Name | Kinnaird, William Robert |
Rank | Second Lieutenant / Captain |
Serial Number | O-764037 |
Unit Assignments | Assigned to the 545th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #148 dated 26 July 1944, effective 26 July 1944. |
Duty | Pilot |
MOS | 1091 - Pilot, B-17 |
Last Duty Date | 17 April 1945 |
Results | Completed Combat Tour |
Decorations | Awarded the Purple Heart medal for wounds received on 24 August 1944 per General Orders #300, Headquarters, 1st Bomb Division dated 2 September 1944. |
Additional Information |
2nd Lt. Kinnaird, William Robert | Pilot | CT |
2nd Lt. O'Donnell, Phillip John⇗ | Co-pilot | CT |
2nd Lt. Sharp, Paul Howard⇗ | Navigator | TR |
Flt. Ofcr. Hannan, John Michael⇗ | Bombardier | CT |
SGT. Adams, Benjamin Harold⇗ | Togglier | POW |
SGT. Schwartzly, Anthony Joseph⇗ | Radio Operator / Gunner | CT |
SGT. McGee, Earl Thomas⇗ | Engineer / Top Turret Gunner | CT |
CPL. Henderson, Clinton Lee, "Tex"⇗ | Ball Turret Gunner | CT |
CPL. Keefe, William (NMI)⇗ | Tail Gunner | CT |
CPL. Freitas, Lawrence Ernest⇗ | Flexible Gunner | CT |
Number | Date | Target | Position | Aircraft | Mission/Sortie Information |
172⇗ | 4 August 1944 |
Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site) Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons) Location: Crepieul, France |
Pilot | 44‑6294⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
173⇗ | 5 August 1944 |
Target: Luftwaffe Controlling Station Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Location: Langenhagen, Germany |
Pilot | 42‑102518⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low Squadron deputy, low group. Sortie Report⇗ |
174⇗ | 7 August 1944 |
Target: Aircraft Fuel Depot Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Location: Dugny (Paris), France |
Pilot | 44‑6294⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Lead group. Sortie Report⇗ |
176⇗ | 9 August 1944 |
Target: Erding Airdrome & Airfield Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Location: Erding, Germany |
Pilot | 42‑102518⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit High group. Sortie Report⇗ |
177⇗ | 11 August 1944 |
Target: Tactical: Coastal Artillery Emplacements Type: Military Location: Brest, France |
Pilot | 43‑37917⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
178⇗ | 12 August 1944 |
Target: "Landing Ground" Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Location: La Perthe, France |
Pilot | 42‑102566⇗ |
Flying Spare, Returned As Briefed High group. Sortie Report⇗ |
181⇗ | 16 August 1944 |
Target: Delitzsch Air Field and Air Equipment Depot Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Location: Delitzsch, Germany |
Pilot | 43‑37917⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low group hot camera ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
183⇗ | 24 August 1944 |
Target: Synthetic Oil & Chemical Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Merseburg, Germany |
Pilot | 42‑107148⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Lead group hot camera ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
208⇗ | 9 October 1944 |
Target: Ball-Bearing Plant Type: Bearings Industry Location: Schweinfurt, Germany |
Co-pilot | 43‑37971⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Lead Squadron hot camera ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
212⇗ | 17 October 1944 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany |
Pilot | 43‑37917⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Lead Squadron hot camera ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
213⇗ | 18 October 1944 |
Target: Ford Motor Works Type: Industry Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany |
Pilot | 42‑102518⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit High Squadron. Sortie Report⇗ |
214⇗ | 19 October 1944 |
Target: Heinrich Lanz Tank Factory Type: Industry Location: Mannheim, Germany |
Pilot | 44‑6109⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low Squadron. Sortie Report⇗ |
215⇗ | 25 October 1944 |
Target: Nordstern Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany |
Pilot | 42‑32106⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit High Squadron. Sortie Report⇗ |
216⇗ | 30 October 1944 |
Target: Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany |
Pilot | 44‑6109⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
217⇗ | 1 November 1944 |
Target: Nordstern Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany |
Pilot | 44‑6109⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low Squadron. Sortie Report⇗ |
218⇗ | 2 November 1944 |
