Chanter, Robert William

Individual Personnel Data
Name Chanter, Robert William
Rank Sergeant / Staff Sergeant
Serial Number 14076943
Unit Assignments
  • Assigned to the 545th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #81 dated 1 May 1944, effective 1 May 1944.
  • Assigned to the 544th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #92 dated 17 May 1944, effective 17 May 1944.
Duty Flexible Gunner / Togglier
MOS611 - Aerial Gunner
Last Duty Date 19 November 1944
Results Completed Combat Tour
Additional Information
  • Date of Birth: 29 June 1918
  • Promoted to Staff Sergeant per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #95 dated 22 May 1944.
  • Bailed out over Allied Territory after a mission on 19 September 1944. Seven of the crew returned to duty. The ball turret gunner was injured by flak and transferred to the Detachment of Patients, 4178 U.S. Army Hospital Plant. The tail gunner was injured by flak and hospitalized from 19 September 1944 until 10 November 1944.
Photo Album:Crew Photo Album

Crew Composition When Assigned to the 384th BG
Replacement Combat Crew
1st Lt. Lane, Edward WilliamPilotCT
Flt. Ofcr. Finch, Francis NelsonCo-pilotINT
2nd Lt. Lord, Kenneth Smith, "Smitty"NavigatorCT
2nd Lt. Wiley, Ralph EdwardBombardierCT
S/SGT. Morlan, Emil Clayton, "Clayton"Radio Operator / GunnerCT
SGT. Keyser, Carl AlphusEngineer / Top Turret GunnerTR
SGT. Miller, Harold ArthurBall Turret GunnerTR
SGT. Kobulik, Andrew (NMI), JrTail GunnerCT
S/SGT. Bemis, Forrest JamesFlexible GunnerCT
SGT. Chanter, Robert WilliamFlexible GunnerCT

