Mission # 148


Mission Date 28 June 1944
Eighth Air Force Operations Show Operations
384th Bomb Group Mission
384th BG Mission Number 148, Eighth AF Force Mission Number 445
Airfield Attacked
The 384th Bombardment Group (H) provided the high groups for the 41st A and B Combat Bombardment Wings on today's mission. The A group experienced traffic conflicts in the target area, and had to make a second bomb run, but the B group did not have this problem and bombed their assigned aim point on the first bomb run. On return to England, weather forced most crews to land at other bases.
Primary Target Target: Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Juvincourt (Juvincourt-et-Damary), France
Target Attacked (Mode) Primary (Visual)
Sortie/Aircraft Summary Completed Mission, not including spares - 25
Flying Spare, Completed Mission - 1
Ground Spare Aircraft, Unused - 3
Scrubbed - 1
Mission Personnel Mission Personnel Roster or Mission Loading Lists
Mission Documents Combat Mission Records and Plans obtained from the National Archives

Table is sorted by Pilot, and may be sorted by any column: click the column head.
Aircraft Pilot Results Mission/Sortie Information
42‑32106Peterson, Walter ThomasCompleted MissionLow Squadron lead, high group, 41st B wing. Landed away at Boxted, AAF Station 150, on return due to weather.
42‑37982Durdin, Larkin ClaytonCompleted MissionHigh group, 41st B wing. Landed away at Boxted, AAF Station 150, on return due to weather.
42‑38013[N/A]Ground Spare Aircraft, Unused 
42‑38208Shelley, John KeithCompleted MissionHigh group deputy, 41st A wing. Landed away at Wattisham, AAF Station 377, on return due to weather.
42‑97142Melsen, Howard CarlCompleted MissionHigh group, 41st A wing. Landed away at Rattlesden, AAF Station 126, on return due to weather.
42‑97204Pring, Robert BradfordSpare, Completed MissionFlying spare, high group, 41st A wing; joined formation. Landed away at Wattisham, AAF Station 377, on return due to weather.
42‑97251Rosborough, James EdwardCompleted MissionHigh group, 41st A wing. Landed away at Wattisham, AAF Station 377, on return due to weather.
42‑97263Mount, Dick WilsonCompleted MissionHigh Squadron deputy, high group, 41st A wing. Landed away at Wattisham, AAF Station 377, on return due to weather.
42‑97309Young, Daniel MonroeCompleted MissionHigh group, 41st B wing. Landed away at Boxted, AAF Station 150, on return due to weather.
42‑97320Thompson, Paul WaldronCompleted MissionHigh Squadron deputy, high group, 41st B wing. Landed away at Boxted, AAF Station 150, on return due to weather.
42‑97824Fairfield, William AdelbertCompleted MissionHigh group lead, 41st B wing. Landed away at Boxted, AAF Station 150, on return due to weather.
42‑97941[N/A]Lead Ground Spare Aircraft, Unused 
42‑97960Wright, James WileyCompleted MissionHigh group lead, 41st A wing. Landed away at Wattisham, AAF Station 377, on return due to weather.
42‑102430Heim, Gerard AnthonyCompleted MissionLow Squadron deputy, high group, 41st B wing. Landed away at Boxted, AAF Station 150, on return due to weather.
42‑102459[N/A]Ground Spare Aircraft, Unused 
42‑102501Rucker, David LeroyCompleted MissionLow Squadron lead, high group, 41st A wing. Landed away at Wattisham, AAF Station 377, on return due to weather.
42‑102518Pluhar, Emil EdwardCompleted MissionHigh group, 41st B wing. Landed away at Boxted, AAF Station 150, on return due to weather.
42‑102620Shearer, Wilbur LeeCompleted MissionLow Squadron deputy, high group, 41st A wing. Landed away at Wattisham, AAF Station 377, on return due to weather.
42‑102661Kelley, Robert EncilCompleted MissionHigh group deputy, 41st B wing. Landed away at Boxted, AAF Station 150, on return due to weather.
42‑102959Halasz, John JuliusCompleted MissionHigh Squadron lead, high group, 41st B wing. Landed away at Boxted, AAF Station 150, on return due to weather.
42‑107057Myrick, Kenneth DelayCompleted MissionHigh group, 41st A wing. Landed away at Lavenham, AAF Station 137, on return due to weather.
42‑107058Burkhard, James AlbertCompleted MissionGround Spare Aircraft; replaced 44‑6147. High group, 41st B wing. Landed away at Boxted, AAF Station 150, on return due to weather.
43‑37703Gottfried, Raymond NathanCompleted MissionFlying spare, high group, 41st B wing; joined formation. Landed away at Boxted, AAF Station 150, on return due to weather.
43‑37713Hayes, Edgar JeromeCompleted MissionHigh group, 41st A wing. Battle damage forced crew to jettison bombs before target. Only 546th BS aircraft to land at Grafton Underwood after the mission.
44‑6105Dudock, Edward PeterCompleted MissionHigh group, 41st A wing. Landed away at Wattisham, AAF Station 377, on return due to weather.
44‑6109Adams, William LowellCompleted MissionHigh group, 41st B wing. Landed away at Boxted, AAF Station 150, on return due to weather.
44‑6128Hale, Charles EugeneCompleted MissionHigh Squadron lead, high group, 41st A wing. Only 547th BS plane to land at Grafton Underwood after the mission.
44‑6141Strong, Bert FranklinCompleted MissionHigh group, 41st B wing. Landed away at Boxted, AAF Station 150, on return due to weather.
44‑6147[N/A]Scrubbed: Did Not Take OffReplaced by Ground Spare Aircraft 42‑107058.
44‑6149Bahten, John IrwinCompleted MissionHigh group, 41st A wing. Landed away at Wattisham, AAF Station 377, on return due to weather.