Target: Ruhr-Chemie A.G. Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Sterkrade (Holten), Germany |
Pilot | 44‑6109⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit High Squadron. Sortie Report⇗ |
219⇗ | 4 November 1944 |
Target: Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Bottrop (Welheim), Germany |
Pilot | 44‑6109⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
236⇗ | 6 December 1944 |
Target: Leuna Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Merseburg, Germany |
Pilot | 44‑8007⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Group lead. PFF & Gee-H ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
242⇗ | 23 December 1944 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Ehrang, Germany |
Pilot | 42‑97592⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Ground Spare Aircraft, replaced 43‑37917. Landed away at RAF Wethersfield, Essex, due to weather. Apparently ferried to Ridgewell prior to 24 December mission. Sortie Report⇗ |
243⇗ | 24 December 1944 |
Target: Airfield Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Location: Kirch Göns, Germany |
Pilot | 42‑97592⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Took off from Ridgewell Airfield, AAF Station 167 (was unable to return to GU after prior day's mission due to weather), to lead a Squadron of the 381st BG to attack Steinbach Airfield in Germany. Sortie Report⇗ |
249⇗ | 2 January 1945 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Gerolstein, Germany |
Pilot | 44‑8221⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Group lead. with Lt. Col William C Sipes of the 41st Combat Bombardment Wing as Air Commander. PFF & Gee-H ship. Gee-H failed prior to IP; turned over lead to high Squadron. Did not attack target because bombardier noticed, approaching the bomb release point (high Squadron leading), that they were a mile to the left of the target. Bombs were held with the intention of making another run, but the remainder of the group had dropped on the high Squadron leader. Sortie Report⇗ |
250⇗ | 3 January 1945 |
Target: Enemy Strong Point & Transportation Hub Type: Military Location: St Vith, Belgium |
Pilot | 42‑98027⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Group lead. PFF & Gee-H ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
252⇗ | 7 January 1945 |
Target: Enemy Strong Point Type: Military Location: Blankenheim, Germany |
Pilot | 44‑8007⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Group lead. PFF & Gee-H ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
260⇗ | 23 January 1945 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Neuss, Germany |
Pilot | 44‑8211⇗ |
Aborted Mission After Taking Off Group lead. Turned back over field due to mechanical failure. Sortie Report⇗ |
261⇗ | 28 January 1945 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany |
Pilot | 44‑8008⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Group lead; PFF and Gee-H ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
270⇗ | 21 February 1945 |
Target: Tank Factory Type: Industry Location: Nuremberg / Nürnberg, Germany |
Pilot | 44‑8580⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Wing lead; PFF ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
286⇗ | 11 March 1945 |
Target: Vacuum Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Bremen, Germany |
Pilot | 44‑8649⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Group lead; PFF ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
287⇗ | 12 March 1945 |
Target: Railway Center Type: Transportation Location: Betzdorf, Germany |
Pilot | 44‑8649⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Group lead; PFF and Gee-H ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
293⇗ | 20 March 1945 |
Target: Deutsche Werft Submarine Shipyard Type: Submarine Facility Location: Hamburg, Germany |
Pilot | 42‑98027⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Group lead. PFF ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
295⇗ | 23 March 1945 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Gladbeck, Germany |
Pilot | 44‑8541⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Group lead. PFF and Gee-H ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
311⇗ | 15 April 1945 |
Target: Flak guns at Pointe de Suzac Type: Military Location: Royan, France |
Pilot | 44‑8221⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Group lead. PFF ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
313⇗ | 17 April 1945 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Dresden, Germany |
Pilot | 44‑8789⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Group lead. PFF ship. Sortie Report⇗ |