Name | Meek, Sherman Edward ‡ |
Rank | Corporal / Sergeant |
Serial Number | 38565355 ‡ |
Unit Assignments | Assigned to the 545th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #29 dated 5 February 1945, effective 5 February 1945. |
Duty | Tail Gunner |
MOS | 611 - Aerial Gunner |
Last Duty Date | 20 March 1945 |
Results |
Prisoner Of War POW Camp: Not identified in National Archives POW database. |
Additional Information |
Related Documents | Missing Air Crew Report # 13565⇓ (13.331 MB) Spartanburg World War II vets recall their missions ⇗ |
Photos of this Veteran signing the Wing Panel | Meek Signing⇗ |
2nd Lt. Hicks, Gerald Warden⇗ | Pilot | KIA |
Flt. Ofcr. Hendricks, Jesse William⇗ | Co-pilot | POW |
Flt. Ofcr. Thiefels, Robert James⇗ | Navigator | POW |
CPL. Gussin, John Anthony⇗ | Togglier | POW |
CPL. Winner, Charles H⇗ | Radio Operator / Gunner | POW |
CPL. Goodman, William Lyle⇗ | Engineer / Top Turret Gunner | POW |
CPL. Grocki, Robert David⇗ | Ball Turret Gunner | POW |
CPL. Meek, Sherman Edward | Tail Gunner | POW |
CPL. Wolcott, Roger (NMI), Jr⇗ | Flexible Gunner | POW |
Number | Date | Target | Position | Aircraft | Mission/Sortie Information |
270⇗ | 21 February 1945 |
Target: Tank Factory Type: Industry Location: Nuremberg / Nürnberg, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 43‑38673⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Lead Squadron hot camera ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
271⇗ | 22 February 1945 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Ülzen, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 44‑8408⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit High Squadron hot camera ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
272⇗ | 23 February 1945 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Plauen, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 42‑107148⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
273⇗ | 24 February 1945 |
Target: Submarine Construction Shipyard Type: Shipyards Location: Hamburg, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 42‑107148⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
274⇗ | 25 February 1945 |
Target: Tank & Submarine Engine Factory Type: Industry Location: Friedrichshafen, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 42‑102518⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Lead Squadron flying spare; joined formation. Sortie Report⇗ |
275⇗ | 26 February 1945 |
Target: Schlesicher Railroad Station (Bahnhof) Type: Transportation Location: Berlin, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 43‑38800⇗ |
Scrubbed: Did Not Take Off Ground Spare Aircraft; replaced 42‑107125 but was unable to take off because of a bad tire. Sortie Report⇗ |
278⇗ | 1 March 1945 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Bruchsal, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 42‑107148⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
279⇗ | 2 March 1945 |
Target: Low Temperature Carbonization Plant and Refinery of Deutsche Petroleum A.G. Type: Oil Industry Location: Rositz, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 42‑107125⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
280⇗ | 3 March 1945 |
Target: Synthetic Oil Refinery Type: Oil Industry Location: Misburg, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 43‑38016⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
282⇗ | 7 March 1945 |
Target: Oil Refinery Type: Oil Industry Location: Bochum, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 43‑39164⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit High Squadron. Sortie Report⇗ |
283⇗ | 8 March 1945 |
Target: Oil Refinery - 'Benzol Plant' Type: Oil Industry Location: Essen, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 43‑39053⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit High Squadron flying spare; joined formation. Sortie Report⇗ |
284⇗ | 9 March 1945 |
Target: Henschel Tank and Locomotive Works Type: Industry Location: Kassel, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 44‑6109⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
286⇗ | 11 March 1945 |
Target: Vacuum Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Bremen, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 43‑37917⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
288⇗ | 14 March 1945 |
Target: Railroad Bridge, Weser River Type: Transportation Location: Bad Oeynhausen, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 42‑97271⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
290⇗ | 17 March 1945 |
Target: Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Bohlen (Leipzig), Germany |
Tail Gunner | 42‑97271⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
291⇗ | 18 March 1945 |
Target: Schlesischer Railway Station Type: Transportation Location: Berlin, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 42‑97271⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
292⇗ | 19 March 1945 |
Target: Braunkohle-Benzin Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Bohlen, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 42‑97271⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit 41C Group. Sortie Report⇗ |
293⇗ | 20 March 1945 |
Target: Deutsche Werft Submarine Shipyard Type: Submarine Facility Location: Hamburg, Germany |
Tail Gunner | 42‑97271⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Failed To Return Lead Squadron. Hit by flak at 1655 hrs in #2 engine during withdrawal; was thrown out of formation to the right and dropped 7000ft; was last seen heading for the deck, apparently under control with no feathered props. Crashed near Ramhausen, Germany (northwest of Hamburg). MACR 13565 Sortie Report⇗ |