Missions, Aircraft, Crews
This individual was credited with 32 Combat Missions.
Number Date Target Position Aircraft Mission/Sortie Information
104 9 May 1944 Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Thionville, France
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 42‑97201 Combat Mission Credit
Ground Spare Aircraft; replaced 42‑102430.
Sortie Report
106 12 May 1944 Target: Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Merseburg, Germany
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 42‑97271 Combat Mission Credit
High Squadron lead, lead group.
Sortie Report
107 13 May 1944 Target: Aircraft Assembly Components Factory.
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Poznań, Poland
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 42‑97573 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
113 23 May 1944 Target: Nancy/Essey Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Nancy, France
Togglier 42‑102459 Combat Mission Credit
41A Group Low Squadron Deputy.
Sortie Report
125 4 June 1944 Target: Artillery Battery
Type: Military
Location: Hardelot (Boulogne area), France
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 42‑38208 Combat Mission Credit
Lead Group, Wing Deputy.
Sortie Report
132 10 June 1944 Target: Chateau Bougon Airfield (41A) & Vannes Airfield (41B)
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Nantes & Vannes, France
Togglier 42‑97282 Combat Mission Credit
41B Group, High Squadron Deputy.
Sortie Report
135 14 June 1944 Target: Coulommiers Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Coulommiers, France
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 42‑102661 Combat Mission Credit
41B Wing, Low Group, Group Lead.
Sortie Report
139 19 June 1944 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Fleury & Crépy, France
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 42‑97824 Combat Mission Credit
41A Group Lead.
Sortie Report
141 20 June 1944 Target: Oil Refineries
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Harburg (Hamburg area), Germany
Togglier 42‑102459 Combat Mission Credit
Lead Group.
Sortie Report
142 21 June 1944 Target: Friedrichstrasse Industrial Area
Type: Industry
Location: Berlin, Germany
Togglier 42‑39888 Combat Mission Credit
Low Group.
Sortie Report
143 22 June 1944 Target: V-2 Storage & Launch Site
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Wizernes, France
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 42‑97824 Combat Mission Credit
Group lead.
Sortie Report
145 24 June 1944 Target: German Vacuum Oil Company
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Oslebshausen (Bremen area), Germany
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 42‑97282 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
148 28 June 1944 Target: Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Juvincourt (Juvincourt-et-Damary), France
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 42‑97824 Combat Mission Credit
High group lead, 41st B wing. Landed away at Boxted, AAF Station 150, on return due to weather.
Sortie Report
151 6 July 1944 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Coubronne, France
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 42‑107224 Combat Mission Credit
Wing lead.
Sortie Report
153 7 July 1944 Target: Me-109 Aircraft Factory
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Leipzig, Germany
Togglier 42‑37982 Aborted Mission After Taking Off
High Squadron deputy, high group, 41st B wing. Lost group in heavy clouds; tacked on to the low group of the 41st B wing and bombed with them.
Sortie Report
155 11 July 1944 Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Munich / München, Germany
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 42‑31801 Combat Mission Credit
Wing deputy. PFF ship and unidentified crew members provided by the 305th BG, Chelveston, AAF Station 106.
Sortie Report
186 30 August 1944 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Crepieul, France
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 42‑102430 Combat Mission Credit
Lead Squadron flying spare; joined formation.
Sortie Report
188 5 September 1944 Target: I. G. Farben Chemical Works
Type: Industry
Location: Ludwigshafen, Germany
Togglier 42‑39888 Combat Mission Credit
Returned with #4 feathered.
Sortie Report
189 8 September 1944 Target: I. G. Farben Chemical Works
Type: Industry
Location: Ludwigshafen, Germany
Togglier 44‑6141 Aborted Mission After Taking Off
Turned back due to #1 supercharger failure.
Sortie Report
190 9 September 1944 Target: I. G. Farben Chemical Works
Type: Industry
Location: Ludwigshafen, Germany
Togglier 42‑97320 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
191 10 September 1944 Target: BMW Motor Component Parts Plant
Type: Industry
Location: Sindelfingen, Germany
Togglier 43‑38062 Combat Mission Credit
Low Squadron. Returned with #4 feathered.
Sortie Report
194 13 September 1944 Target: Leuna Synthetic Oil Refinery
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Merseburg, Germany
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 43‑37713 Combat Mission Credit
Ground Spare Aircraft, replaced 42‑37982. Hot camera ship. Landed away at RAF Manston, Kent, with battle damage.
Sortie Report
195 17 September 1944 Target: Tank and Gun Concentrations, Tactical
Type: Military
Location: Eindhoven & 's‑Hertogenbosch (den Bosch), The Netherlands
Togglier 42‑39888 Combat Mission Credit
F Squadron.
Sortie Report
196 19 September 1944 Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Hamm, Germany
Togglier 42‑37982 Combat Mission Credit
Lead Squadron flying spare; joined formation; aircraft struck by flak just before the IP; after dropping bombs on target, left formation, apparently under control; crew bailed out over Binche, Bel.; all crew returned to duty except ball turret gunner and tail gunner who were seriously injured.
Sortie Report
203 2 October 1944 Target: Ford Motor Works
Type: Industry
Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 43‑38615 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
204 3 October 1944 Target: Synthetic Oil Refinery
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Wesseling, Germany
Togglier 44‑6141 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
205 5 October 1944 Type: Industry
Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany
Togglier 42‑98000 Combat Mission Credit
High Squadron.
Sortie Report
206 6 October 1944 Target: M/T Factory
Type: Industry
Location: Stettin / Szczecin, Poland
Togglier 44‑6512 Combat Mission Credit
D group.
Sortie Report
212 17 October 1944 Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany
Togglier 42‑102661 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
213 18 October 1944 Target: Ford Motor Works
Type: Industry
Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 42‑97824 Combat Mission Credit
Low Squadron lead. Gee-H ship. Relinquished lead to deputy on bomb run after Gee-H equipment failed.
Sortie Report
214 19 October 1944 Target: Heinrich Lanz Tank Factory
Type: Industry
Location: Mannheim, Germany
Togglier 42‑102459 Combat Mission Credit
Lead Squadron hot camera ship.
Sortie Report
218 2 November 1944 Target: Ruhr-Chemie A.G. Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Sterkrade (Holten), Germany
Waist (Flexible) Gunner 42‑97824 Combat Mission Credit
High Squadron deputy. Gee-H ship (no Gee-H navigator assigned for this mission).
Sortie Report
222 8 November 1944 Target: Leuna Synthetic Oil Plant (visual aim point)
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Merseburg, Germany
Togglier 43‑38062 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
224 10 November 1944 Target: Ostheim Airfield & Butzweilerhof Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany
Togglier 43‑37703 Combat Mission Credit
41D Squadron.
Sortie Report

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