Name | Hightshoe, Clarence Cecil |
Rank | Second Lieutenant / First Lieutenant |
Serial Number | O-719946 |
Unit Assignments |
Duty | Navigator |
MOS | 1034 - Navigator |
Last Duty Date | 10 March 1945 |
Results | Completed Combat Tour |
Additional Information |
Related Documents | Accident Report # 44-12-31-516⇓ (6.955 MB) Beesley's 9 September 1944 Debrief⇓ (4.554 MB) Oral History Interview⇗ |
Capt. Vinnedge, Roy Alan⇗ | Pilot | CT |
2nd Lt. Schaaf, Herbert Henry⇗ | Co-pilot | CT |
2nd Lt. Hightshoe, Clarence Cecil | Navigator | CT |
2nd Lt. Roberts, Jack Deighton⇗ | Bombardier | CT |
S/SGT. Burek, Stanley Thomas⇗ | Radio Operator / Gunner | CT |
S/SGT. Walcott, Lester Allen⇗ | Engineer / Top Turret Gunner | CT |
SGT. Wisdahl, Raymond Orlando⇗ | Ball Turret Gunner | CT |
SGT. Beesley, Delmar James⇗ | Tail Gunner | KIA |
SGT. Dunham, Lorin Arthur⇗ | Flexible Gunner | TR |
SGT. Rock, Frank Willis⇗ | Flexible Gunner | CT |
Number | Date | Target | Position | Aircraft | Mission/Sortie Information |
167⇗ | 29 July 1944 |
Target: Synthetic Oil & Chemical Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Merseburg, Germany |
Navigator | 42‑102500⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low Squadron lead, lead group, 41st B wing. Sortie Report⇗ |
168⇗ | 31 July 1944 |
Target: Aero Engine Factory Type: Aircraft Industry Location: Munich / München, Germany |
Navigator | 42‑102500⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit High Group, High Squadron Lead. Sortie Report⇗ |
169⇗ | 1 August 1944 |
Target: Railroad Bridge Type: Transportation Location: Chartres, France |
Navigator | 42‑102500⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low Group, Low Squadron Lead. Sortie Report⇗ |
172⇗ | 4 August 1944 |
Target: NOBALL (V-1 Launch Site) Type: CROSSBOW (V-Weapons) Location: Crepieul, France |
Navigator | 43‑38016⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low section lead. Sortie Report⇗ |
180⇗ | 14 August 1944 |
Target: Echterdingen Airdrome Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Location: Stuttgart, Germany |
Navigator | 42‑97142⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low Squadron lead, lead group. Sortie Report⇗ |
190⇗ | 9 September 1944 |
Target: I. G. Farben Chemical Works Type: Industry Location: Ludwigshafen, Germany |
Navigator | 42‑102601⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Landed in enemy territory on 9 September 1944 near the French town of Harville, Meuse. Aircraft left formation on return near Luxemburg due to battle damage; crash-landed in France; crew evaded and all returned to allied lines by the next day; the aircraft was salvaged. Sortie Report⇗ |
216⇗ | 30 October 1944 |
Target: Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany |
Navigator | 42‑107121⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit High Squadron hot camera ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
217⇗ | 1 November 1944 |
Target: Nordstern Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Gelsenkirchen, Germany |
Navigator | 43‑38747⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit High Squadron hot camera ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
218⇗ | 2 November 1944 |
Target: Ruhr-Chemie A.G. Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Sterkrade (Holten), Germany |
Navigator | 43‑38588⇗ |
Flying Spare, Returned As Briefed Lead Squadron. Could not find formation. Sortie Report⇗ |
219⇗ | 4 November 1944 |
Target: Synthetic Oil Plant Type: Oil Industry Location: Bottrop (Welheim), Germany |
Navigator | 42‑102501⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
220⇗ | 5 November 1944 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
Navigator | 42‑31484⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low Squadron flying spare; joined formation. Sortie Report⇗ |
222⇗ | 8 November 1944 |
Target: Leuna Synthetic Oil Plant (visual aim point) Type: Oil Industry Location: Merseburg, Germany |
Navigator | 43‑37713⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Sortie Report⇗ |
235⇗ | 4 December 1944 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Soest, Germany |
Navigator | 44‑8221⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low Squadron lead. PFF & Gee-H ship. Landed away at Boxted due to low fuel. Sortie Report⇗ |
241⇗ | 19 December 1944 |
Target: Railway Junction Type: Transportation Location: Glaadt, Germany |
