Mayner, John Robert, Jr

Individual Personnel Data
Name Mayner, John Robert, "Whitey", Jr
Rank Second Lieutenant / First Lieutenant
Serial Number O-812112
Unit Assignments Assigned to the 545th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #116 dated 19 June 1944, effective 19 June 1944.
Duty Co-pilot / Pilot
MOS1091 - Pilot, B-17
Last Duty Date 12 December 1944
Results Completed Combat Tour
DecorationsAwarded the Air medal with four oak leaf clusters.
Additional Information
  • Date of Birth: 2 December 1918
  • Placed on seven days Temporary Duty (TD) to Furzedown House, AAF Station 563 (a Flak house) on 14 November 1944 to carry out the instructions of the Commanding General per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #224 dated 13 November 1944.
Photo Album:Crew Photo Album

Crew Composition When Assigned to the 384th BG
Replacement Combat Crew
2nd Lt. Minor, Henry W, JrPilotCT
2nd Lt. Mayner, John Robert, Jr, "Whitey"Co-pilotCT
2nd Lt. Uriwal, Alfons Francis, "Al"NavigatorCT
2nd Lt. Gray, William Emery, IIIBombardierTR
S/SGT. Barth, Raymond ErnestRadio Operator / GunnerCT
S/SGT. Darby, Phillip StoreyEngineer / Top Turret GunnerCT
SGT. Marmozewicz, Joseph JBall Turret GunnerCT
SGT. Carter, James KaneTail GunnerMIA
SGT. Harfman, Lavern FrankFlexible GunnerMIA
SGT. Guider, Robert HarwoodFlexible GunnerMIA

