Mission # 117


Mission Date 28 May 1944
Eighth Air Force Operations Show Operations
384th Bomb Group Mission
384th BG Mission Number 117, Eighth AF Force Mission Number 376
Equipment and Smokescreen Problems
For the first mission of the day - identified as 'Regular Mission' in Group records - the 384th Bombardment Group (H) formed the High Group of the 41st Combat Bombardment Wing, the fourth of five wings comprising Air Task Force 1. Equipment problems on the bomb run on the primary target prevented the lead aircraft from releasing its bombs (the signal for the rest of the group to drop its bombs). After turning the lead over to the group deputy, the secondary target was found to be effectively obscured by a smoke screen, so the formation dropped their bombs on a target of opportunity (TOO), a factory complex about 10 miles east of Leipzig, Germany.
Primary Target Target: Junkers Aircraft Plant
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Dessau, Germany
Target Attacked (Mode) TOO (Visual)
Target: Factory Complex
Type: Industry
Location: Leipzig, Germany
Sortie/Aircraft Summary Completed Mission, not including spares - 20
Ground Spare Aircraft, Unused - 2
Mission Personnel Mission Personnel Roster or Mission Loading Lists
Mission Documents Combat Mission Records and Plans obtained from the National Archives
Other Mission Documents 28 May 1944, Group Lead, R. Thacker, P. Bennett

Table is sorted by Pilot, and may be sorted by any column: click the column head.
Aircraft Pilot Results Mission/Sortie Information
42‑3440Ungerman, Kenneth ArmisteadCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑31222Gibson, James AllenCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑37788[N/A]Ground Spare Aircraft, Unused 
42‑37792Hale, Charles EugeneCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑38014[N/A]Lead Ground Spare Aircraft, Unused 
42‑38208Pring, Robert BradfordCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑97072Bennett, Phillip NathanCompleted MissionGroup Lead. Aircraft experienced 'rack and AFCE problems' on initial bomb run, and was unable to drop bombs on the primary target. The air commander turned over the lead to his deputy for the (abortive) attack on the secondary target, and the actual attack on the TOO.
42‑97142Sullivan, James DominicCompleted MissionLow Squadron Deputy.
42‑97201Brown, Billie BarnardCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑97204Wortman, Marshall (NMI)Completed Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑97237Wright, James WileyCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑97251Meland, Ralph WendellCompleted MissionHigh Squadron Lead.
42‑97263Kelly, John ThomasCompleted MissionGroup Deputy. Assumed lead after equipment failures on the lead aircraft.
42‑97273June, Glenn JosephCompleted MissionLow Squadron Lead.
42‑97320Stevens, Raymond RobertCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑97367MacFarlane, Menzies JamesCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑102500Gowder, Charles FredCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑102501Rucker, David LeroyCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑102566Fitzgerald, Thomas HowardCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑102601Carey, Gates ChapmanCompleted MissionHigh Squadron Deputy.
42‑102620Malone, John JamesCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑102661Peck, Harland KennethCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT