Grafton Underwood, England (Station 106) 1943-1945
Official Website of the 384th Bomb Group, Inc.
384th Bombardment Group (Heavy)
"Keep The Show On The Road"
Bell, Vernon Mortimer, Jr
Individual Personnel Data
Bell, Vernon Mortimer, Jr
First Lieutenant / Captain
Serial Number
Unit Assignments
Assigned to the 1119th Quartermaster Company Services Group, Aviation (RS), per 119th Quartermaster Company Initial Officer Roster, effective 4 May 1943.
Assigned to the 415th Air Service Group, per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #82 EXTRACT, effective 15 April 1945.
Commanding Officer
Last Duty Date
Additional Information
Date of Birth: 2 September 1918
Detailed as Station Rail Transportation Officer (Additional) per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #26 dated 5 June 1943.
Placed on Temporary Duty and Detached Service for two days to London, purpose Quartermaster Activities per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #27 dated 8 June 1943.
Detailed as a member of a board for the purpose of making a complete inventory of all Post, Camp and Station property on this station per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #32 dated 19 June 1943.
Placed on Temporary Duty and for two days to London, purpose Quartermaster Activities per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #33 dated 20 June 1943.
Appointed as a Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for the purpose of paying all authorized June 1943 enlisted payrolls for the 1119th Quartermaster Company Service Group (Aviation), 304th Service Group on AAF Station 106 Special Orders #34 dated 21 June 1943.
VOCO of 13 June 1943 Placing designated officers and Enlisted men on one day Temporary to Brockwood Cemetery on or about 13 June 1943, purpose Quartermaster Activities is confirmed and made of record per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #36 dated 25 June 1943.
VOCO of 29 May 1943 relieving LT VERNON M. BELL from assignment as Base QM Purchasing and Contracting Officer is confirmed and made of record per paragraph 9, AAF Station 106 Special Orders #44 dated 7 July 1943.
VOCO of 4 July 1943, detailing 1LT VERNON M. BELL as Base QM Purchasing and Contracting Officer, vice 2LT ROBERT M. NEFF, QMC, relieved, is hereby confirmed and made of record per paragraph 12, AAF Station 106 Special Orders #44 dated 7 July 1943.
Detailed as a member of the PX Council per AAF Station Special Orders #48 dated 13 July 1943. Revoked per paragraph 7, AAF Station 106 Special Orders #208 dated 20 October 1944.
Ordered to travel to London for one day for Supply Activities on or about 19 July 1943 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #53 dated 20 July 1943.
Appointed Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for A.H. Miller, Major, FD, for the purpose of paying all enlisted payrolls of 1119th QM Service Company (AVN) per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #53 dated 20 July 1943.
Ordered to travel to London for one day for Quartermaster Activities on or about 10 August per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #67 dated 9 August 1943.
Granted a seven day leave effective 22 August 1943 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #71 dated 15 August 1943.
Appointed as a Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for A.H. Miller, MAJ, FD, for the purpose of paying all enlisted payrolls for 1119th Quartermaster Company Service Group (AVN) this station for month of August 1943 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #78 dated 22 August 1943.
Per Authority Contained, VOCO of 11 September 1943, Officer is placed on Temporary Duty for one day to HQ VIII AFCS on or about 13 September 1943, purpose Supply Activities per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #93 dated 11 September 1943.
Appointed as a Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for GEORGE A. BRINGMAN, O-401989, CAPT, FD, for the purpose of paying all enlisted payrolls for 1119th Quartermaster Company Service Group (AVN) this station for the month of September 1943 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #100 dated 20 September 1943.
Appointed as Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for W. J. WARREN, O-392492 CAPT FD, for the purpose of paying all enlisted payrolls for 1119th Quartermaster Service Group (AVN) this station, for the month of October 1943 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #123 dated 20 October 1943.
Ordered to travel to London for two days for Supply Activities on or about 22 October 1943 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #125 dated 22 October 1943.
Placed on Temporary Duty to London for one day on or about 10 November 1943, purpose Supply Activities per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #139 dated 10 November 1943.
Appointed Class 'A' Agent for W.J. WARREN, O-392492, CAPTAIN FD, for the purpose of paying all the enlisted payrolls for 1119th Quartermaster Service Group (AVN), 304th Service Group this station for the month of November 1943 per AAF Station 106 Special Order #151 dated 23 November 1943.
Ordered to travel to London for one day on or about 26 November 1943, purpose Supply Activities per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #153 dated 25 November 1943.
Ordered to travel to London for two days for Supply Activities on AAF Station 106 Special Orders #172 dated 21 December 1943.
Appointed Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for Capt W J Warren (FD) for the purpose of paying enlisted payroll of the 1119th QMC Serv Gp (Avn), in the amount of $3,000 on AAF Station 106 Special Orders #174 dated 24 December 1943.
Placed on approximately four days Temporary Duty to AAF Station 586, thence to AAF Station 108 on or about 21 January 1944, purpose Supply Activities per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #13 dated 19 January 1944.
Appointed Class 'A' Agent for W.J. WARREN, O-392492, CAPTAIN FD, for the purpose of paying all the enlisted payrolls for 1119th Quartermaster Service Group (AVN) this station for the month of January 1944 per AAF Station 106 Special Order #14 dated 21 January 1944.
