Mission # 247


Mission Date 31 December 1944
Eighth Air Force Operations Operations description not yet available.
384th Bomb Group Mission
384th BG Mission Number 247, Eighth AF Force Mission Number 772
Railroad Target Attacked
The 384th Bombardment Group (H) led the 1st Air Division on todays mission. All three squadrons of the 384th Bomb Group formation - 41st Combat Wing B Group - attacked the marshalling yards in Neuss, Germany. Although the weather at the IP was fairly clear, 'Buckeye-Red' advised 10/10ths cloud cover at the target, thus necessitating an instrument assisted bomb run using Gee-H.
Primary Target Target: Railroad Marshalling Yards
Type: Transportation
Location: Neuss, Germany
Target Attacked (Mode) Primary (Gee-H)
Sortie/Aircraft Summary Completed Mission, not including spares - 36
Flying Spare, Completed Mission - 3
Ground Spare Aircraft, Unused - 3
Aborted - 2
Mission Personnel Mission Personnel Roster or Mission Loading Lists
Mission Documents Combat Mission Records and Plans obtained from the National Archives

Table is sorted by Pilot, and may be sorted by any column: click the column head.
Aircraft Pilot Results Mission/Sortie Information
42‑32106Kramer, William LeoCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑37788Farnsworth, Reuben JosephCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑37822Van Pelt, Charles AAborted Mission After Taking Off.Turned back; took off late, unable to find formation.
42‑38014Ramsay, Walter ECompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑97251Cook, Raymond DSpare, Completed MissionHigh Squadron flying spare; joined formation.
42‑97271MacDonald, Ranald HughSpare, Completed MissionLead Squadron flying spare; joined formation.
42‑97309Boyette, Irving HCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑97320Galiano, Joe VincentCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑97592Smith, Jack MCompleted MissionLow Squadron lead. PFF ship.
42‑97960Jackson, Oakley HomerCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑97986McLean, William SCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑98000Milligan, George RobertCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑102430Hoppen, Jack StewartCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑102459[N/A]Ground Spare Aircraft, Unused 
42‑102500Smisek, William JosephSpare, Completed MissionLow Squadron flying spare; joined formation.
42‑102518Hollingsworth, Fredrick ClayCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
42‑102620Birder, Rodney HughAborted Mission After Taking Off.Turned back; took off late, unable to find formation.
42‑102661McKone, Joseph FrancisCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
43‑37703Wyatt, William GlennCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
43‑37717Holmes, George WCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
43‑37917Baughman, John RCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
43‑38016Ellis, Harold RichardCompleted MissionHigh Squadron lead. Gee-H ship. Led high Squadron on a normal Gee-H bombing run.
43‑38062DeFrancesco, John JosephCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
43‑38262[Non-384th Pilot]Completed MissionGee-H equipped aircraft. Loaned to the 398th BG for today's mission. Manned by 398th personnel, except as noted on the Sortie Report. It was seriously damaged by fire when it landed at Grafton Underwood after the ferry flight from Nuthampstead Airfield after the mission.
43‑38501Tatulis, Charles PaulCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
43‑38548Richardson, George PCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
43‑38630Bennett, Ralph JCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
43‑38673Doran, William ElmerCompleted MissionDivision deputy.
43‑38678Kinkead, Robert MillerCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
43‑38721[N/A]Ground Spare Aircraft, Unused 
43‑38752Belsinger, Harry FlairCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
43‑38757Hicks, Ralph BenjaminCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
43‑38766Gregg, William GCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
43‑38800Rowe, George BCompleted MissionLow Squadron deputy.
43‑38823Touton, William FrankCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
43‑38994Festersen, John CarlCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
44‑6109Miley, Harold LCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
44‑6476Johnson, Donald ErnestCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
44‑6514Molder, Charles RichardCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
44‑6592Abbott, William HCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT
44‑8216[Non-384th Pilot]Completed MissionGee-H equipped aircraft. Loaned to the 381st BG for today's mission. Manned by 381st personnel, except as noted on the Sortie Report.
44‑8221Gilmore, James RobsonCompleted MissionDivision lead. PFF & Gee-H ship. Led a normal Gee-H bombing run with the low Squadron releasing on the lead.
44‑8401[N/A]Ground Spare Aircraft, Unused 
44‑8430Worthen, Kirk WinthropCompleted Mission SORTIE REPORT