Nairn, Preston Leon, Jr

Individual Personnel Data
Name Nairn, Preston Leon, Jr
Rank Second Lieutenant
Serial Number O-717480
Unit Assignments Assigned to the 544th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #159 dated 9 August 1944, effective 9 August 1944.
Duty Navigator
MOS1034 - Navigator
Last Duty Date 5 September 1944
Results Transferred
Additional Information
  • Date of Birth: 13 September 1923
  • Transferred in grade to the Casual Pool, 8th AFRD, AAF Station 594 on 5 September 1944 per Squadron Morning Report.
Photo Album:Crew Photo Album

Crew Composition When Assigned to the 384th BG
Replacement Combat Crew
2nd Lt. Grant, James EPilotTR
2nd Lt. Culhane, Emmett PatrickCo-pilotMIA
2nd Lt. Nairn, Preston Leon, JrNavigatorTR
Flt. Ofcr. Selmanovitz, Hyman MorrisBombardierTR
SGT. Davis, George RobertEngineer / Top Turret GunnerTR
CPL. Grant, Virgil MFlexible GunnerTR
SGT. Schachner, Murray (NMI)Flexible GunnerTR
SGT. Sweet, Eugene (NMI)Flexible GunnerTR
SGT. Houston, Edward (NMI)Flexible GunnerTR

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