Kirby, Charles Lawrence, Jr

Individual Personnel Data
Name Kirby, Charles Lawrence, Jr   
Rank Technical Sergeant
Serial Number 31160438   
Unit Assignments Assigned to the 546th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #50 dated 17 July 1943, effective 17 July 1943.
Duty Radio Operator / Gunner
Last Duty Date 6 September 1943
Results Prisoner Of War
POW Camp: Stalag Luft 3 Sagan-Silesia (Moved to Nuremberg-Langwasser) 49-11
DecorationsAwarded the Purple Heart for wounds received on 29 July 1943 per General Orders #84, Headquarters 1st Bomb Wing dated 10 August 1943.
Additional Information
  • Date of Birth: 3 October 1920
Related Documents Missing Air Crew Report # 775 (9.803 MB)
Photo Album:Crew Photo Album

Crew Composition When Assigned to the 384th BG
Replacement Combat Crew
2nd Lt. Riddel, Jacques EugenePilotKIA
2nd Lt. Holland, Warren BenjaminCo-pilotPOW
2nd Lt. Peirce, Richard JacksonNavigatorPOW
2nd Lt. Hawes, Harry AlbertBombardierEV
T/SGT. Kirby, Charles Lawrence, JrRadio Operator / GunnerPOW
T/SGT. Hamblin, Oscar KlassEngineer / Top Turret GunnerEV
S/SGT. Saperstein, Harry (NMI)Ball Turret GunnerPOW
S/SGT. Ross, William HowardTail GunnerPOW
S/SGT. Morley, James PatrickFlexible GunnerPOW
S/SGT. Ruch, Edward FredFlexible GunnerPOW

Missions, Aircraft, Crews
This individual was credited with 7 Combat Missions.
Number Date Target Position Aircraft Mission/Sortie Information
11 28 July 1943 Target: Aircraft Engine Plant
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Kassel, Germany
Radio Operator 42‑29700 Aborted Mission After Taking Off
Turned back with #2 engine supercharger trouble.
Sortie Report
12 29 July 1943 Target: Naval Base
Type: Military
Location: Kiel, Germany
Radio Operator 42‑30030 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
15 15 August 1943 Target: Poix-en-Picardie and Amiens-Glisy Airfields
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Poix-de-Picardie & Amiens, France
Radio Operator 42‑3455 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
16 16 August 1943 Target: Le Bourget Airport & Air Depot
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Paris, France
Radio Operator 42‑3455 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
17 17 August 1943 Target: Ball-Bearing Plant
Type: Bearings Industry
Location: Schweinfurt, Germany
Radio Operator 42‑5051 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
18 27 August 1943 Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site)
Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons)
Location: Watten, France
Radio Operator 42‑3455 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
20 3 September 1943 Target: Air Park and Aerodrome
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Romilly-sur-Seine, France
Radio Operator 42‑3455 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report
21 6 September 1943 Type: Industry
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Radio Operator 42‑3455 Combat Mission Credit
Failed To Return
Out of gas (both wings hit by flak), FW-190 finished them off, crashed in the Bois des Moines, 11 miles NNW of d'Airion and about 16 miles NE of Beauvais, France; MACR 775.
Sortie Report

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