Crowe, Clifford H, Jr

Individual Personnel Data
Name Crowe, Clifford H, Jr
Rank First Lieutenant / Major
Serial Number O-447673
Unit Assignments
  • Assigned to the 384th Bombardment Group Headquarters Detachment, per Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho, Special Orders dated 28 December 1942, effective 28 December 1942.
  • Transferred to a non-384th unit, per Headquarters Detachment, 384th Bomb Group Morning Report dated 24 November 1943 - 92nd Combat Bomb Wing, Polebrook, effective 23 November 1943.
Duty Adjutant
Last Duty Date 23 November 1943
Results Transferred
Additional Information
  • Assigned as the Group Adjutant per the HQ Detachment, 384th Bomb Group Initial Overseas Roster.
  • Promoted to Captain effective 12 April 1943 per Headquarters Detachment, 384th Bomb Group Morning Report dated 12 April 1943.
  • Detailed as Station S-1 Officer (Primary) per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #26 dated 5 June 1943.
  • Detailed as a member of the PX Council per AAF Station Special Orders #48 dated 13 July 1943. Clifford Crowe's name was replaced by 2LT William E. Atkinson per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #111 dated 5 October 1943.
  • Appointed as a member of a Flying Evaluation Board, to meet at the call of the President to act on such cases as might be referred to it by these headquarters (384th Bombardment Group) per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #101 dated 21 September 1943.
  • Relieved from assignment as Assistant Station S-1 officer (Primary) and detailed as Station Adjutant vice WILLIAM D. SMITH, O-278570, MAJ, AD, relieved, per AAF Station 106 Special Orders #107 dated 1 October 1943.

Missions, Aircraft, Crews
This individual was credited with 1 Combat Mission.
Number Date Target Position Aircraft Mission/Sortie Information
22 7 September 1943 Target: Bruxelles-Evere Airfield/Repair Depot
Type: Aircraft Industry
Location: Brussels / Bruxelles, Belgium
Observer 42‑29768 Aborted Mission After Taking Off
Difficulty controlling #4 engine and prop caused Butler to abort, after assembling his section.
Sortie Report
23 9 September 1943 Target: Airfield
Type: German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Location: Lille-Vendeville, France
Observer 42‑29935 Combat Mission Credit
Sortie Report

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