B-17G 42-97488

Aircraft Details

Serial Number: 42-97488
Name: Not Known
Manufacturer: Built by the Vega Aircraft Corporation, a subsidiary of Lockheed Corporation, B-17G-15-VE, Natural Metal Finish
Squadron: 547th Bombardment Squadron (H)
Squadron ID Code: 547th‑SO*D
Start Date: 19 February 1944. Transferred: Received from the 457th BG..
Missions: This aircraft was credited with 2 combat missions with the 384th.
End Date: 22 February 1944. Failed to return from combat operations.
Related Documents:Missing Air Crew Report # 2465 (16.916 MB)
Photo Album: No Photo Album For This Aircraft

B-17G Aircraft 42-97488 Was Assigned To 2 Missions Manned by 384th BG Personnel,
Earning Combat Credit For 2 Of Them
Number Date Target Results Mission/Sortie Information
6421 February 1944Target: Fighter Field & Aircraft Storage Depot
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Werl, Germany
Completed Mission Sortie Report
6522 February 1944Target: Aircraft Factory
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Halberstadt & Aschersleben, Germany
Failed To Return41B Group. Shot down in vigorous attacks by 10-15 Me-109s, between 1230 and 1300 hrs near Münster, Germany; crashed near Dortmund or Wesel, Germany. MACR 2465.
Sortie Report