Perry, Gilbert Franklin

Individual Personnel Data
Name Perry, Gilbert Franklin   
Rank Staff Sergeant / Technical Sergeant
Serial Number 35722401   
Unit Assignments Assigned to the 545th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #113 dated 15 June 1944, effective 15 June 1944.
Duty Engineer / Top Turret Gunner
MOS748 - Army Airplane Mechanic / Gunner, Flight Engineer
Last Duty Date 7 October 1944
Results Prisoner Of War
POW Camp: Stalag Luft 4 Gross-Tychow (formerly Heydekrug) Pomerania, Prussia (moved to Wobbelin Bei Ludwigslust) (To Usedom Bei Savenmunde) 54-16
Related Documents Missing Air Crew Report # 9365 (21.608 MB)
Photo Album:Crew Photo Album

Crew Composition When Assigned to the 384th BG
Replacement Combat Crew
2nd Lt. Pluhar, Emil EdwardPilotMIA
2nd Lt. Switzer, Ralph VincentCo-pilotWIA
2nd Lt. Machiz, Irving (NMI)NavigatorCT
2nd Lt. Gogarty, Thomas PatrickBombardierTR
S/SGT. Harbrecht, Robert FrancisRadio Operator / GunnerPOW
S/SGT. Perry, Gilbert FranklinEngineer / Top Turret GunnerPOW
SGT. Clary, Leonard EstusBall Turret GunnerPOW
SGT. Frederickson, Ralph LouisTail GunnerPOW
S/SGT. Amspacher, Ray RichardFlexible GunnerPOW
SGT. Hall, Horace HomerFlexible GunnerCT

Missions, Aircraft, Crews
This individual was credited with 20 Combat Missions.
Number Date Target Position Aircraft Mission/Sortie Information
144 22 June 1944 Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Lille (Fives district), France
Engineer/Top Turret 42‑102430 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
145 24 June 1944 Target: German Vacuum Oil Company
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Oslebshausen (Bremen area), Germany
Engineer/Top Turret 42‑102518 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
146 25 June 1944 Target: Railroad Bridge & Embankment
Type: Transportation
Location: Sens, France
Engineer/Top Turret 42‑97271 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
147 27 June 1944 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Storage Depot)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Saint-Martin-L'Hortier, France
Engineer/Top Turret 42‑102442 Combat Mission Credit
41st A section.
Sortie Report
148 28 June 1944 Target: Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Juvincourt (Juvincourt-et-Damary), France
Engineer/Top Turret 42‑102518 Combat Mission Credit
High group, 41st B wing. Landed away at Boxted, AAF Station 150, on return due to weather.
Sortie Report
149 30 June 1944 Target: Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Montdidier, France
Engineer/Top Turret 42‑97309 Combat Mission Credit
High Squadron deputy, low group.
Sortie Report
150 4 July 1944 Target: Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Dreux (Conches-en-Ouche), France
Engineer/Top Turret 42‑102430 Combat Mission Credit
Lead group flying spare; joined formation. Due to a mechanical failure in the bomb bay, could not release bombs.
Sortie Report
154 8 July 1944 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Renescure, France
Engineer/Top Turret 42‑97309 Combat Mission Credit
High group.
Sortie Report
157 13 July 1944 Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Munich / München, Germany
Engineer/Top Turret 42‑102430 Combat Mission Credit
41A Group.
Sortie Report
158 16 July 1944 Target: Aero Engine Factory
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Munich / München, Germany
Engineer/Top Turret 42‑102430 Combat Mission Credit
Low Squadron Hot Camera Ship.
Sortie Report
177 11 August 1944 Target: Tactical: Coastal Artillery Emplacements
Type: Military
Location: Brest, France
Engineer/Top Turret 42‑97309 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
178 12 August 1944 Target: "Landing Ground"
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: La Perthe, France
Engineer/Top Turret 42‑97309 Combat Mission Credit
High group.
Sortie Report
180 14 August 1944 Target: Echterdingen Airdrome
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Engineer/Top Turret 42‑31484 Combat Mission Credit
Lead group.
Sortie Report
186 30 August 1944 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Crepieul, France
Engineer/Top Turret 42‑97309 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
201 28 September 1944 Target: Steelworks
Type: Industry
Location: Magdeburg, Germany
Engineer/Top Turret 42‑107125 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
202 30 September 1944 Target: Handorf Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Münster, Germany
Engineer/Top Turret 44‑6294 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
203 2 October 1944 Target: Ford Motor Works
Type: Industry
Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany
Engineer/Top Turret 43‑37717 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
204 3 October 1944 Target: Synthetic Oil Refinery
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Wesseling, Germany
Engineer/Top Turret 43‑37971 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
205 5 October 1944 Type: Industry
Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany
Engineer/Top Turret 43‑37717 Combat Mission Credit
Low Squadron.
Sortie Report
207 7 October 1944 Target: Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Leipzig, Germany
Engineer/Top Turret 44‑6294 Combat Mission Credit
Failed To Return
At 1236 hrs over Ruhland, lost part control of aircraft over target after being hit by flak: co-pilot was killed instantly, and pilot mortally wounded. He peeled off from formation under control after bombing target and left formation; ship appeared to be in good condition; no chutes observed but crew did bail out (except for the pilots); crashed near Ruhland, Germany; MACR 9365
Sortie Report

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