Missions, Aircraft, Crews
This individual was credited with 35 Combat Missions.
Number Date Target Position Aircraft Mission/Sortie Information
150 4 July 1944 Target: Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Dreux (Conches-en-Ouche), France
Co-pilot 42‑31484 Combat Mission Credit
Ground Spare Aircraft; replaced 42‑102518.
Sortie Report
151 6 July 1944 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Coubronne, France
Co-pilot 42‑97271 Combat Mission Credit
Low group.
Sortie Report
152 6 July 1944 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Blanc Pignon Ferme, Cléty, France
Co-pilot 43‑37717 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
153 7 July 1944 Target: Me-109 Aircraft Factory
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Leipzig, Germany
Co-pilot 42‑102566 Combat Mission Credit
High group flying spare, 41st B wing; joined formation. Lost group in heavy clouds; tacked on to the low group of the 41st B wing and bombed with them.
Sortie Report
154 8 July 1944 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Renescure, France
Co-pilot 42‑102566 Combat Mission Credit
High section deputy, low group.
Sortie Report
157 13 July 1944 Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Munich / München, Germany
Co-pilot 42‑102566 Combat Mission Credit
41A Group.
Sortie Report
159 17 July 1944 Target: Beautor Bridge
Type: Transportation
Location: Beautor, France
Co-pilot 42‑102566 Combat Mission Credit
High group.
Sortie Report
160 18 July 1944 Target: Rocket Research & Development Complex
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Peenemünde & Zinnowitz, Germany
Co-pilot 42‑102566 Combat Mission Credit
41A Group.
Sortie Report
161 19 July 1944 Target: Hydrogen Peroxide Plant
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Höllriegelskreuth District, Pullach, Germany
Co-pilot 42‑102566 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
162 20 July 1944 Target: Aircraft Plants
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Dessau, Germany
Co-pilot 42‑107083 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
163 21 July 1944 Target: Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Schwäbisch Hall, Germany
Co-pilot 42‑102566 Combat Mission Credit
Lead Squadron hot camera ship.
Sortie Report
165 25 July 1944 Target: Tactical - Enemy Strong Points
Type: Military
Location: Montreuil-sur-Lozon, Le Châtel,
& La Chapelle en Juger, France
Co-pilot 44‑6135 Combat Mission Credit
Lead Group, Low Squadron Lead.
Sortie Report
169 1 August 1944 Target: Railroad Bridge
Type: Transportation
Location: Chartres, France
Co-pilot 43‑37917 Combat Mission Credit
Lead Group, Low Squadron Lead.
Sortie Report
174 7 August 1944 Target: Aircraft Fuel Depot
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Dugny (Paris), France
Co-pilot 42‑107125 Combat Mission Credit
High section lead, lead group.
Sortie Report
175 8 August 1944 Target: Tactical - Enemy Strong Points
Type: Military
Location: Bretteville-sur-Laize, France
Co-pilot 42‑97941 Combat Mission Credit
Wing deputy.
Sortie Report
177 11 August 1944 Target: Tactical: Coastal Artillery Emplacements
Type: Military
Location: Brest, France
Co-pilot 42‑97309 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
179 13 August 1944 Target: Tactical: Road Network
Type: Transportation
Location: Beaumont-le-Roger (area), France
Co-pilot 44‑6109 Combat Mission Credit
Low Squadron lead, lead group.
Sortie Report
185 26 August 1944 Target: Buer Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Co-pilot 42‑102566 Combat Mission Credit
High group.
Sortie Report
186 30 August 1944 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Crepieul, France
Co-pilot 42‑97309 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
187 3 September 1944 Target: I. G. Farben Chemical Works
Type: Industry
Location: Ludwigshafen, Germany
Co-pilot 43‑37971 Combat Mission Credit
Hot camera ship. Wing deputy.
Sortie Report
195 17 September 1944 Target: Tank and Gun Concentrations, Tactical
Type: Military
Location: Eindhoven & 's‑Hertogenbosch (den Bosch), The Netherlands
Co-pilot 42‑97941 Combat Mission Credit
C Squadron Lead.
Sortie Report
205 5 October 1944 Type: Industry
Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany
Co-pilot 43‑37717 Combat Mission Credit
Low Squadron.
Sortie Report
209 11 October 1944 Target: Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Wesseling, Germany
Co-pilot 43‑38678 Combat Mission Credit
Second Squadron.
Sortie Report
215 25 October 1944 Target: Nordstern Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Co-pilot 44‑8409 Combat Mission Credit
High Squadron hot camera ship.
Sortie Report
216 30 October 1944 Target: Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Co-pilot 43‑38673 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
217 1 November 1944 Target: Nordstern Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Pilot 42‑97271 Combat Mission Credit
Low Squadron flying spare; joined formation.
Sortie Report
218 2 November 1944 Target: Ruhr-Chemie A.G. Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Sterkrade (Holten), Germany
Co-pilot 42‑97271 Combat Mission Credit
Low Squadron.
Sortie Report
220 5 November 1944 Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Pilot 43‑37917 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
221 6 November 1944 Target: Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Bottrop (Welheim), Germany
Co-pilot 42‑97271 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
222 8 November 1944 Target: Leuna Synthetic Oil Plant (visual aim point)
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Merseburg, Germany
Pilot 42‑97271 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
223 9 November 1944 Target: Ground Installations
Type: Military
Location: Ouvrages de Sorbey (Metz), France
Co-pilot 42‑97271 Combat Mission Credit
High Squadron.
Sortie Report
224 10 November 1944 Target: Ostheim Airfield & Butzweilerhof Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany
Pilot 43‑38721 Combat Mission Credit
41C Group, Lead Squadron.
Sortie Report
228 23 November 1944 Target: Nordstern Coking Plant at Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-A.G.
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Pilot 44‑6109 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
229 25 November 1944 Target: Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Lützkendorf, Germany
Co-pilot 42‑97271 Combat Mission Credit
Landed away at Aldermaston, due to weather.
Sortie Report
231 27 November 1944 Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Offenburg, Germany
Pilot 43‑38823 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report

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