Mission # 30


Mission Date 9 October 1943
VIII Bomber Command Operations Show Operations
384th Bomb Group Mission
384th BG Mission Number 30, VIII BC Mission Number 113
Aircraft Factories Attacked
The 384th Bombardment Group (H) put up 21 Flying Fortresses as the High Group of the 41st Combat Bombardment Wing, which led the 1st Air Task Force on today's mission. They pounded one source of enemy air strength, the aircraft factories at Anklam, with excellent results under perfect bombing conditions.

Maj. Ketelsen, Group Leader: 'Fifteen fighters attacked at 1035 for ten minutes, halfway through Denmark, but no fighters or flak from there to target. After leaving the target, Ju-88s, ME's, and FW-190s attacked for two hours. Flew too close to Rostock and its heavy intense flak on way home. Thirty minutes after the two hour attack ended, 60 miles off the Frisian Islands, FW-190s attacked the wing following the 41st wing. Low clouds forced the group up so that it came home apart from other groups.'
Primary Target Target: Aircraft Factories
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Anklam, Germany
Target Attacked (Mode) Primary (Visual)
Sortie/Aircraft Summary Completed Mission, not including spares - 17
Ditched - 1
Scrubbed - 1
Aborted - 2
Failed To Return - 1
Mission Personnel Mission Personnel Roster or Mission Loading Lists
Mission Documents Combat Mission Records and Plans obtained from the National Archives

Table is sorted by Pilot, and may be sorted by any column: click the column head.
Aircraft Pilot Results Mission/Sortie Information
41‑24529Willing, Mark SkinnerAborted Mission After Taking Off.Ground Spare Aircraft; replaced 42‑3216. Subsequently aborted, unable to locate formation after late takeoff.
41‑24557Sundlun, Bruce GeorgeCompleted MissionGroup deputy.
41‑24560Hurley, Joseph AnthonyCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑3037Ashcraft, Archie BertisCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑3051MacPhail, Philip RayCompleted MissionAircraft sustained severe battle damage, with 42 holes in critical positions. It did not fly again until December 13.
42‑3216[N/A]Scrubbed: Did Not Take OffReplaced by Ground Spare Aircraft 41-24529.
42‑3218Jones, William ArchCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑3441Armstrong, Lloyd RowlandCompleted MissionGroup lead.
42‑5086Wilson, William MonroeCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑5747Kopf, William EverettCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑29651Carpenter, Walter RichardCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑29703Robinson, Robert LawrenceCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑29712Calnon, Mark BrooksFailed To ReturnDisabled by enemy aircraft, crashed in Schleswig-Holstein; MACR 873.
42‑29717Sprague, Alfred LeeCompleted MissionLow Squadron lead.
42‑29809Bedsole, Joseph LinyerCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑29814Ingles, John ThomasFailed To Return: DitchedDamaged by enemy aircraft; ditched at 1341 hrs 50 mi. west of Danish coast, North Sea; MACR 872.
42‑29867Williams, Walter GordonCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑29927Kaczaraba, William (NMI)Completed Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑29987Price, William MerrimanCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑30005Harry, William RussellCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑30026Keller, Lawrence LarryAborted Mission After Taking Off.Turned back because #4 engine was rough; jettisoned bombs in safe condition in The Wash; landed away at Kingscliffe; #2 prop nicked by flak; piece of flak embedded in pilot's cushion; empty shell casing wedged in the cooling fins in #3 engine.
42‑30033Kelly, James HenryCompleted MissionHigh Squadron lead.