigator 42‑107083 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
165 25 July 1944 Target: Tactical - Enemy Strong Points
Type: Military
Location: Montreuil-sur-Lozon, Le Châtel,
& La Chapelle en Juger, France
Navigator 42‑102500 Combat Mission Credit
Low Group, Low Squadron Lead.
Sortie Report
166 28 July 1944 Target: Synthetic Oil & Chemical Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Merseburg, Germany
Navigator 42‑102620 Combat Mission Credit
High group hot camera ship.
Sortie Report
167 29 July 1944 Target: Synthetic Oil & Chemical Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Merseburg, Germany
Navigator 42‑31222 Combat Mission Credit
High section deputy, lead group 41st B wing.
Sortie Report
168 31 July 1944 Target: Aero Engine Factory
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Munich / München, Germany
Navigator 42‑107057 Combat Mission Credit
Low Group, High Squadron Lead.
Sortie Report
182 18 August 1944 Target: Tactical: Bridge
Type: Transportation
Location: Vise, Belgium
Navigator 43‑37713 Combat Mission Credit
High group.
Sortie Report
185 26 August 1944 Target: Buer Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Navigator 42‑107083 Combat Mission Credit
Low group.
Sortie Report
187 3 September 1944 Target: I. G. Farben Chemical Works
Type: Industry
Location: Ludwigshafen, Germany
Navigator 42‑102500 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
189 8 September 1944 Target: I. G. Farben Chemical Works
Type: Industry
Location: Ludwigshafen, Germany
Navigator 42‑102500 Aborted Mission After Taking Off
Turned back due to failure of #4 engine - lost propellor in flight. Bombs jettisoned in Channel.
Sortie Report
190 9 September 1944 Target: I. G. Farben Chemical Works
Type: Industry
Location: Ludwigshafen, Germany
Navigator 42‑39888 Aborted Mission After Taking Off
This crew replaced original aircraft (42‑38014) with 42‑39888, apparently displacing the Sienkiewicz Crew. Aborted due to oxygen failure.
Sortie Report
191 10 September 1944 Target: BMW Motor Component Parts Plant
Type: Industry
Location: Sindelfingen, Germany
Navigator 42‑102933 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
193 12 September 1944 Target: Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Brüx, Czechoslovakia
Navigator 42‑102500 Combat Mission Credit
Landed with wounded aboard.
Sortie Report
194 13 September 1944 Target: Leuna Synthetic Oil Refinery
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Merseburg, Germany
Navigator 42‑107121 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
195 17 September 1944 Target: Tank and Gun Concentrations, Tactical
Type: Military
Location: Eindhoven & 's‑Hertogenbosch (den Bosch), The Netherlands
Navigator 42‑97510 Combat Mission Credit
D Squadron.
Sortie Report
196 19 September 1944 Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Hamm, Germany
Navigator 42‑102620 Combat Mission Credit
Low Squadron.
Sortie Report
198 25 September 1944 Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Navigator 42‑107057 Combat Mission Credit
Failed To Return
Hit by flak, crashed near Wiesbaden, Germany; MACR 9414
Sortie Report

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