Bonnette, Roland Hubert

Individual Personnel Data
Name Bonnette, Roland Hubert
Rank Captain
Serial Number O-261036
Unit Assignments
  • Transferred to the Adjutant, per 33rd Station Complement Squadron Initial Overseas Roster, effective 12 August 1943.
  • Assigned to the 415th Air Service Group, per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #82 EXTRACT, effective 15 April 1945.
Duty Commanding Officer
MOS2120 - Administrative Officer
Last Duty Date TBD
Results TBD
Additional Information
  • Date of Birth: 1 September 1909
  • Assigned as the 33rd Station Complement Squadron Adjutant.
  • Appointed as a Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for A.H. Miller, MAJ, FD, for the purpose of paying all enlisted payrolls for 33rd Station Complement Squadron this station for month of August 1943 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #78 dated 22 August 1943.
  • Appointed as a Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for GEORGE A. BRINGMAN, O-401989, CAPT, FD, for the purpose of paying all enlisted payrolls for Headquarters Detachment, 33rd Station Complement Squadron this station for the month of September 1943 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #100 dated 20 September 1943.
  • Detailed as Station Transportation Officer (Primary) per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #106 dated 28 September 1943.
  • Detailed as Station Damage Officer (Primary) per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #111 dated 5 October 1943.
  • Detailed as Commanding Officer of the 33rd Station Complement Squadron per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #185 dated 19 September 1944.
  • Appointed as a member of a Special Courts Martial per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #185 dated 19 September 1944.
  • Detailed Station Transportation Officer (Primary) vice CAPTAIN ROLAND H.BONNETTE relieved (Primary) per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #204 dated 15 October 1944.
  • Appointed Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer to pay the enlisted payroll of the 33rd Station Complement Squadron for the month of November 1944 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #230 dated 21 November 1944.
  • Appointed as a member of a Special Court-Martial. All previous Court-Martial board appointments of SSO #200, 9 October 1944 and SSO #226, 25 November1944 are revoked per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #244 dated 12 December 1944.
  • Appointed Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer to pay the enlisted payroll of the 33rd Station Complement Squadron for the month of December 1944 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #252 dated 21 December 1944.
  • Appointed Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer to pay the enlisted payroll of the 33rd Station Complement Squadron for the month of January 1945 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #17 dated 20 January 1945.
  • Designated Station Ground Safety Officer (additional) vice CAPTAIN EDGAR C. CAMPBELL, relieved (additional) per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #33 dated 10 February 1945.
  • Appointed Class 'A' Finance Officer for T.C. HAWKINS, CAPTAIN, FD for the purpose of paying all enlisted payrolls of the 33rd Station complement squadron this station the month of February 1945 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #43 dated 22 February 1945.
  • Appointed Class 'A' Finance Officer for Edgar E. Jackson, MAJOR, FD for the purpose of paying all supplementary enlisted payrolls of 33rd Station Complement Squadron this station for the month of February 1945 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #53 dated 7 March 1945.
  • Appointed Class 'A' Finance Officer for NORMAN JOHNSON, MAJOR, FD for the purpose of paying all supplementary enlisted payrolls of the 33rd Station Complement Squadron this station for the month of March 1945 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #61 dated 19 March 1945. SSO #61 amended to read Edgar E. Johnson, Major, FD vice NORMAN JOHNSON, MAJOR, FD per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #62 dated 21 March 1945.
  • Appointed Class 'A' Agent Finance Officer for the purpose of paying all enlisted payrolls for 33rd Station Complement Squadron this station for the month of April 1945 per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #85 dated 19 April 1945.

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