Frink, Horace (Crew 79)
Original crew, assigned to 42-5838, "Mad Money II"
Pictured in the back row, L-R: LT Horace Frink (P), LT Clyde P. Carlson (B), LT Lester O.
Hegstad (N), LT Leon Fields (CP).
Front row, L-R: SSGT Archie Rutherford (TG), SSGT Roy W. Griffith (RO), SSGT William C. Ralston (E), SSGT William
A. Shelton (ASST RO), SSGT Clyde A. Savage (ASST E), SSGT Julius F. McNutt (G). Photo courtesy of Lester Hegstad.
September 27, 1943. Lead crew to Emden, Germany. (aircraft is 42-5852, "The Natural").
Pictured in the back row, L-R: LT Leon Fields (CP), LT Horace Frink (P),
COL Julius Lacey (Group Commander), LT Lester O.Hegstad (N), LT Clyde P. Carlson (B).
Front row, L-R: SSGT Clyde A. Savage (ASST E),SSGT William A. Shelton (ASST RO), SSGT William C. Ralston (E),SSGT Archie Rutherford (TG),
SSGT Julius F. McNutt (G)SSGT Roy W. Griffith (RO). Photo courtesy of Lester Hegstad.
Crew 79, October 4, 1943. Lead crew to Frankfurt, Germany. (aircraft is 42-5838, Mad Money II).
Pictured in the back row, L-R: LT Clyde P. Carlson (B), LT Horace Frink (P), CAPT Dillingham (Squadron Commander), LT Lester O.
Hegstad (N), LT Leon Fields (CP).
Front row, L-R: SSGT Clyde A. Savage (ASST E), SSGT Archie Rutherford (TG), SSGT William C. Ralston (E), SSGT William
A. Shelton (ASST RO), SSGT Roy W. Griffith (RO), SSGT Julius F. McNutt (G). Photo courtesy of Lester Hegstad.
Crew 79, October 10, 1943. Lead crew to Munster, Germany. (aircraft is 42-5838, Mad Money II).
Pictured in the back row, L-R: LT Horace Frink (P), Group
Navigator MAJ James R. Martin-Veque, LT Leon Fields (CP), MAJ Tom Beckett (Squadron Commander), LT Clyde P. Carlson (B),LT Lester O.
Hegstad (N).
Front row, L-R: SSGT William C. Ralston (E), SSGT Clyde A. Savage (ASST E), SSGT Roy W. Griffith (RO), SSGT Julius F. McNutt (G),SSGT Archie Rutherford (TG).
Photo courtesy of Lester Hegstad.
Crew 79, November 16, 1943. Lead crew for 1st Air Division to Knaben, Norway. (aircraft is 42-5838, Mad Money II).
Pictured in the back row, L-R: 384th Group Commander COL Julius Lacey, MAJ Horace (Ev) Frink (P), Group
Navigator MAJ James R. Martin-Veque, Clyde Carlson (B), Lester Hegstad (N).
Front row: Unidentified. Photo courtesy of Lester Hegstad.
Mad Money II (SO*P), January 4, 1944. Photo courtesy of Joe Baggs.