Home About Us Pre-WWII WWII 1960s Vietnam Era Borate Bombers War Birds art gallery
A. Jackson Jr. (12/09/15
- 01/21/91) was an avid, amateur photographer during his teenage years and
later during the war years. This keen interest included darkroom processing
and printing. Many of the Pre-World War II photos he took were also developed
and printed by him.
All pre-World War II photos were taken in 1931 at East Boston Airport.
World War II photos were taken in 1943 and 1944 in England and on missions over Nazi-occupied Europe. On his second mission, WAJ Jr survived the ditching of a B-17 in the English Channel. On his 23rd and last mission, he was severely wounded.
WAJ Jr is survived by his former first wife - Dorothy Jackson Tomlinson, second wife - Julie Jackson, and five children: Alan Case, Holly King, Beverly Smith, Mike Jackson, and Win Jackson (III).
Lt.Winthrop A. Jackson Jr's World War II experiences
A. Jackson III (10/14/50-11/10/04) inherited a love of airplanes from his father WAJ Jr early
in life. Assembling airplane models and taking pictures of real aircraft became
a passion. When he was a teenager, his father taught him how to develop photographic
film. Almost all of the 1960s photos were taken by
WAJ III when he was 14 or 15 years old.
WAJ III continued to take pictures (and movies or videos) of aircraft thru the years. With the exception of 10 photos, all the pictures in the Vietnam Era, the Borate Bombers section and War Birds section were taken by him.
WAJ III is survived by his wife of 23 years, CDR. Carolyn J. McCloskey Jackson, U.S. Public Health Service; son, Winthrop Alsop Jackson IV; daughter, Charissa Ellen Jackson; brothers, Alan M. Case and his wife, Marilyn; and Michael Q. Jackson and his wife, Delia; sisters, Harriett F. King and her husband, Raymond; and Beverley S. Smith; and many nephews and nieces.
Winthrop A. Jackson III's Vietnam War Experiences
Home About Us Pre-WWII WWII 1960s Vietnam Era Borate Bombers War Birds Art Gallery