Smith, Carlton Dale

Individual Personnel Data
Name Smith, Carlton Dale   
Rank Private / Sergeant
Serial Number 33677380   
Unit Assignments
  • Assigned to the 2001st Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon, per 2001st Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon Initial Overseas Roster, effective 13 October 1943.
  • Assigned to the 2023rd Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon, per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #60 dated 29 March 1944., effective 29 March 1944.
  • Assigned to the 415th Air Service Group, per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #82 EXTRACT dated 15 April 1945., effective 15 April 1945.
Duty Undetermined
MOS383 - Fire Fighter
Last Duty Date TBD
Results TBD
Additional Information
  • Date of Birth: 27 November 1917
  • Promoted to Private First Class on AAF Station 106 Special Orders #144 dated 15 November 1943.
  • Ordered to travel to Sudbury, Derbyshire, for two days for Supply Activities, on AAF Station 106 Special Orders #175 dated 26 December 1943.
  • Promoted to T-5 on AAF Station 106 Special Orders #94 dated 20 May 1944.
  • Reclassified from Military Occupation Specialty 345 to MOS 383 on AAF station 106 Special Orders #211 dated 25 October 1944.
  • Promoted to Sergeant on AAF Station 106 Special Orders #227 dated 16 November 1944.

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