Appointed Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for the purpose of paying all enlisted payrolls of 1119th Quartermaster Company Service Group, this station for the month of February 1944 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #34 dated 20 February 1944.
Granted an eight day leave of absence effective on or about 5 April 1944 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #58 dated 26 March 1944.
Promoted to Captain effective 1 April 1944 per 1119th Quartermaster Company Service Group Morning Report dated 17 April 1944.
Appointed Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for T. C. HAWKINS, O-454798, Captain, FD, for the purpose of paying all the enlisted payrolls of 1119th Quartermaster Service Group, this station for the month of April 1944 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #74 dated 19 April 1944.
Appointed Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for T. C. Hawkins, O-454798, Captain, FU for the purpose of paying all enlisted payrolls of 1119th QMC Service Group for the month of May 1944 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #95 dated 22 May 1944.
Placed on two days Temporary Duty to AAF Station 101 on or about 2 June 1944, purpose Quartermaster Activities per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #102 dated 1 June 1944.
Detailed as Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for the purpose of paying the June 1944 Enlisted Payroll of 1119th Quartermaster Company, Service Group per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #118 dated 21 June 1944.
Detailed as Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for the purpose of paying the July 1944 Enlisted Payroll of 1119th Quartermaster Company, Service Group per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #143 dated 21 July 1944.
Appointed as a member of a Station Reclassification Board per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #144 dated 22 July 1944.
Sent on Temporary Duty to London for approximately two (2) days, purpose, Supply Activities, on AAF Station 106 Special Orders #149 dated 29 July 1944.
Detailed as Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for the purpose of paying the August 1944 Enlisted Payroll of 1119th Quartermaster Company, Service Group per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #168 dated 21 August 1944.
Appointed as Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for the purpose of paying all enlisted payrolls of 1119th Quartermaster Service Group this station for the month of September 1944 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #187 dated 21 September 1944.
Appointed as Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for the purpose of paying all enlisted payrolls of 1119th Quartermaster Service Group this station for the month of October 1944 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #208 dated 20 October 1944.
Detailed as a member of a Post Exchange Council (Additional) per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #208 dated 20 October 1944.
designated Reciprocal Aid and Lend-Lease Reporting Officer for AAF Station 106 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #214 dated 30 October 1944.
Detailed Officers Club Officer (additional) vice CAPTAIN ROBERT S. AYERS relieved (Primary per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #219 dated 6 November 1944.
Appointed Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer to pay the enlisted payroll of the 1119th Quartermaster Service Group for the month of November 1944 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #230 dated 21 November 1944.
Ordered on Temporary Duty to London for approximately two (2) days, Will Proceed on 7 December 1944, purpose, Supply Activities, on AAF Station 106 Special Orders #240 dated 6 December 1944.
Ordered on Temporary Duty to London for approximately two (2) days, Will Proceed on 1 December 1944, purpose, Supply Activities, on AAF Station 106 Special Orders #236 dated 1 December 1944.
Ordered on approximately two days Temporary Duty to London on 20 December 1944, purpose Supply Activities per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #251 dated 20 December 1944.
Appointed Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer to pay the enlisted payroll of the 1119th Quartermaster Service Group for the month of December 1944 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #252 dated 21 December 1944.
Ordered to London on or about 10 January 1945 for approximately two days Temporary Duty, purpose Supply Activities per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #7 dated 8 January 1945.
Appointed Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer to pay the enlisted payroll of the 1119th Quartermaster Service Group for the month of January 1945 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #252 dated 20 January 1945.
Ordered to London on or about 23 January 1945 for approximately two days Temporary Duty, purpose Supply Activities per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #19 dated 22 January 1945.
Appointed Class 'A' Finance Officer for T.C. HAWKINS, CAPTAIN, FD for the purpose of paying all enlisted payrolls of 1119th Quartermaster Company Service Group this station the month of February 1945 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #43 dated 22 February 1945.
Appointed Class 'A' Finance Officer for Edgar E. Jackson, MAJOR, FD for the purpose of paying all supplementary enlisted payrolls of the 1119th QMC Service Group this station for the month of February 1945 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #53 dated 7 March 1945.
Appointed Class 'A' Finance Officer for NORMAN JOHNSON, MAJOR, FD for the purpose of paying all supplementary enlisted payrolls of the 1119th QMC Service Group this station for the month of March 1945 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #61 dated 19 March 1945. SSO #61 amended to read Edgar E. Johnson, Major, FD vice NORMAN JOHNSON, MAJOR, FD per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #62 dated 21 March 1945.
Appointed Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for the purpose of paying all enlisted payrolls for 1119th QMC Service Group this station for the month of April 1945 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #85 dated 19 April 1945.
Relieved of duty as Station Quartermaster Officer (primary), Station Reciprocal Aid and Lend Lease Property Officer (additional) and Station Purchasing and Contract Officer (additional) effective 24 April 1945 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #89 dated 24 April 1945.
Detailed to audit and inventory the monthly accounts of the Post Exchange AAF Station 106 (Possibly should read Station #2) at the close of business 28 July 1945, AAF Station 2 Special Order # 12 dated 23 July 1945.
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