B-17G 42-31801

Aircraft Details

Serial Number: 42-31801
Name: Not Known
Manufacturer: Built by the Boeing Airplane Company, B-17G-30-BO, Camouflage
Squadron: 305th Bombardment Group (H), 422nd Bombardment Squadron (H)
Squadron ID Code: JJ*R
Start Date: Not Known
Missions: This aircraft was credited with 4 combat missions with the 384th.
End Date: Not Known
Photo Album: No Photo Album For This Aircraft

B-17G Aircraft 42-31801 Was Assigned To 4 Missions Manned by 384th BG Personnel,
Earning Combat Credit For 4 Of Them
Number Date Target Results Mission/Sortie Information
1017 May 1944Target: Friedrichstrasse Railroad Station
Type: Transportation
Location: Berlin, Germany
Completed MissionWing deputy. PFF ship and unidentified crew members provided by 305th BG, Chelveston, AAF Station 105.
Sortie Report
10919 May 1944Target: Unidentified Industrial Area
Type: Industry
Location: Berlin, Germany
Completed MissionWing Deputy. PFF ship and unidentified crew members provided by the 305th BG, Chelveston AAF, AAF Station 105.
Sortie Report
11222 May 1944Target: Warehouse District in the Dock Area
Type: Transportation
Location: Kiel, Germany
Completed MissionWing Deputy. PFF aircraft and unidentified crew members provided by 305th BG, Chelveston, AAF Station 105.
Sortie Report
15511 July 1944Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Munich / München, Germany
Completed MissionWing deputy. PFF ship and unidentified crew members provided by the 305th BG, Chelveston, AAF Station 106.
Sortie Report