Mission # 297


Mission Date 24 March 1945
Eighth Air Force Operations Operations description not yet available.
384th Bomb Group Mission
384th BG Mission Number 297, Eighth AF Force Mission Number 911
Second Mission of the Day
The 384th Bombardment Group (H) flew two missions today. For the mid-afternoon mission, thirteen 384th aircraft and crews formed the low squadron of the 41st Bomb Wing A Group. Weather at the target was CAVU permitting visual sighting: bombing results were good. Because the target was in occupied territory, crews were briefed: 'Target will be attacked by visual methods only. If this is impossible bombs will be returned to base.'
Primary Target Target: Twente Enschede Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Target Attacked (Mode) Primary (Visual)
Sortie/Aircraft Summary Completed Mission, not including spares - 12
Flying Spare, Completed Mission - 1
Mission Personnel Mission Personnel Roster or Mission Loading Lists
Mission Documents Combat Mission Records and Plans obtained from the National Archives
Other Mission Documents Low Squadron Lead, PFF and GEE-H Ship, J. McCartney, R. Graehl

Table is sorted by Pilot, and may be sorted by any column: click the column head.
Aircraft Pilot Results Mission/Sortie Information
42‑37788Goble, Charles DCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑38208Bradford, James WSpare, Completed MissionLow Squadron flying spare; joined formation.
42‑97824Nicolai, Edwin GeorgeCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑97986Bowman, Harold HoraceCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑102459Whitesides, John BoyceCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
43‑37717Drew, James LawrenceCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
43‑38800Cathey, George WarlickCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
44‑6514Ferrell, Oran Luther Completed Mission SORTIE REPORT
44‑6909Scherokman, Edward (NMI)Completed MissionLow Squadron hot camera ship.
44‑8401Zakas, Joseph (NMI)Completed Mission SORTIE REPORT
44‑8580Lewis, Charles AllynCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
44‑8649Graehl, Russell ECompleted MissionLow Squadron lead. PFF & Gee-H ship.
44‑8668Smisek, William JosephCompleted MissionLow Squadron deputy and hot camera ship. PFF ship.