Navigator | 42‑97824⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Loaned to the 401st BG for today's mission. Manned by 401st personnel, except as noted on the Sortie Report. Landed away at RAF Tangmere, West Sussex. Sortie Report⇗ |
244⇗ | 27 December 1944 |
Target: Bridge (Tactical) Type: Transportation Location: Altenahr, Germany |
Navigator | 44‑8401⇗ |
Aborted Mission After Taking Off Low Squadron lead. Aborted over base due to instrument failure; bombs jettisoned. Sortie Report⇗ |
245⇗ | 28 December 1944 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Brühl, Germany |
Navigator | 42‑97824⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Loaned to the 351st BG for today's mission. Manned by 351st personnel, except as noted on the Sortie Report. Sortie Report⇗ |
246⇗ | 30 December 1944 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Limburg, Germany |
Navigator | 43‑38262⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Loaned to the 398th BG for today's mission. Manned by 398th personnel, except as noted on the Sortie Report. Sortie Report⇗ |
-- | 31 December 1944 |
None Non-combat sortie |
Navigator | 43‑38262⇗ |
A fire occurred in left wing after landing at Grafton Underwood. Damage to aircraft was relatively minor, and no personnel were injured. Additional [non-384th] crew identified as 1Lt Ernest C Andrews (pilot, 398th BG), 2Lt Billie W Buffalew (co-pilot), S/Sgt George Capral, Jr (radio), Sgt Albert Gindra (duty unspecified). Sortie Report⇗ |
247⇗ | 31 December 1944 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Neuss, Germany |
Navigator | 43‑38262⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Gee-H equipped aircraft. Loaned to the 398th BG for today's mission. Manned by 398th personnel, except as noted on the Sortie Report. It was seriously damaged by fire when it landed at Grafton Underwood after the ferry flight from Nuthampstead Airfield after the mission. Sortie Report⇗ |
253⇗ | 8 January 1945 |
Target: Railroad Type: Transportation Location: Kyllburg, Germany |
Navigator | 44‑8216⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Gee-H ship. Loaned to the 306th BG with Gee-H navigator; remaining unidentified crew provided by 306th BG. Bombed 306th assigned secondary target. Sortie Report⇗ |
254⇗ | 10 January 1945 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Bonn, Germany |
Navigator | 43‑38016⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Gee-H ship. Loaned to 92nd BG with Gee-H navigator; unidentified crewmembers provided by the 92nd BG. Attacked assigned 92nd BG primary target. Sortie Report⇗ |
257⇗ | 20 January 1945 |
Target: Rail and Road Bridges Type: Transportation Location: Mannheim, Germany |
Navigator | 42‑107125⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit This aircraft was originally assigned to Cook (low Squadron deputy); taken by Abbott after finding 42‑97824 unservicable, and no other Gee-H ships were available. Landed away at RAF Oakington, Cambridgeshire. Sortie Report⇗ |
259⇗ | 22 January 1945 |
Target: Synthetic Oil Refinery Type: Oil Industry Location: Sterkrade, Germany |
Gee-H Navigator | 43‑38016⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Loaned to the 457th BG for today's mission. Manned by 457th personnel, except as noted on the Sortie Report. Sortie Report⇗ |
261⇗ | 28 January 1945 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany |
Navigator | 42‑38013⇗ |
Scrubbed: Did Not Take Off Ground Spare Aircraft; replaced 43‑38757 when displaced by Ruckman. Did not take off due to snowstorm. Sortie Report⇗ |
261⇗ | 28 January 1945 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Cologne / Köln, Germany |
Gee-H Navigator | 44‑8211⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Loaned to the 401st BG, with Gee-H navigator. Sortie Report⇗ |
277⇗ | 28 February 1945 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Hagen, Germany |
Navigator | 43‑38016⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Low Squadron lead; Gee-H ship. Sortie Report⇗ |
278⇗ | 1 March 1945 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Bruchsal, Germany |
Navigator | 44‑8008⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit Loaned to the 305th BG for today's mission. Manned by 305th personnel, except as noted on the Sortie Report. Sortie Report⇗ |
285⇗ | 10 March 1945 |
Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards Type: Transportation Location: Schwerte, Germany |
Navigator | 42‑98027⇗ |
Combat Mission Credit PFF and Gee-H ship. Loaned to the 457th BG for today's mission. Manned by 457th BG personnel, except as noted on the Sortie Report. Sortie Report⇗ |