B-17G 43-38850

Aircraft Details

Serial Number: 43-38850
Name: Not Known
Manufacturer: Built by the Boeing Airplane Company, B-17G-95-BO, Natural Metal Finish
Squadron: 544th Bombardment Squadron (H)
Squadron ID Code: 544th‑SU*D
Start Date: 8 December 1944. New Replacement AC.
Missions: This aircraft was credited with 14 combat missions with the 384th.
End Date: 22 January 1945. Failed to return from combat operations.
Related Documents:Missing Air Crew Report # 11994 (28.408 MB)
Photo Album: No Photo Album For This Aircraft

B-17G Aircraft 43-38850 Was Assigned To 15 Missions Manned by 384th BG Personnel,
Earning Combat Credit For 14 Of Them
Number Date Target Results Mission/Sortie Information
23811 December 1944Target: Road & Rail Bridge
Type: Transportation
Location: Mannheim, Germany
Completed Mission Sortie Report
23912 December 1944Target: Leuna Synthetic Oil Plant
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Merseburg, Germany
Landed In Allied TerritoryLast observed over France with many holes in his gas tank; presumably landed in allied territory; returned to base later.
Sortie Report
24018 December 1944Target: Road Junction
Type: Transportation
Location: Gemünd, Germany
Completed Mission Sortie Report
24119 December 1944Target: Railway Junction
Type: Transportation
Location: Glaadt, Germany
Scrubbed: Did Not Take OffDid not take off due to weather which deteriorated after lead aircraft took off.
Sortie Report
24223 December 1944Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Ehrang, Germany
Completed MissionLanded away at Framlingham due to weather.
Sortie Report
24427 December 1944Target: Bridge (Tactical)
Type: Transportation
Location: Altenahr, Germany
Completed MissionLow Squadron.
Sortie Report
24528 December 1944Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Brühl, Germany
Completed Mission Sortie Report
24630 December 1944Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Limburg, Germany
Completed Mission Sortie Report
2503 January 1945Target: Enemy Strong Point & Transportation Hub
Type: Military
Location: St Vith, Belgium
Completed MissionGroup deputy.
Sortie Report
2515 January 1945Target: Landing Ground
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Neiderbreisig, Germany
Completed Mission Sortie Report
2527 January 1945Target: Enemy Strong Point
Type: Military
Location: Blankenheim, Germany
Completed Mission Sortie Report
2538 January 1945Target: Railroad
Type: Transportation
Location: Kyllburg, Germany
Completed Mission Sortie Report
25410 January 1945Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Bonn, Germany
Completed MissionLead Squadron flying spare. Joined formation (low Squadron).
Sortie Report
25720 January 1945Target: Rail and Road Bridges
Type: Transportation
Location: Mannheim, Germany
Completed MissionLanded away at Ridgewell Airfield, AAF Station 167.
Sortie Report
25922 January 1945Target: Synthetic Oil Refinery
Type: Oil Industry
Location: Sterkrade, Germany
Failed To ReturnLead Squadron hot camera ship. Left formation five miles after target and was still tracked by flak; levelled off for a short time, but soon went into a nose dive with all four engines running and one wheel down; crashed near Deventer, The Netherlands. MACR 11994
Sortie Report