11 photos
7532 photos in 828 sub-albums
During WWII, the Army photographed nearly everything, leaving a rich record that illustrates the history of the 384th.
Welcome to the 384th Bombardment Group (Heavy) Photo Gallery. This gallery makes available the photographic and documentary portion of the 384th BG record. All content on this gallery is visible to all visitors. Those wishing to enter a comment or contribute images will need to register and log in (links at left of Home page). Please register for an account when you need access beyond viewing gallery content. For additional information about the 384th BG, visit the 384th Bomb Group website⇗.
Guidance on contributing images can be obtained by downloading this PDF document: Upload Instructions⇓
11 photos
7532 photos in 828 sub-albums
During WWII, the Army photographed nearly everything, leaving a rich record that illustrates the history of the 384th.
7280 photos in 362 sub-albums
Although the 384th's main job was completed in 1945, military activities continued until 1946. Then in the late 1960's a 384th Veterans Organization was formed to carry on the memory of the Group.
1 photo
139420 photos in 1810 sub-albums
This area of the photo gallery contains images of 384th documents, which are provided to assist researchers and give insight into wartime operations.
1 photo
102 photos in 33 sub-albums
Examples of Leather A2 Jacket Art from the 384th Bomb Group
1 photo
1667 photos in 82 sub-albums
Albums appearing here have been automatically created during the user registration process.
6 photos
3544 photos in 67 sub-albums
This is a temporary work area. Images uploaded here will be documented by research staff and moved to appropriate locations throughout the gallery to help tell the story of the 384th.