Name | Sullivan, Robert J |
Rank | Sergeant / Technical Sergeant |
Serial Number | 36878511 |
Unit Assignments |
Duty | Ball Turret Gunner / Flexible Gunner |
MOS | 611 - Aerial Gunner |
Last Duty Date | 13 December 1944 |
Results | Completed Combat Tour |
Additional Information |
2nd Lt. Hassing, Eugene Theron⇗ | Pilot | CT |
2nd Lt. McDaniel, Earl Clark⇗ | Co-pilot | CT |
2nd Lt. Pougiales, George Francis⇗ | Navigator | CT |
2nd Lt. Reeder, James Louis⇗ | Bombardier | CT |
S/SGT. Williams, David H⇗ | Radio Operator / Gunner | CT |
S/SGT. Wiggin, George Owen⇗ | Engineer / Top Turret Gunner | CT |
SGT. Sullivan, Robert J | Ball Turret Gunner | CT |
SGT. Peterson, William J⇗ | Tail Gunner | CT |
SGT. Head, Robert Laverne⇗ | Flexible Gunner | CT |
SGT. Carmack, Ted Morgan⇗ | Flexible Gunner | TR |
Number | Date | Target | Position | Aircraft | Mission/Sortie Information |
169⇗ | 1 August 1944 |
Target: Railroad Bridge Type: Transportation Location: Chartres, France |
Ball Turret | 42‑107083⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low Group. Sortie Report⇗ |
170⇗ | 3 August 1944 |
Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site) Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons) Location: Fleury, Flers, Fiefs, France |
Ball Turret | 42‑107057⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit H Group Hot Camera Ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
171⇗ | 4 August 1944 |
Target: Rocket Research & Development Complex Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons) Location: Peenemünde, Germany |
Ball Turret | 42‑107057⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Lead Group. One bomb dropped between IP and target. Sortie Report⇗ |
173⇗ | 5 August 1944 |
Target: Luftwaffe Controlling Station Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Location: Langenhagen, Germany |
Ball Turret | 42‑107121⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
177⇗ | 11 August 1944 |
Target: Tactical: Coastal Artillery Emplacements Type: Military Location: Brest, France |
Ball Turret | 42‑102601⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
178⇗ | 12 August 1944 |
Target: "Landing Ground" Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Location: La Perthe, France |
Ball Turret | 42‑102501⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low group hot camera ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
179⇗ | 13 August 1944 |
Target: Tactical: Road Network Type: Transportation Location: Beaumont-le-Roger (area), France |
Ball Turret | 42‑97142⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit High section deputy, lead group. Sortie Report⇗ |
183⇗ | 24 August 1944 |
Target: Synthetic Oil & Chemical Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Merseburg, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 42‑102500⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Ground Spare Aircraft; replaced 42‑107058. Sortie Report⇗ |
184⇗ | 25 August 1944 |
Target: Airfield & Airpark Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Location: Anklam, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 42‑102500⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low Squadron deputy, lead group. Sortie Report⇗ |
186⇗ | 30 August 1944 |
Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site) Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons) Location: Crepieul, France |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 42‑102501⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
187⇗ | 3 September 1944 |
Target: I. G. Farben Chemical Works Type: Industry Location: Ludwigshafen, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 42‑102620⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
188⇗ | 5 September 1944 |
Target: I. G. Farben Chemical Works Type: Industry Location: Ludwigshafen, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 42‑102500⇗ |
Flying Spare, Returned As Briefed Lead group Sortie Report⇗ |
196⇗ | 19 September 1944 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Hamm, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 42‑38014⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low Squadron flying spare; joined formation; aircraft struck by flak just before the IP; after dropping bombs on target left formation, apparently under control; landed away in France; crew returned to GU. Sortie Report⇗ |
201⇗ | 28 September 1944 |
Target: Steelworks Type: Industry Location: Magdeburg, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 42‑102501⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Lead group hot camera ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
205⇗ | 5 October 1944 |
Type: Industry Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 43‑38501⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Lead Squadron. Sortie Report⇗ |
207⇗ | 7 October 1944 |
Target: Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Leipzig, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 44‑6476⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low Squadron. Sortie Report⇗ |
208⇗ | 9 October 1944 |
Target: Ball-Bearing Plant Type: Bearings Industry Location: Schweinfurt, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 43‑38588⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
209⇗ | 11 October 1944 |
Target: Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Wesseling, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 42‑107121⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Fourth Squadron. Togglier Dale Dean Peloke killed by Flak. Sortie Report⇗ |
210⇗ | 14 October 1944 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Saarbrücken, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 42‑102501⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low Squadron hot camera ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
211⇗ | 15 October 1944 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 43‑38548⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
212⇗ | 17 October 1944 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 42‑102501⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
215⇗ | 25 October 1944 |
Target: Nordstern Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany |
Togglier | 43‑38501⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Lead Squadron hot camera ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
222⇗ | 8 November 1944 |
Target: Leuna Synthetic Oil Plant (visual aim point) Type: Oil Industry Location: Merseburg, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 43‑38501⇗ |
Flying Spare, Returned As Briefed Lead Squadron Sortie Report⇗ |
223⇗ | 9 November 1944 |
Target: Ground Installations Type: Military Location: Ouvrages de Sorbey (Metz), France |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 43‑38501⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
225⇗ | 11 November 1944 |
Target: Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 43‑38501⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
226⇗ | 16 November 1944 |
Target: Tactical - Artillery Positions Type: Military Location: Eschweiler, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 42‑38013⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Ground Spare Aircraft, replaced 43‑38501. Landed away at Stratford, due to weather. Sortie Report⇗ |
227⇗ | 20 November 1944 |
Target: Buer Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 43‑38501⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
228⇗ | 23 November 1944 |
Target: Nordstern Coking Plant at Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-A.G. Type: Oil Industry Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 43‑38501⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
229⇗ | 25 November 1944 |
Target: Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Lützkendorf, Germany |
Togglier | 43‑38548⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Landed away at Aldermaston, due to weather. Sortie Report⇗ |
231⇗ | 27 November 1944 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Offenburg, Germany |
Togglier | 43‑38548⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
232⇗ | 29 November 1944 |
Target: Oil Refinery Type: Oil Industry Location: Misburg, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 43‑38501⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
233⇗ | 30 November 1944 |
Target: Synthetic Oil Refinery Type: Oil Industry Location: Zeitz, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 43‑38501⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Hot camera ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
234⇗ | 2 December 1944 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Oberlahnstein, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 42‑107121⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
235⇗ | 4 December 1944 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Soest, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 44‑8430⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
236⇗ | 6 December 1944 |
Target: Leuna Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Merseburg, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 43‑38616⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
237⇗ | 9 December 1944 |
Target: Airfield and Daimler Factory Type: Aircraft Industry Location: Böblingen (Stuttgart area), Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 42‑107083⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
238⇗ | 11 December 1944 |
Target: Road & Rail Bridge Type: Transportation Location: Mannheim, Germany |
Waist (Flexible) Gunner | 43‑38501⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit High Squadron, B Group, hot camera ship. Sortie Report⇗ |