B-17F 42-29529

Aircraft Details

Serial Number: 42-29529
Name: NORA 2nd
Manufacturer: Built by the Boeing Airplane Company, B-17F-55-BO, Camouflage
Squadron: 545th Bombardment Squadron (H)
Squadron ID Code: 545th‑JD*U
Start Date: 6 November 1943. Transferred: Received from the 305th BG..
Missions: This aircraft was credited with 2 combat missions with the 384th.
End Date: 13 December 1943. Crashed: Crash-landed on base returning from combat mission with two engines out.
Photo Album: Aircraft 42-29529 Photo Album

B-17F Aircraft 42-29529 Was Assigned To 2 Missions Manned by 384th BG Personnel,
Earning Combat Credit For 2 Of Them
Number Date Target Results Mission/Sortie Information
3726 November 1943Target: City Center
Type: Non-Military
Location: Bremen, Germany
Completed Mission Sortie Report
4213 December 1943Target: Port Area
Type: Transportation
Location: Bremen, Germany
Completed MissionLow group. Crash landed in a field near the base due to low fuel. Two crewmembers injured, others safe.
Sortie Report