Original Air Crews

Model Crews

The first crews assigned to each squadron, and the dates of assignment, are given in the following section. These crews were termed "Model Crews" in the squadron histories.

Initial Aircrews

The following 12 aircrews were assigned to the 384th BG on Gowen Field (Idaho) Special Orders #32 dated 1 February 1943. Personnel on this list were transferred from the 29th BG at Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho, to the 384th BG at Wendover Field, Utah.
  1. 2nd Lt Halseth, Edwin S, 544th Shot down 25 July 1943
  2. 2nd Lt Estes, Thomas J, 544th Most crewmembers completed their combat tour with the 384th
  3. 2nd Lt Hausenfluck, Jesse D, Jr, 544th Shot down 17 August 1943
  4. 2nd Lt Edwards, Floyd C, 545th Crew broken up after 25 July 1943; most eventually became POW
  5. 2nd Lt Armstrong, Lloyd R, 545th Most crewmembers completed their combat tour with the 384th
  6. 2nd Lt Mattes, Frank G, 545th Shot down 17 August 1943
  7. 2nd Lt Henderson, Lykes S, 546th Shot down 26 June 1943
  8. 2nd Lt Dietel, William, Jr, 546th Shot down 28 July 1943
  9. 2nd Lt Kelly, James H, 546th Most crewmembers completed their combat tour with the 384th
  10. 2nd Lt Pulcipher, Ralph R, 547th Shot down 6 September 1943
  11. 2nd Lt Ogilvie, Don P, 547th Shot down 14 October 1943
  12. 2nd Lt Disney, Frederick G, 547th Shot down 22 June 1943

Final Allotment of Aircrews

The following 20 aircrews were assigned to the 384th BG on Gowen Field (Idaho) Special Orders #70 dated 11 March 1943. Personnel on this list were transferred from the 29th BG at Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho, to the 384th BG at Wendover Field, Utah.
  1. F/O Erickson, Gordon B, 544th Shot down 4 July 1943
  2. F/O Wheat, Delton G, 544th Shot down 26 June 1943
  3. 2nd Lt Kilmer, Robert B, 547th Shot down 14 October 1943
  4. F/O Cuddeback, Thomas A, 544th Shot down 26 June 1943
  5. 2nd Lt Way, John R, 544th Shot down 25 June 1943
  6. F/O Burgoon, Howard C, 544th Shot down 26 June 1943
  7. 2nd Lt Myer, Lawrence W, 545th Shot down 4 July 1943
  8. 2nd Lt Manning, Raymond W, 545th Most crewmembers became casualties
  9. F/O Lecates, Robert L, 545th Some crewmembers completed their combat tours, others were casualties
  10. F/O Bishop, Charles W, 546th Some crewmembers completed their combat tours, others were casualties
  11. F/O Rosio, Joseph, 546th Shot down 26 June 1943
  12. F/O Wilson, Clayton R, 546th Shot down 17 August 1943
  13. 2nd Lt Kowalski, Elwood D, 546th Some crewmembers killed in flying accident 12 June 1943
  14. F/O Lee, Roy J, 545th This crew, with the exception of S/Sgt C F Tate, not deploy to England with the 384th
  15. F/O Hall, Ralph J, 545th Shot down 25 July 1943
  16. 2nd Lt Riches, George T, 545th Shot down 25 June 1943
  17. 2nd Lt Olbinski, Robert J, 545th Shot down 22 June 1943
  18. 2nd Lt Witt, Francis J, 547th Shot down 4 March 1944
  19. 2nd Lt Koch, William S, 547th (Johnny Butler replaced Koch in April 1943) Shot down 16 September 1943
  20. 2nd Lt LeFevre, Charles H, 547th (H. Everett Frink replaced LeFevre before going to England) Most crewmembers completed their combat tour with the 384th