Ratto, Bennie Louis

Individual Personnel Data
Name Ratto, Bennie Louis   
Rank Private / Corporal
Serial Number 39032038   
Unit Assignments Assigned to the 544th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), per 544th Bomb Squadron January 1943 Payroll Roster, effective 14 January 1943.
Duty Non-flying duty
MOS931 - Truck Driver, Heavy
Last Duty Date TBD
Results TBD
DecorationsAwarded the Good Conduct Medal on 15 January 1944.
Additional Information
  • Date of Birth: 25 January 1916
  • Placed on Temporary Duty to the 10th Replacement Depot for Official Business per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #84 dated 28 August 1943. Officer and EM will proceed by rail to Station 598 on 1 September 1943 and will return to this station upon completion of Temporary Duty. Personnel will carry fatigue clothing and other personal equipment.
  • Reclassified from MOS 931 to MOS 747 on AAF station 106 Special Orders #18 dated 25 January 1944.
  • Promoted to Corporal per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #111 dated 13 June 1944.
Related Documents Accident Report # 43-11-18-518 (0.824 MB)

Missions, Aircraft, Crews
This individual was credited with 0 Combat Missions.
Number Date Target Position Aircraft Mission/Sortie Information
-- 18 November 1943 None
Non-combat sortie
Passenger 42‑3440 During a training flight, the crew completed several practice landings. After the final landing, the aircraft collided with a truck while taxiing back to their hardstand, damaging a wing. A short distance later, the tail wheel assembly gave way.
Sortie Report

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