Mission Date | 5 January 1944 |
Eighth Air Force Operations | Operations description not yet available. |
Mission |
384th BG Mission Number 50, Eighth AF Force Mission Number 176
Smokescreen Not Effective The 384th Bombardment Group (H) flew as the lead group of the 41st Composite Combat Wing on today's mission. Weather at the target was CAVU, and a defensive smokescreen failed to hide the target, permitting a successful visual attack.
Primary Target |
Target: Port Area Type: Transportation Location: Kiel, Germany |
Target Attacked (Mode) | Primary (Visual) |
Sortie/Aircraft Summary |
Completed Mission, not including spares - 20 Flying Spare, Completed Mission - 1 Aborted - 1 Did Not Take Off - 1 |
Mission Personnel | Mission Personnel Roster⇗ or Mission Loading Lists⇗ |
Mission Documents | Combat Mission Records and Plans obtained from the National Archives⇗ |
Other Mission Documents | 1944-01-05, Wing Lead, D. Smith, S. Thompson⇗ |
Aircraft | Pilot | Results | Mission/Sortie Information |
Unknown | [PILOT TBD] | Completed Mission | Navigator V R McKittrick was awarded credit for this mission but operational documents assigning him to a specific aircraft are not available. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
Unknown | [PILOT TBD] | Completed Mission | Navigator J P Coughlin was awarded credit for this mission but operational documents assigning him to a specific aircraft are not available. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
41‑24560⇗ | Herbert, Joseph Robert⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
41‑24578⇗ | Reed, Merlin Howard⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑3051⇗ | Corcoran, John Joseph⇗ | Completed Mission | Landed away at Wendling. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑3087⇗ | Jeter, Sydney Ryland⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑3440⇗ | Robinson, Robert Lawrence⇗ | Did Not Take Off | Low Squadron lead; did not takeoff. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑3483⇗ | Rich, John (NMI)⇗ | Completed Mission | PFF aircraft, Pilot Miller, and unidentified crewmembers loaned by 482nd BG. Aircraft landed at its home airfield, Alconbury. Assignment of Rich to this sortie as Co-pilot is based on inference from the horizontal format TO&L Sheet. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑3491⇗ | Rinne, Austin Dean⇗ | Completed Mission | PFF aircraft, pilot Lecates (formerly of the 384th), and unidentified crewmembers loaned by 482nd BG. Aircraft landed at its home airfield, Alconbury. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑5444⇗ | Thompson, Siguard (NMI)⇗ | Completed Mission | Wing lead. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29632⇗ | Hines, James Wesley⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑29828⇗ | Laboda, Joseph Stanley⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31045⇗ | Decker, Charles Edgar⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31222⇗ | Courtemanche, Ralph Eudor⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑31246⇗ | Fioretti, Edward Anthony⇗ | Spare, Completed Mission | Flying spare; joined formation. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37758⇗ | Yelvington, Melton Albert⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37776⇗ | Markow, Henry Victor⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37793⇗ | Lotz, William Henry⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37801⇗ | Allison, Earl Thomas⇗ | Completed Mission | SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37848⇗ | MacPhail, Philip Ray⇗ | Aborted Mission After Taking Off. | High Squadron lead; turned back over Denmark at 1120 hrs because #2 supercharger was running away; jettisoned bombs in North Sea SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑37924⇗ | Jorgenson, Henry (NMI)⇗ | Completed Mission | FLIGHT TIME 8:00 SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑39784⇗ | Morrison, Donald Sylvester⇗ | Completed Mission | Bomb load included 'Nickles' (propaganda leaflets) in addition to six 500-pound bombs. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |
42‑39888⇗ | Harvey, Walter Lewis⇗ | Completed Mission | Low Squadron lead; apparently took lead position after assigned low Squadron lead, Robinson, did not take off. SORTIE REPORT ⇗ |